
Dinos ask Bolitic to surrender

Consul Cruggson has called on the Bolitic on Pulsin to surrender, saying that continuing the war would be a waste of time as Dino victory was assured. He made the remarks while visiting the front line on Pulsin. He said that the Bolitic bridgehead was doomed, without supplies they would be worn down by the Dinos over the next few weeks.

Thus he called on the Bolitic to surrender saying the Bolitic had fought well but wasting their lives would be pointless. Of course the Bolitic will not surrender but maybe Cruggson is hoping the Bolitic troops stage an attack knowing full well it would hasten the demise of their own position.

ABBO concentrating forces

The ABBOs have recalled several patrol groups operating from their bridgehead at Malau and appear to be preparing for a major operation. With the convoy Windscorpion attacked now just 3 days away with those forces the ABBOs will have nearly 500 ships in DDS space.

The DDS are also concentrating forces with much of the battle fleet now stationed at Liberation. The DDS do not expect the ABBOs to make a move for awhile though as long-range scans indicate the ABBOs have restricted refuelling and maintenance facilities (it is thought the lost troop ships have this as a secondary function) and it will take them some time to get their huge fleet ready.

It is thought the DDS have ruled out a pre-emptive strike as work still needs to be done to protect the fleet from suicide attacks. Some shield and CIWS upgrades are expected to be rolled out to some ship classes by the weekend.

Tiamon TM2 to be Triumph 66A class

The first of 2 Tiamon TM2 assault carriers has begun construction for the DDS by the Clones. The DDS have announced that the ships will be the Triumph 66A class and will be named Triumph and Tireless. As with the Pangaea ships the Clones will deliver a near completed ship which will then be fitted out with sensitive equipment such as TPM launchers. A DDS engine has yet to be defined, the HS-740 as used in the Pangaea is not suitable for the Tiamon so Clone engines may be used instead.

A group of DDSAF pilots have begun training for operation from the carriers which can enter high atmosphere to launch (and receive) combat aircraft. It is likely the Triumphs will operate F-10SEP and MQ-5Bs. The first Triumph is expected to be delivered early next year and be ready for service by next Summer.


Dinos begin studies into NG replacement

With the Dinomark NG fast becoming an endangered species the Dinos have begun studies into a new long-range scout. The project is currently known as the "NX" though will likely have a different code if it enters production. Like the NG the new Dinomark will be a larger ship capable of independent operation a long way from home.

The new type will have a much more powerful armament compared to the NG which has been criticised for having a somewhat "anaemic" combat suite. It is unlikely any new ship will be ready for service before 2113 or 2114.

HCS fleet news (30/08/10)

The first 2 Shark SKH frigates have joined the HCS Space Navy, these are the first of the second production batch of the Shark and the first in the SKH model which will also act as the new minesweepers for the HCS.

Another Molentic Tuul M conversion has been completed leaving just 6 of the original MTA model left. A 4th Nybble NL UCV has joined the fleet also.

Two new Type A transports have joined the fleet though an older A has also been withdrawn. A new Type J oiler has also joined the fleet.

DDS to build fast fleet tankers?

The current Extender 73A oiler fleet is one of the most vital and hard-working parts of the fleet though their only drawback is a serious one. Only able to travel at 500c they are unable to keep up with fast fleet deployments. The DDS has looked at increasing this speed but even if the much strengthened SUP-AM backbone was used as in the Missileer 21B then the top speed would still be (at 725c) much less than ships like the Panther 35A are capable of.

Instead the DDS are to use the Velocity-N platform to produce a small fleet of fast fleet tankers able to cruise at over 900c. The as-yet unnamed Type 74A tanker will be a lot smaller than the Extender though will be able to supply small fast fleet deployments. Design is now underway and the first examples are expected to be ready within 12 months. The DDS will make a decision as to whether to proceed to build the new type following a specification evaluation within the next few weeks.

DDS attack ABBO convoy

A small DDS force commanded by Windscorpion has attacked an ABBO convoy just 2 days before it reached Malau with thousands of troops and supplies. The force consisted of 4 Panther destroyers plus a Rome corvette acting as a scout. They attacked the convoy focussing on the troop ships in the convoy's centre. The first phase of the attack was a concentrated attack but soon the ABBOs recovered and attempted suicide tactics, one Panther is thought to have acted as a point defence ship protecting the other three.

However as the ABBO counterattack grew too much for the DDS to withstand Windy switched tactics to allow all 4 Panthers to operate independently using their superior speed to avoid being hit. All ships did sustain damage though and when one Panther lost main power Windy ordered a withdrawal. Although there were some crew fatalities no ships were lost.

The ABBOs are estimated to have lost 42 warships however plus most of their troop ships. Windy's aim was to prevent them being able to invade another DDS planet in the short term and his objective was achieved. The ships are now returning to Liberation.


Dinos take third hill, claim victory over the Bolitic

The Dinos have taken the third hill overlooking the Bolitic bridgehead and have proclaimed victory over their enemies. MBH said the war on Pulsin was drawing to a close. That may be slightly premature but unless the Bolitic do get reinforcements and new supplies pretty soon then they will find it hard to continue the fight.

The 2nd Legion has now arrived on Pulsin and it includes some of the best armoured units in the Dino Army. It is suspected that the Dinos will launch a major offensive and try and finish off the bridgehead next month.


DDS deploy troops to Delta 9 and Saeou 6

In a secret operation carried out over the last couple of days the DDS have landed troops to Delta 9 and Saeou 6, the two planets closest to Malau where the ABBOs have their foothold. With Dino help (who provided 2 Provider-EDAs and 3 Dinomark MXs) the DDS deployed elements of the 1st Division of the New DDS Army to the two planets (thought to be 2 brigades each). Much of the rest of the army is on Liberation.

The DDS have also improved defenses at their bases on the 2 planets and evacuated civilians from the capitals to smaller towns across the planets. F-10S and Ferret-G squadrons have also been deployed.

Dinos consider tighter alliance with DDS

Consul Jimmy has told Liberal Party supporters that following the war it may be time for the Dino Republic and DDS to look into ways to work closer together and increase co-operation in areas of mutual interest. Jimmy however ruled out the Dinos joining the DDS as a Tier 1 ally.

