
HCS attack the Xenon

The Clones have announced that they have sent a fleet into Xenon space and finally extracted revenge on the 7 Sa Sao faction who caused them a serious defeat some time ago. The Xenon homeworld became known to the Clones who then sent a powerful fleet including the Kelsan KS bomber on its first combat deployment.

The Xenon are the weakest 7SS faction, relying on trickery and secrecy to punch well above their weight. Thus the discovery of their homeworld to the Clones was a key tactical disadvantage to them, but very tight HCS security meant the Xenon did not know until the attack already had begun. The HCS fleet devastated the Xenon fleet near their homeworld and several orbital facilities. The Kelsan bombers then made an attack run on the planet and attacked the largest settlement on the planet (assumed to be the capital) using space to ground missiles. No nuclear warheads were used however though extensive damage was caused to several buildings including a huge ziggurat.

HCS losses have not yet been reported though 14 Xenon ships are thought to have been destroyed. This represents nearly 2/3 of their entire estimated fleet which means the Xenon will be out of action for some time to come. Deputy Emperor Sleeze, who commanded the attack, told the Clones via a videolink that the war between the Clones and Xenon was now over. "The Xenon have been shown the error of their ways. They should now keep away from us else they want more punishment. Oojok is most great!"