
Jimmy : "I'm not a wimp!"

Stung by recent criticism that he is an appeaser, a coward or even a traitor (some of the more printable descriptions of him) Consul Jimmy has made a hawkish speech where he reminded the Dinos of his military record. Jimmy spoke of the great sacrifice of the 6th Legion which he commanded in the civil war that saw Ronald first rise to power. "The odds were heavy, the SS outnumbered us and had a material advantage but we had courage in our hearts and a will to win! That is what we need now."

Jimmy acknowledged the appeasement talk had been a mistake and he said the death of ZBH had hit him hard however flanked by Senator Spikeson and the newly promoted Legate Crickson he said the Liberal Party was not the party of defeat. "Our commitment to the war has been renewed. Our resolve doubled. Our desire for victory infinite!" he told a roaring crowd. "I'm not a wimp. We're not wimps. We will lead the Dinos to victory!"