
DDS join war on Pulsin

A Rome corvette equipped with the ground attack module has already been attached to the Dino fleet near Pulsin for some weeks (though not used to attack Bolitic ground positions). It has been joined by a Solaris 37C destroyer and 3 more Romes for a short-term deployment thought to last until early next week.

The DDS ships, escorted by Dinomarks, made their first attack on Bolitic ground positions earlier today and the combined firepower of the 4 Romes plus the extra accuracy of the sensors on the Solaris is said to have made the effect pretty devastating on the Bolitic. Further attacks will take place. A Meltinan was also destroyed when it tried to attack the DDS ships.

A DDS spokesman said all of the ships would return to the DDS next week and were there to help the Dinos in their fight against the Bolitic as well as gain some useful experience in using ground attack assets in conjunction with the Solaris.