
ABBO concentrating forces

The ABBOs have recalled several patrol groups operating from their bridgehead at Malau and appear to be preparing for a major operation. With the convoy Windscorpion attacked now just 3 days away with those forces the ABBOs will have nearly 500 ships in DDS space.

The DDS are also concentrating forces with much of the battle fleet now stationed at Liberation. The DDS do not expect the ABBOs to make a move for awhile though as long-range scans indicate the ABBOs have restricted refuelling and maintenance facilities (it is thought the lost troop ships have this as a secondary function) and it will take them some time to get their huge fleet ready.

It is thought the DDS have ruled out a pre-emptive strike as work still needs to be done to protect the fleet from suicide attacks. Some shield and CIWS upgrades are expected to be rolled out to some ship classes by the weekend.