
Bolitic seeking new allies?

With the Vosun now against them (and with hardly any military power left anyway), the Utrek otherwise engaged and the ABBOs now busy with the DDS the Bolitic are looking around for new allies with which to help them continue their fight with the Dinos. Much of the Bolitic fleet has been lost, especially in front line units, and the cream of their slave armies either dead or already deployed to Pulsin. In order to continue the war the Bolitic need some new friends.

Telvin 802 has been approached, the traditional enemies of the Aritans are understood to have been promised New Arit after the ABBOs destroyed the DDS in return for providing ships and troops to the Bolitic however they turned them down. They are in the middle of a rearmament programme but much of their military is still outdated and they are choosing to stay out of any fights for now (and likely until the next decade). The IKA Federation did not reply to Bolitic calls, they also are content to wait and see.

The Zone pirates operating in space near the Rim Worlds however are another matter. They are interested only in gold and it is thought Bolitic agents are trying to hire as many pirate ships and their crews as possible. Whether there will be any real benefit to the Bolitic is another matter but Dino forces near Xi are understood to have been put on a higher alert for Zone activity.