
DDS reeling from ABBO attacks

The DDS is said to be in a state of shock following the 7 raids on TPM facilities by the ABBOs earlier today that left the TPM production machine of the DDS in tatters and 7 ships destroyed. The scale of the attacks are beyond anything the DDS have ever faced before. "The Clones and Utrek may have attacked us in major raids but the raids were on their own, 7 large simulataneous raids just beggers belief." an unnamed senior DDS officer is reported to have said. "Many DDS are now wondering, just how big is the ABBO threat? Can they be defeated?"

Action Painting has agreed that today was the day the ABBO threat got "real". "I guess until now, even with the invasion of Malau, the ABBOs were a conventional threat but after today... well we've never seen anything like this before. The ABBOs deployed over 350 ships in these attacks... and these ships are separate to the 200 off they currently have at Malau."

It is rumoured the DDS are now looking at how the Rectoids nearly destroyed the ABBOs some years ago. Although the regenerated ABBOs no doubt have countered how the Rectoids seized control of their networks and caused mass suicides (including one memorable incident where a 500 ship ABBO fleet flew into a star) there may be hints as to how the DDS can develop new weapons and strategies to defeat this relentless foe.