
Dinos raid Bolitic near Pulsin

With the dust still clearing around Dino-Land after the titanic battle between the Bolitic and Dino fleets the Dinos, under the command of Ronald, have launched a major raid on Bolitic positions near Pulsin. It is thought new intelligence confirmed the existance of a new invasion wave and its location. The Dinos attacked this thought-to-be secret holding area and massacred the invasion force.

14 fully loaded troop ships and transports were destroyed with an estimated death toll of 30,000 slave troops. 3 Snarls, 1 Helwin and 12 Meltinans were also destroyed. The Dinos lost 2 Dinomark PTs and 8 XTs.

At the same time Dino troops on Pulsin launched a major artillery and aerial attack on the Bolitic bridgehead. "The Dinos scent blood" a DDS spokesman was heard to say at Dino Army HQ.