It is not known if the DDS share this interest in a closer alliance though it is likely that after the war (should the allies win of course) both superpowers will be greatly weakened and will need to work together to combat threats such as the strengthening Clone Star Empire.

Warhammer begins modifications for SeaGale tests

The singleton SSB in the HCS Navy CNSS Warhammer has returned to dock following a short patrol deployment to begin modifications for the SeaGale development programme starting next year. Warhammer will be able to carry up to 3 of the SLBMs currently in development from the new Gale-III ICBM. A land based test of SeaGale has already taken place with a tethered underwater test planned for the next few months.

Its thought the first submarine launched test will be from the surface with a number of submerged tests taking place over the next couple of years. When SeaGale is declared operational Warhammer will revert to be part of the normal submarine fleet and back-up the forthcoming fleet of SSBNs.

Dinos capture second hill

Following a day and night of heavy fighting the DDS have captured the second of three hills overlooking the north of the Bolitic bridgehead on Pulsin. The Dinos have already set up an artillery spotting position on the recaptured hill and have begun a sustained bombardment using gun and rocket artillery on Bolitic positions. It is reported that 97% of the Dino Army's entire artillery force is now pounding the Bolitic night and day.

Ferrets and K-18s have also been attacking the Bolitic. Three Ferrets were lost though Bolitic AA fire is said to be lessening. It is thought Bolitic ammunition is starting to run low.

New ABBO fleet approaching?

The Dinos are reporting a new ABBO fleet, presumably containing extra troops, is approaching the DDS and may be re-inforcing the ABBO bridgehead at Malau by next week. After the ABBOs invaded Malau the DDS successfully destroyed most of their troopships preventing the ABBOs from advancing through DDS South.

However it is thought that a large number of troop ships and thousands of ABBOs are in this new fleet. If they manage to reach Malau (its not known if the DDS plan to attack or not) then they will be able to invade more DDS planets. A Dino commercial transport is thought to have detected the ABBO fleet near Orratai.


Passion On A Plate
The Panthers kick ass.

Dino offensive continues

The Dinos have launched a sustained air assault on Bolitic positions near the 3 hills they are trying to seize in the Bolitic bridgehead. The attack has seen the combat debut of the Ferret-G in Dino service. Although the Dinos helped developed the UCV with the DDS they have not used it in combat until now. Around 30 attacked the Bolitic lines with air-to-ground missiles.

A follow-up was made by Dinomark XTs and K-18s. The Dinos attempted to storm one of the hills but had to pull-back under heavy fire. 6 Ferrets and 2 K-18s are reported lost by the Dinos.


Clones test production standard NSV

The Clones have begun testing the production standard Nuclear Space Vehicle, the business end of the Clone Space Missile system. The NSV, derived from the Nybble, is a 350c capable unmanned space craft that can carry a variety of warheads. It has a range of just over 10 light years and is said to have multiple cloaking devices and carry sophisticated navigation equipment.

The full test of CSM involving the production standard booster, NSV and a live nuclear warhead to strike a target is slated for later in the year. CSM will, if the test is successful, be declared "Operational Stage A" and a small number hardwired to attack Proxima 7* will be deployed to Gale silos on Cloneworld.

* Officially the target of the first batch of CSMs has not been released but it is widely assumed to be DDS GHQ.

DDSAF receive first A-84s and order A-85s

Twenty ex-HCSAF A-84s have arrived on Liberation for preparation before they join the DDSAF later this year. The Clones carried out a minor refurbishment of the attack aircraft but now they will be localised for the DDS, have their communications and datalinking systems updated to work with the DDS networks and also receive improved IR sensors. It is hoped that DDSAF pilots can begin training on the aircraft by October. 100 A-84s are eventually to join the DDS' air force.

Interestingly the DDSAF have also ordered 50 A-85 COIN aircraft from the HCS Reserve. These will be also refurbished and then localised but as they are simpler aircraft they could be in service in a couple of months.

Dinos launch offensive on Pulsin

Elements of the 11th and 16th Legions, recently arrived on Pulsin to replace other units, have begun a large offensive against the Bolitic bridgehead. The aim of the Dinos appears to be to seize 3 hills overlooking the northern part of the bridgehead. The Bolitic are well-dug in though and the Dinos are reporting progress but also "significant casualties". A Dinomark XT and 9 K-18s have been shot down in the fighting also.

It has been reported that 1 hill has been taken but the other 2 remain in Bolitic hands. Fighting is raging on into the night.


Vegans offer to help DDS

Thousands of Vegan warriors have offered to fight for the DDS against the ABBOs. The warriors from the lawless planet of Vega said they wish to follow in the footsteps of early DDS hero The Hitman who was of course a Vegan. Unfortunately Windscorpion loathed The Hitman and so it is not thought likely he would welcome thousands of his brethren joining the New DDS Army.

However the DDS may welcome some battle hardened troops to bolster its very green army. As yet the DDS have made no official reply.

Bolitic attack Dino nuclear power station

Bolitic special forces have attempted to take over (and presumably destroy) a nuclear power station on Dino-Land near to Baeou. Security has been increased at power stations and other strategic positions though the Bolitic were almost successful in firing a missile into the main reactor building. SS troops pinned down the Bolitic who were later wiped out by a SS-D force called in. All 16 Bolitic were killed, 5 Dinos were also killed.

There was no damage caused to the reactor building though some external service buildings were hit by gunfire. There was no radiation release. It is thought the Bolitic unit has been on Dino-Land for some time, perhaps beamed down during earlier attacks.


DDS produce map showing CSM danger

The DDS have produced a version of the UNP starmap showing the strategic value of the HCS' Clone Space Missile or CSM.
The map shows the reach of the CSM with it's initial 10 light year range from the two launch planets of Cloneworld and Austini 55. The Cloneworld missiles are able to reach Proxima 7 and Solaris (indeed the 10 light year range is due to the distance between Cloneworld and Proxima 7). Liberation is also in range of missiles launched from Cloneworld. The Austini 55 CSMs would have much of the Free Eritran States in range.

