
DDS solidly behind war plans

Recent criticism by UNP politicians of the current lull in activity by the DDS has been slammed by The Orchid. The DDS has been criticised for not fighting back against the ABBOs when they invaded Malau but The Orchid has said the DDS has had to enter a holding action until they can perfect shield and other upgrades to counter the ABBO ramming tactic.

"The ABBOs don't care about their losses. If we face them in a full-on fleet battle they will sacrifice as many ships as it takes to wipe out our fleet then the ABBOs will be free to conquer the UNP." she said. "DDS Research and Engineering are working around the clock to prepare our combat fleet to negate the ABBO ramming tactics. They have made solid progress but it will take a little more time."

Various DDS officers have supported The Orchid saying that UNP critics did not understand war or space combat.
A DDS officer yesterday