
Three DDS brigades declared operational

The 2nd Heavy Brigade (Terra) and 11th and 12th Light Brigades (Terra) have been declared operational following a major exercise of the New DDS Army on Liberation. All 3 brigades are part of the army's 2nd Division.

As the DDS' army build up continues a 3rd Division has been formed though as yet most of it only exists on paper though at it's core are existing brigades taken from the 1st and Reserve Divisions.

Some insiders however have warned against the DDS getting too ahead of itself. "The new army is untested. A brigade might be declared operational but who knows what would happen if it took on an ABBO or Bolitic heavy brigade?" For that reason the DDS are keen to "blood" as many of its troops as possible. More DDS troops have arrived on Pulsin to fight alongside the Dinos.