Also in yellow are the missile reaches from missiles launched from the planned base on Teriatri 7 (which would be able to strike ABBO territory and more of DDS South - Malau and Saeou would be in range) and Oscar which bring the Rim Worlds, part of the Dino Republic (though not Dino-Land) and DDS Centre in range again. It is not known if the Clones plan to place missiles on Oscar but it would seem to be a very useful place to put them!

As can be seen if the HCS developed a longer ranged version of CSM then their strategic reach would be greatly extended. It should be noted though that the DDS' counterpart, the LRM-20 will have a 20 light year range from the off and missiles on Proxima 7 would be able to reach all of the core planets in CSE-W from the start.

HCS announce extra ship orders

The HCS Space Navy have announced a raft of extra ship orders on top of the existing backlog. The HCS said they aim to make the Space Navy strong enough to deter all potential enemies. They also announced the first of the second wave of Shark SK and SKH frigates (the latter having a minesweeping) function have entered trials and a second model of the Nybble which carried an offensive armament is in development.
  • 3 extra Soulaki SLBKs have been ordered leaving a total backlog of 5
  • 5 extra Cosmos CG have been ordered giving an eventual fleet of 25
  • 10 Nybble NLB UCVs have been ordered. These will be a development of the NL that can carry an offensive armament. Its unknown if CSM-S is intended as a future armament option but it is likely.
  • The Kalahati Tuul KTS fleet will also be retained in its entirely. Most of the fleet was due to remain in CSE-E hands but CSE-W's fleet will also keep its ships in the second-line now.

Dino TPM factory begins testing

A missile factory quickly converted to produce the TPM, which was technology transferred to the Dinos in return for worm drive, is now ready to begin pre-production testing of the first Dino produced TPMs. Two other factories are also under construction, one off Dino-Land though its location is being kept a secret.

The Dinos hope to begin production of their own TPMs before the end of the year. The stock of TPMs given to them by the DDS is said to be running down fast and may be more tightly rationed.

Repican fleet arrives at Castarian

The Repican fleet sent to assist the Bolitic Confederacy is understood to have arrived at Castarian. The fleet is a mixed bag of Tarbotian, Utrek and Bolitic types and are to be given a weapon ungrade first before joining the front line according to Dino sources. They are also having their communication systems updated to operate in the Bolitic network. The Repicans are said to have impressed the Bolitic with their fighting spirit and eagerness to fight the Dinos it is thought.

As to the fleet itself if consists of:
  • 3 Samara II
  • 1 Samara III
  • 4 Vormix
  • 2 Helwin
  • 4 Kalahati Tuul
The Dinos say they expect the Repicans to be ready to fight by early September.

Oojok lauds heroes of Xenon strike

Oojok has congratulated his fleet which has devastated Xenon's military and removed them as a possible threat for the foreseeable future. He said it was a great victory which finally paid the Xenon back for their crushing victory over the Clones last November when the Xenon destroyed a fleet of 28 HCS warships.

Oojok said that the war was over. "We are quits as the expression goes. We want no more to do with the infidels. They are free to rebuild but they should keep this warning of the power of the Clone Star Empire. Our bombers could have used nuclear weapons but did not, next time they may do."

Oojok also announced sites were being sought for a CSM silo on Teriatri 7. CSMs sited here would be able to strike targets in the ABBO territory as well as most of the Xenon (at least when a longer ranged model is developed). It is unlikely a CSM silo would be built until the next decade though some HCS analysts said.

Molab seek closer alliance with DDS

Molab, the best customer of DDS warships, has now said it wishes to have a closer alliance with the DDS. They have offered to send 2 of their Isometric-E frigates to help in the defence of Starbot. The DDS have yet to reply though they are likely to agree as the fleet is currently stretched.

"Of course Molab want something." an unnamed DDS analyst said, "And we all know that something is TPMs." At one stage the DDS did consider selling TPMs to Molab but then changed their mind and developed the less advanced QPM instead.


HCS lost 3 ships against Xenon

The HCS have reported they lost just 3 ships in the battle against the Xenon despite inflicting a mortal blow on the 7 Sa Sao faction. Such as the element of the Clone's surprise the Xenon ships and defences are thought not to have had time to fully power up before the HCS onslaught. Recent HCS shield upgrades also negated the effects of some of the Xenon weapons.

All 3 ships lost were Cosmos, 2 CS and 1 CK. The latter was actually destroyed by a hitting an asteroid during the battle due to a navigational failure. The fleet is now returning home.
Get Those Fans In Here Com'on!
The HCS punish the Xenon.


UNP update official star map

Using the latest information of ABBO and 7 Sa Sao space the UNP have updated their official star map with a major extension into regions of space the DDS did not know up until a short time ago. The latest maps can be seen here. They show the full extent of ABBO space plus a great deal of 7 Sa Sao space including the territories of the two most powerful factions the Argon and Krypton.

HCS attack the Xenon

The Clones have announced that they have sent a fleet into Xenon space and finally extracted revenge on the 7 Sa Sao faction who caused them a serious defeat some time ago. The Xenon homeworld became known to the Clones who then sent a powerful fleet including the Kelsan KS bomber on its first combat deployment.

The Xenon are the weakest 7SS faction, relying on trickery and secrecy to punch well above their weight. Thus the discovery of their homeworld to the Clones was a key tactical disadvantage to them, but very tight HCS security meant the Xenon did not know until the attack already had begun. The HCS fleet devastated the Xenon fleet near their homeworld and several orbital facilities. The Kelsan bombers then made an attack run on the planet and attacked the largest settlement on the planet (assumed to be the capital) using space to ground missiles. No nuclear warheads were used however though extensive damage was caused to several buildings including a huge ziggurat.

HCS losses have not yet been reported though 14 Xenon ships are thought to have been destroyed. This represents nearly 2/3 of their entire estimated fleet which means the Xenon will be out of action for some time to come. Deputy Emperor Sleeze, who commanded the attack, told the Clones via a videolink that the war between the Clones and Xenon was now over. "The Xenon have been shown the error of their ways. They should now keep away from us else they want more punishment. Oojok is most great!"


DDS solidly behind war plans

Recent criticism by UNP politicians of the current lull in activity by the DDS has been slammed by The Orchid. The DDS has been criticised for not fighting back against the ABBOs when they invaded Malau but The Orchid has said the DDS has had to enter a holding action until they can perfect shield and other upgrades to counter the ABBO ramming tactic.

