
HCSN announce follow-on aircraft carrier

With CNS Cloneworld now in service the HCS Navy have announced that by the end of the decade they will have in service the first of at least 2 much larger carriers. The new carriers (as yet unnamed) will be over twice the size of the Cloneworld class and weigh in at about 50,000 tons. They will be equipped with around 40 aircraft, a mixture of F-45K and A-85NTK is envisaged though a future supersonic strike attack aircraft is also being considered. 10-12 SH-26 helicopters will also be carried.

These future carriers will be the flagships of the fleet relegating the Cloneworlds to the supporting role. The HCSN envisage that a carrier battle group in the 2120s will contain 2 carriers (1 each of the new class and a Cloneworld) plus escorts. The second Cloneworld carrier is now in sea trials. A similar ship for the Austini 55 navy is currently under construction.

In other HCSN news a 5th Seawolf class submarine has been ordered.