
Second wave of suicide bombings on Dino-Land

Earlier today a Meltinan decloaked in orbit over Dino-Land and teleported to the surface 12 suicide bombers. The Meltinan was detected and destroyed but was able to carry out its mission. Twelve military and government targets on the planets were struck by the slave soldiers laden with explosives.

Since the first wave of attacks however security on the planet has been massively tightened and in 7 of the attacks the bombers were gunned down before they could reach their targets (their bombs still detonated but did not cause the intended damage). The other attacks were successful however, in one case Legate Vexson the military governor of Central District was killed when his dacha was attacked outside Dino-Town. A major electricity substation outside the capital was also badly damaged causing power cuts in parts of the. city for some hours. Total Dino casualties is numbered at 142.

The Dinos are looking into fitting a teleport scrambling field over the capital and major military bases which would stop the suicide bombers being beamed in. It is thought the Dinos will leave a secret frequency open to allow Dino transports and change the frequency every hour.