"The ABBOs don't care about their losses. If we face them in a full-on fleet battle they will sacrifice as many ships as it takes to wipe out our fleet then the ABBOs will be free to conquer the UNP." she said. "DDS Research and Engineering are working around the clock to prepare our combat fleet to negate the ABBO ramming tactics. They have made solid progress but it will take a little more time."

Various DDS officers have supported The Orchid saying that UNP critics did not understand war or space combat.
A DDS officer yesterday

HCSN announce follow-on aircraft carrier

With CNS Cloneworld now in service the HCS Navy have announced that by the end of the decade they will have in service the first of at least 2 much larger carriers. The new carriers (as yet unnamed) will be over twice the size of the Cloneworld class and weigh in at about 50,000 tons. They will be equipped with around 40 aircraft, a mixture of F-45K and A-85NTK is envisaged though a future supersonic strike attack aircraft is also being considered. 10-12 SH-26 helicopters will also be carried.

These future carriers will be the flagships of the fleet relegating the Cloneworlds to the supporting role. The HCSN envisage that a carrier battle group in the 2120s will contain 2 carriers (1 each of the new class and a Cloneworld) plus escorts. The second Cloneworld carrier is now in sea trials. A similar ship for the Austini 55 navy is currently under construction.

In other HCSN news a 5th Seawolf class submarine has been ordered.


DDS raid ABBOs on Malau

A DDS Prowler special forces raid has destroyed a command centre on Malau. The ABBO base was attacked yesterday by the Prowler unit supported by a Starbotian warship which launched a mock attack on an orbital post to cause a diversion.

The ABBO base was badly damaged in the attack. No DDS casualties have been reported. Its not known if the Prowler unit is still on Malau or not though usual DDS practice is to leave as soon as the mission is over.

Howharn buy more HCS air & land weapons

Howharn have placed a second order for HCS weapons. They have bought more air weapons and also begun the reequipment of their army. The Clones are still hopeful Howharn will buy space ships too though there are no orders yet.

In a 24 million zark deal Howharn has bought (all second-hand reconditioned stock from HCS reserves):
  • 10 E/T-72 reconnaissance and Elint aircraft
  • 10 C-440 transports
  • 90 T-89A tanks
  • 160 TRV-5 IFVs
  • 35 TAA-4EH AA tanks


Ferret factory resumes production

The Ferret factory on Starbot has resumed limited production following the earlier ABBO attack. It will take some months for the factory to be able to ramp up to anything near full capacity though a Starbotian spokesbot said.

The DDS are looking into diversifying production away from Starbot but one problem is a lack of industrial capacity in the UNP. Sirikwan could be another option.

Bolitic announce new allies

The Bolitic have announced they have recruited new allies to their war against the Dinos. The Repicans of the planet Repic (which was previously not known to the DDS though the Raegris say its fairly close to their space) have joined the Bolitic and are sending a fleet of 14 ships to join the fight. The Raegris say the Repicans are not Saurians like the Bolitic but are a similar ethnic group to the IKA Federation.

As to the ships the Repicans are sending intelligence indicates a mixed bag of older Tarbotian, Bolitic and Utrek types. The Repicans are said to very vicious creatures with a lot of experience in war, ironically mostly with the Bolitic in past decades. They have been promised Xi in the Dino Republic if they help the Bolitic conquer the Dinos according to some reports.

The Bolitic have also tried to recruit some Zone pirates but it is unknown if any have signed up yet.

DDS order more transports; Pulsar to go soon

The DDS have increased their outstanding orders for the Provider 71A transport (by 1), the Extender 73A oiler (by 2) and the Coril 86B shuttle (by 3). However Extender apart the ships will not be built until after the war though the Coril production line may produce some ships for the DDS once an export backlog is cleared (the Corils are built by the Raegris).

Although the fleet is stretched one of the remaining Pulsar 12A cruisers may soon have to be withdrawn. C102 Australasia was originally intended to leave service next year but recent combat use has put a strain on it's ageing internal structure and now it has been restricted to no more than 200c. It is travelling back to Solaris where it will perform as a static defence post for the next few months until its nuclear fuel runs out. The DDS are likely to then withdraw it as the spare parts will be useful for the rest of the fleet.


Underage Not Under The Page
The HCS prepare to attack.

Ronald : "We'll give them total war!"

Senator Ronald has exploded at a press conference being held on Pulsin when news of the chemical factory attack came through. Ronald went into a rage amid much barking and smashing of vases.

"The Dinos have held back on attacking Bolitic civilian targets because we believe war should be limited and innocents should not be thrown into the firing line." he roared, "But the Bolitic continue to attack our civilians via these brutal and vicious attacks. The Bolitic want total war, we'll give them total war!"

He then stormed off in a cloud of barks.

Bolitic cause chemical factory explosion on Dino-Land; Kills hundreds

The Bolitic are being blamed for explosions which destroyed a chemical factory on the outskirts of Yavilanda on Dino-Land. 43 members of staff were killed at the factory and over 500 more were killed in the surrounding area by a cloud of deadly gas released. Thousands more have suffered severe injuries from the disaster, thought to have been caused by Bolitic special forces. The death toll is expected to rise significantly.

As an extra twist the Bolitic used radiological bombs which caused further toxic releases of radioactive material over a densely populated area. Security at places like the factory was increased after the earlier suicide attacks but it is thought measures at the factory has been allowed to get slack. The director of the factory and the security chief have been taken to a nearby SS base for a "chat".

Dinos launch raid into Bolitic space

The Dinos have launched an attack on a Bolitic marshalling point near Castarian. The raid was led by a Dinomark RS and was commanded personally by Consul Cruggson. Around 50 Dinomarks in total were employed on the attack making it the largest Dino fleet action for some time.

Two docking facilities were destroyed in the attack along with 4 Helwins, 8 Meltinans, 1 Redhull and around 9 transports and utility vessels. The cousin of Emperor Borca was killed on one of the other ships, a Snarl, which was badly damaged and later abandoned and destroyed.

