
HCS Space Navy announce cuts

The HCS Space Navy have announced how it will handle its share of the HCS cuts though its share is the smallest. Despite that the reduction in ship orders is larger than some people were expecting. This is in order to not cut the number of planned upgrades.
  • Cosmos CG order cut by 5 meaning the eventual Cosmos CS/CG fleet will be 30 ships.
  • 6 Cosmos CA will not be rebuilt to CK standard and will be retired by the end of this decade.
  • Shark SKB order has been reduced by 10 meaning the Shark fleet will eventually be 65 ships. However funding will be put into a Shark SKC second-generation design which may enter production by 2120.
  • Final 4 Intruder IN landing ships canceled. Work was about to begin on the final 4 but it has been decided the existing fleet (of 40) is large enough.
  • Whilst new build will continue of the Freighter TYA, the rate will slow. Instead selected ships will be rebuilt to extend their lives.
  • Nerval TYB transport fleet will be retained in service now beyond 2120 instead of the gradual withdrawal that has taken place. Selected ships will be refurbished. This will save money on new transports.
  • In turn the final 2 Loader TYC transports on order have been canceled though 2 ships under construction will be completed (and will replace Nervals).
  • Final 2 Megalift TYZ supertransports canceled, 1 more will be built only. The need for these ships has been reduced by changes to the HCSN in any case.
  • The Sprite-NG UCV will be postponed until 2114 though development work will continue. It had been expected to enter service early next year.
  • Fleet deployments will be reduced by 10% and deployments will be "downsized" to reduce the running costs of the fleet by "at least" 13%.