
DDS attack ABBO at Malau

The DDS have launched a counterattack against the ABBO fleet at Malau, however the attack was planned more as a raid to try and destroy as many ABBO ships as possible rather than expelling the ABBOs from DDS territory. The problem for the DDS is still the ramming tactics of the ABBOs thus The Orchid ordered her ships to not engage close up with the enemy.

The battle started when two squadrons of Ferrets, bought in close to the ABBO lines under the cloak of a manned ship, attacked the ABBOs. Simultaneously the DDS fleet launched 16 MRMs into the ABBO fleet and then fired TPMs in a couple of hit and run attacks before withdrawing. 75 ABBO ships were destroyed, only one DDS ship sustained damage and that was moderate. 32 Ferrets were destroyed however.

The DDS tactic now seems to be to try and keep the ABBOs on the back foot while a defence for the ramming tactics is developed and then the DDS can try and dislodge the ABBOs from their space. Key to this will be to prevent the Malau fleet being reinforced.