The Dinos lost 5 Dinomark PTs and 9 Dinomark XTs in the attack. It is thought troopships planned for Pulsin were destroyed in the attack which now makes the likelihood of the Bolitic being able to reinforce their bridgehead even more unlikely. The Dinos have formally asked the Bolitic to surrender. In a message by Cruggson transmitted on Bolitic frequencies he said that the Bolitic could not win the war and should cease hostilities now. The Bolitic reply contained a lot of naughty words.


DDS order 2 more Freedoms

The DDS have increased their order of Freedom 41B frigates by 2 and intend to build 5 more (as well as the recently added ship) in the current financial year. The ships are being built to boost numbers and to replace lost frigates (6 Isometrics and Terran Seas have been lost so far in the war).

A DDS source said it is likely the Freedom will remain in production (with the production rate slowing after the war) until it can be replaced with the Corkscrew around 2114.

Fleet News (16/08/10)

No fewer than 5 warships have just been added to the DDS fleet giving the DDS a much needed boost in numbers. D167 Castor II is the latest Solaris 37C destroyer and has been made the new flagship of DDS North. It took up its new role yesterday though is one of the few DDS ships actually in this part of DDS space right now.

F173 Furious is the latest Freedom 41B frigate and has joined DDS Centre though may be seconded to join the DDS detachment in the Rim Worlds.

D201 Kingfisher, D202 Kangaroo and D203 Kingcup are the first 3 reactivated Kalahati Tuuls to form the Kingfisher 39B class. They have joined the fleet but are not yet operational pending some last minute hitches connecting their tactical systems to the DDS datalink system. They are expected to join DDS North and will release all other DDS ships for other fronts (except Castor II one presumes).


Borca injured in attempted assassination

Bolitic Emperor Borca has been injured in an attempted assassination by disgruntled Bolitic troops who think the war is being run incorrectly. Borca was shot at while inspecting an honour guard of his Chosen Men. It is thought renegades infiltrated his camp disguised as service workers and then tried to shoot Borca at range. Borca is said to have been shot twice but neither shot was fatal.

The renegades are said to have been quickly captured by the Chosen Men, some reports say they were literally torn apart.

DDS send forward detachment to Saeou 6 & Delta 9

With extra forces now arriving at Liberation from DDS North & Centre The Orchid has sent 2 fleet attachments to help defend Saeou 6 and Delta 9 which appear to be next in line for an ABBO attack. Two ships are understood to be also en route to Starbot to help them out too.

It is not known if the DDS are planning a counterattack or are waiting for the ABBOs to act. 360 CIWS has been upgraded to help defend against ABBO ramming attacks but other measures are still weeks away and the DDS are not wanting to risk more ship losses until then.

ABBOs attack Delta 9, Starbot cut off

The ABBOs have attacked the DDS Communications node on Delta 9 which has resulted, as the other possible route is Malau, in Starbot being cut off from the rest of the DDS' miliary network. 6 ABBO ships were destroyed in the attack though the node and an orbital dock were badly damaged. Non-encrypted traffic is still available on Starbot via the HCS network.

The DDS have accelerated existing plans to turn a couple of their Friendship 75A transports into communication relay stations. A communications module has been developed by DDS Research and will be fitted to a couple of ships within the next few days. A Panther destroyer near Saeou 6 is currently preparing to perform a similar role using its communications system so contact to Starbot can be restored. This is only a stop-gap though as only 0.5% of the usual bandwidth is available (14% will be available with the Friendship).


Might Is Rite
Crickson's team hunt for a traitor.


DDS wonder how big the ABBO fleet is

With their losses nearing 800 but with an estimated 450 ships in DDS space (the Malau invasion force and the estimated survivors from the TPM raids) the DDS are wondering just how big the ABBO fleet is! Dino experience has indicated a fleet over 1000 ships but the DDS are considering that the fleet must be well over that to be able to sustain such losses and commitments and still, of course, maintain a large empire.

The DDS have come to the conclusion that the ABBOs cannot be defeated conventionally, their resources and ship building capacity are simply too large to defeat them in a war of attrition. Instead the DDS need to think of another way to defeat them. The problem is no one has much idea of how yet.


Sealion begins construction

With the conventionally powered submarine programme now well underway the HCS Navy have begun their most ambitious programme to date : the Sealion nuclear attack submarine. These nuclear powered submarines are due to enter service in 2114 and are larger than the Seawolf/Warhammer SSK/Bs. The basis of the design will be also used for the Walrus ballistic missile submarines which will follow later in the decade.

The Sealions will be equipped with torpedos and cruise missiles (to start with the SS-NS-3). Their role will be to protect other naval assets (especially the Cloneworld carriers and Walrus) as well as providing a land attack role with their cruise missiles.

El Diablo pulls out lead on Zanus

El Diablo has puled out a slight lead ahead of his main rival Zanus in the Consul election. Imperial Order "leaked" the fact that Diablo had been on the raid to destroy the ash cannon on Pulsin (though Smellyson led the raid). El Diablo sustained injuries in the raid which always helps too. He was shot in the upper body though the injuries are not too serious and he will be able to return to active duty in the early Autumn.

He will also be free to campaign ahead of the November election when he leaves hospital next week.

Ronald has meanwhile said he will not stand in next years election even though he will be eligible. He said that he may change his mind if the war ends quickly but suspects it will last for most of next year with all of the post-war fall-out. 

DDS getting assistance from HCS?

It is being reported by some HCS bloggers that the HCS have granted access to the HCS sensor net to help them get extra warning of ABBO attacks which come through Clone space. The DDS made the request after the recent raids, in some cases the ABBOs attacked through Clone space leaving the DDS little time to react.

It is thought the DDS have asked for access to the HCS' planetary sensor network and it has been granted (though both sides have denied it). The DDS' access is limited and only tells of the movements of non-HCS ships but could give the DDS extra warning of an attack.

The Clones are angry at the ABBOs using their space but have not confronted them, being fearful of being drawn into the war.

Pulsin hit by wave of suicide bombers

The capital city of Pulsin (the imaginitively named Pulsin City) has been struck by a wave of Bolitic slave soldier suicide bombers. It is thought the bombers were beamed directly from a teleporter in the bridgehead elsewhere on Pulsin as no Bolitic ships were detected in orbit. The Army HQ in the city was the target of the attacks though Bolitic intelligence was slightly lacking as one bomber was beamed accidentally inside a wall (though he still exploded his bomb).

