
Total Might makes third attack, ABBOs not caring?

Windy's Total Might deployment has made a third combined attack on an ABBO planet, 3 nuclear weapons were detonated on the planet destroying a large ABBO base. 17 ABBO warships were destroyed in the space battle that preceded the attack run by the Pulsar 12A bombers. One Pulsar did sustain moderate damage and lost main power but has now been repaired.

The DDS are rather confused by the ABBOs' reaction though, "Its as if they don't care." Action Painting said to reporters, "They haven't sent any fleets to intercept our one or even strengthened forces on planets nearby."

The Orchid may recall Total Might. There is speculation that the DDS may enter a holding pattern against the ABBOs and instead concentrate on helping the Dinos defeat the Bolitic and then go on the offensive with the Dinos against the ABBOs. Consul Cruggson is expected to visit DDS GHQ for talks with The Orchid this weekend.