Around 70 Dino Army staff were killed in the attacks. The main communication node to the front line was also cut for a time though a secondary back-up was up and running within seconds. A dampening field similiar to that set up over key targets on Dino-Land is now being set-up.


Bolitic seeking new allies?

With the Vosun now against them (and with hardly any military power left anyway), the Utrek otherwise engaged and the ABBOs now busy with the DDS the Bolitic are looking around for new allies with which to help them continue their fight with the Dinos. Much of the Bolitic fleet has been lost, especially in front line units, and the cream of their slave armies either dead or already deployed to Pulsin. In order to continue the war the Bolitic need some new friends.

Telvin 802 has been approached, the traditional enemies of the Aritans are understood to have been promised New Arit after the ABBOs destroyed the DDS in return for providing ships and troops to the Bolitic however they turned them down. They are in the middle of a rearmament programme but much of their military is still outdated and they are choosing to stay out of any fights for now (and likely until the next decade). The IKA Federation did not reply to Bolitic calls, they also are content to wait and see.

The Zone pirates operating in space near the Rim Worlds however are another matter. They are interested only in gold and it is thought Bolitic agents are trying to hire as many pirate ships and their crews as possible. Whether there will be any real benefit to the Bolitic is another matter but Dino forces near Xi are understood to have been put on a higher alert for Zone activity.

Dinos raid Bolitic troop holding area

The Dinos have launched a raid on a Bolitic holding area near Pulsin to destroy the next wave of troops waiting for the opportunity to be landed on the planet. Although the raid was costly for the Dinos (they lost 11 ships : 2 Dinomark PTs, 3 NGs and 6 XTs) the Bolitic lost almost their whole troop reserve. 16 transports were killed along with around 300,000 slave troops and equipment. 2 Meltinans were also destroyed.

These losses now mean the bridgehead on Pulsin is at risk of collapse. Without fresh troops and supplies the forces in the bridgehead will find it harder and harder to hold their lines. The Bolitic are likely to fight onto the bitter end however.


A-85NTK makes first carrier landing

The HCSNAS' COIN aircraft the A-85NTK has made its first carrier landing on CNS Cloneworld and not the simulated carrier deck landing strip ("CNS Plank"). A prototype NTK landed on Cloneworld while docked at port. The aircraft was then lifted off using a crane as it hasn't been cleared for a catapult assisted take-off yet.

The HCSNAS originally did not plan to deploy the NTK on Cloneworld as it was originally planned for Austini 55's carrier but because of the shortage of any other fixed wing carrier aviation some will now be used on Cloneworld too.

Utrek refuse to sell more Reptoli Tuuls to Bolitic

The Utrek are understood to have refused a request by the Bolitic to sell them 10 more Reptoli Tuuls. Although the Bolitic were willing to pay fully for the deal the Utrek would have had to pull RTs from their space fleet because the Bolitic want them immediately. It is thought the Utrek war with the Mantae has flared up again in recent weeks with the Mantae winning a major battle and seizing a chunk of Utrek territory again.

"The Utrek cannot spare any ships." a Utrek analyst based on Molab has said, "Although they would welcome the money they need every ship they can muster at the moment. They thought the war with the Mantae was largely over but this resurgence in their enemy has caught them out and put the Utrek Federation at risk.

"Dozens of older, worn ships were withdrawn and sold (some ending up in DDS hands) and a major refurbishment of around 50 Molentic Tuuls was begun leaving the Utrek fleet quite depleted. Now they are desperatly trying to restore these ships to service as soon as they can."

MBF dies after injuries sustained in ABBO attack

One of Windy's inner circle, Commander MBF, has died after sustaining serious injuries during the ABBO raid on Proxima 7 earlier today. His ship was damaged in the attack and he was hit by a falling piece of the ceiling. He was rushed to the hospital at GHQ following the battle but died shortly afterwards.

Windy has called MBF a true "hero of bodybuilding". Windy said he would miss him, especially his ass.

Bolitic attempt to break through to reach Pulsin

The Bolitic have made an attempt to break through the Dino corden and resupply its bridgehead on Pulsin. Wary about losing any more precious transports the Bolitic sent their warships on ahead to try and punch a hole in the Dino lines. The Bolitic managed to reach Pulsin's orbit but were unable to hold onto their gain and were forced to withdraw.

Two Snarls, 3 Helwins and 5 Meltinans were destroyed in the battle, the Dinos lost 3 Dinomark PTs, 1 NG and 9 XTs. Although the losses were heavy the key is that the Bolitic were unable to resupply their ground forces which now are struggling to hold their lines with the loss of the ash cannon.

DDS reeling from ABBO attacks

The DDS is said to be in a state of shock following the 7 raids on TPM facilities by the ABBOs earlier today that left the TPM production machine of the DDS in tatters and 7 ships destroyed. The scale of the attacks are beyond anything the DDS have ever faced before. "The Clones and Utrek may have attacked us in major raids but the raids were on their own, 7 large simulataneous raids just beggers belief." an unnamed senior DDS officer is reported to have said. "Many DDS are now wondering, just how big is the ABBO threat? Can they be defeated?"

Action Painting has agreed that today was the day the ABBO threat got "real". "I guess until now, even with the invasion of Malau, the ABBOs were a conventional threat but after today... well we've never seen anything like this before. The ABBOs deployed over 350 ships in these attacks... and these ships are separate to the 200 off they currently have at Malau."

It is rumoured the DDS are now looking at how the Rectoids nearly destroyed the ABBOs some years ago. Although the regenerated ABBOs no doubt have countered how the Rectoids seized control of their networks and caused mass suicides (including one memorable incident where a 500 ship ABBO fleet flew into a star) there may be hints as to how the DDS can develop new weapons and strategies to defeat this relentless foe.

ABBOs launch mass attack to destroy TPM production ability

The ABBO has come under attack from 7 simultaneous raids by the ABBOs ranging from Remedia Prime to New Arit. The attacks were focussed on destroying the DDS' ability to produce TPMs. Following the Utrek War the DDS decentralised production to 7 factories across the DDS and its allies as well as the research development factory. All of these factories except the one on Raegris were the focus of the ABBO attack as 7 separate raiding forces (each with over 50 ships) attacked simulataneously.

The full damage to the facilities has yet to be assessed though it is reported the factories on Proxima 7 (both), Solaris, Terra and Remedia Prime have been badly damaged and will be out of action for months. The factory on Liberation suffered more moderate damage and should be able to resume production in a few days. The factory on New Arit avoided damage, it is thought some kind of navigational or control error forced the ABBOs to abort this raid.

As well as the cost to the factories the cost to the DDS fleet was severe with 7 ships reported destroyed and a number of others damaged. A large number of Ferrets were also destroyed. The 7 raids in full:
  • Proxima 7's 2 factories were badly damaged, DDS GHQ also took some hits though damage here was minor. C101 North America and F110 Miocene were destroyed. 37 ABBO ships were destroyed.
  • Solaris' factory was badly damaged, DDS Engineering avoided damage when 2 missiles were intercepted by TPM-As. D155 Improvement was destroyed as were 21 ABBO ships.
  • Terra's factory was almost totally destroyed. K107 Pliny was also destroyed as were 11 ABBO ships.
  • Remedia Prime's factory was badly damaged. DR186 Lord Worali was destroyed, 17 ABBO ships were also destroyed.
  • Liberation's factory suffered moderate damage. F147 Sea Of Oskhotsk was destroyed as were 29 ABBO ships. The transport A106 Dakota was destroyed at an orbital port.
  • The New Arit attack was called off though 3 ABBO ships were destroyed by the Aritans.
The Orchid has called on the DDS to ration TPMs until production has be restored at the damaged sites. Luckily for the DDS 2 new factories at secret locations are due to start production within weeks. They were ordered built at the start of the war to further safeguard production, a decision which now seems very farsighted!

Following on so soon after the ABBO attack on the Ferret factory on Starbot this indicates the ABBOs are trying to end the DDS' ability to continue the war. An attack on DDS shipbuilding facilities may be next though these targets are very heavily guarded.

Signs of the Bolitic crumbling?

A minor Baron, who is based in the far west of the Bolitic Confederacy has pulled his 2 ships (both Meltinans) from the Bolitic forces near Pulsin saying the war should end. It is thought he is having trouble with incursions into his territory by an unknown alien pirate force and his old Redhull is unable to properly defend his space hence the recall of his other 2 ships.

Although this does not affect the Bolitic war effort greatly it is a sign that Bolitic interest in the war is weakening in some areas. Borca is understood to have threatened the minor Baron with dire consequences if he does not return his ships, the minor Baron's reply was unprintable.


DDS refocusing forces on ABBOs

The DDS have completed a major shuffling of their forces with the focus now purely on the ABBOs. Most DDS ships have been withdrawn from DDS North, it is thought now highly unlikely for the Bolitic to be able to never mind want to attack there. The Remedian fleet backed up by a strengthened Dino deployment at Loeuss is considered sufficient. A few DDS ships remain but these will be replaced by the first 3 Kingfisher 39B ships which will enter service in a few weeks.

DDS South is gaining most of the reinforcements though DDS Centre is also retaining a lot of forces to protect the core worlds. One worry for the DDS is the flank through the Rim Worlds. The Aritans and Sirikwanese currently guard this region but the DDS are trying to get the Dinos to also send some ships there.

ABBOs attack Starbot

An ABBO task force has attacked Starbot and caused serious damage to the huge Ferret factory on the planet. Around 40 ABBO ships were used in the attack and 23 were destroyed. No Starbotian or DDS ships were destroyed though some were damaged and an orbital defence post was destroyed. The main focus of the attack was the Ferret factory.

The factory was hit 9 times and serious damage was caused to the main production hall. The Starbotians predict it will be some weeks before production can resume. Some 40 completed Ferrets were destroyed in the attack in a holding area.


UV157 : Robot Slaves Of The Infidel

  • Anatomy Of A Raid - Crickson leads a raid into Bolitic space....
  • Interesting Combination - Team Redjec cannot avoid the war any more....
  • All For One - The ABBOs attack....
  • Lets Give It A Shot - A new terrible Bolitic weapon is unleashed....
  • Crown Court - The Dinos attempt to find and destroy the ash cannon....
  • Mutant Sex - Can our heroes stop the ash cannon in time?

Dinos destroy ash cannon

The Dinos have destroyed the Bolitic super weapon, which the Dinos have called the "ash cannon" (the Bolitic name is unknown) in a special forces raid led by CSS Commander Smellyson. The ash cannon was housed in a railway wagon on a circuit built in the heavily guarded centre of the Bolitic bridgehead on Pulsin.

No other ash cannon is thought to be on the planet but no doubt the Bolitic possess others. The weapon is thought to be at an early stage of development hence its short range and long-time in firing. A more developed ash cannon could be a devastating weapon which the Dinos must now look to counter before its too late.

DDS developing counters to ABBO ramming tactics

After feverish work by DDS Research and DDS Engineering the DDS are getting ready to roll out a suite of upgrades to the fleets' defensive systems in order  to counter the ABBO ramming tactics which has cost the DDS dear. As well as general updates to shields, with the ability to focus the strength of the shield in 1 region for a short period 360 CIWS has also been upgraded to be able to repel an incoming ship. Other ships without 360 CIWS will have extra close-in laser cannons fitted.

As a last ditch if these defensive systems fail DDS Engineering has developed an anti-collision automated avoidance system. This automated system tries to get the ship out of the way of an incoming ship using upgraded side thrusters.

Trials with a small number of ships are being carried out and if successful the upgrades will be rolled out to the fleet by the end of next week.


Mutant Sex
Can our heroes stop the ash cannon in time?

Voth get 6th KT

The Voth have received their 6th upgraded and refurbished Kalahati Tuul from the DDS. 6 more are expected to join their new fleet next year, these later ships are in a poorer material state so the refurbishment will need to be more thorough. The DDS are also busy with their own Kingfisher KT refurbishments.

The first 20 Voth graduates from the DDS Space Academy have rejoined their fleet and will form the basis of the crew on the 6th ship. The others are crewed by a mixture of veterans from the Vosun-Voth fleet and DDS.


Crown Court
The Dinos attempt to find and destroy the ash cannon.

HCS Fleet News (05/08/10)

A Molentic Tuul M upgrade has been completed, most the remaining 7 MTAs are either being upgraded or are being prepared for their turn. The HCS aim to complete the programme by the end of the year.

Two more Kelsan KS bombers have joined the fleet. All Kelsans have also just received an upgrade to their targeting sensors.

Two more Nybble NL UCVs have joined the fleet. Their specification differs somewhat from the first drone but details of how they differ are not forthcoming from the HCS of course.

Joint Arit/Sirikwan fleet battle ABBOs

A joint Aritan/Sirikwan fleet operating in the Rim Worlds has uncovered a secret ABBO holding area which may have been intended as a staging point for a future attack on DDS Centre. The DDS allies were engaged in a fierce battle which saw on an Aritan Intrepid and Kalahati Tuul and a Sirikwan Reliwan ships destroyed along with 12 Aritan Ferrets. 19 ABBO ships were also destroyed and a refuelling/command post was destroyed.

The DDS have thanked their allies for their courage in battle. It is the first time the Sirikwan have been called upon to fight and it has been reported that the Dino hippies found it "exciting".

Vosun ask DDS for help

The provisional Vosun government has asked the DDS for help against the Bolitic after their former allies threatened to attack the planet if they did not help the Bolitic in their war. The Bolitic have already seized most of Vosun's merchant fleet and want the Vosun to provide 10,000 troops to help with the fighting on Pulsin.

Of course a short while ago the Vosun were fighting the Raegris and are enemies of the Voth but the Vosun have pointed out that these policies were those of the former military dictatorship. The democratic Vosun do not want to fight anymore. The problem for the Vosun is that the DDS cannot spare any ships from their fight with the ABBOs and the Raegris will refuse to help them. Whether the Remedians will step in is another matter. Although their relations with the Vosun are fairly neutral they are unlikely to want to enter a fight with the Bolitic Confederacy.

More suicide bombings on Dino-Land

Seven more Bolitic suicide bombings have been carried out across Dino-Land. This time there were no detected Bolitic ships in orbit beforehand so it is thought the suicide bombers had been landed during a previous attack and were waiting for a signal to launch their own attack. A Bolitic secret service agent was later captured though he managed to commit suicide before he could be questioned.

The main target of the attacks was a Dino Army depot outside Baeou which was destroyed killing some 87 personnel.

Ash cannon destroys DDS unit

A company of soldiers from the New DDS Army has become the latest victims of the Bolitic super-weapon, known as the "ash cannon" to the Dinos. 315 troops were killed in an instant when their unit, which was fighting alongside the Dinos on Pulsin came within range of the weapon. 27 Dinos were also killed.

The weapon is said to be mobile which is allowing its range to be slowly increased. The Dinos are being forced to slowly withdraw out of range of the weapon but this is allowing the Bolitic to seize more territory.


Dino raid fails near Remnatar

A Dino raid has failed badly near Remnatar just inside Bolitic space. It is thought an 8 ship raiding party was attempting to attack and destroy a transport storage point near the planet but instead the force of 8 Dinomark NGs found Snarls. It is probable the Bolitic fed false information via compromised intelligence sources to give the Dinos a tempting target.

Three NGs were destroyed and 2 other damaged. No Bolitic ships are thought to have been destroyed.

FIDO proves its worth

Full Immersive Distributed Operation or FIDO was all the rage a few years ago, indeed back in 2106 it was proclaimed the future of the DDS. What is FIDO, well it is a virtual crewing system where crew can operate parts of the ship remotely from secure bases like the FIDO Centre on Solaris (known as the "call centre"). For the last few years the DDS has been quietly refining FIDO and during the war it has started to come into its own.

One ship after a recent battle suffered heavy casualties but was able to operate with no fewer than 8 distributed crewmen (2 onboard a nearby ship the rest on Solaris). This allowed the ship to be bought safely to a home port for repair whereas without FIDO it may have required the transfer of extra crew to help out, not always possible of course.

The next stage of FIDO will be to give a visual feedback to present crew that there are virtual crew also working "aboard". Holography is possible at a later stage but now being trialled is augmented reality using the present crew's IFG goggles (which are worn in a combat situation). Tests in the field have been successful and it will be rolled out to the rest of the fleet later in the year.


DDS attack ABBO at Malau

The DDS have launched a counterattack against the ABBO fleet at Malau, however the attack was planned more as a raid to try and destroy as many ABBO ships as possible rather than expelling the ABBOs from DDS territory. The problem for the DDS is still the ramming tactics of the ABBOs thus The Orchid ordered her ships to not engage close up with the enemy.

The battle started when two squadrons of Ferrets, bought in close to the ABBO lines under the cloak of a manned ship, attacked the ABBOs. Simultaneously the DDS fleet launched 16 MRMs into the ABBO fleet and then fired TPMs in a couple of hit and run attacks before withdrawing. 75 ABBO ships were destroyed, only one DDS ship sustained damage and that was moderate. 32 Ferrets were destroyed however.

The DDS tactic now seems to be to try and keep the ABBOs on the back foot while a defence for the ramming tactics is developed and then the DDS can try and dislodge the ABBOs from their space. Key to this will be to prevent the Malau fleet being reinforced.


Lets Give It A Shot
A new terrible Bolitic weapon is unleashed.

Second wave of suicide bombings on Dino-Land

Earlier today a Meltinan decloaked in orbit over Dino-Land and teleported to the surface 12 suicide bombers. The Meltinan was detected and destroyed but was able to carry out its mission. Twelve military and government targets on the planets were struck by the slave soldiers laden with explosives.

Since the first wave of attacks however security on the planet has been massively tightened and in 7 of the attacks the bombers were gunned down before they could reach their targets (their bombs still detonated but did not cause the intended damage). The other attacks were successful however, in one case Legate Vexson the military governor of Central District was killed when his dacha was attacked outside Dino-Town. A major electricity substation outside the capital was also badly damaged causing power cuts in parts of the. city for some hours. Total Dino casualties is numbered at 142.

The Dinos are looking into fitting a teleport scrambling field over the capital and major military bases which would stop the suicide bombers being beamed in. It is thought the Dinos will leave a secret frequency open to allow Dino transports and change the frequency every hour.