
Think tank looks at future size of fleet

The DDS40 future directions think tank led by Sea Urchin held a conference at GHQ today discussing what should be the future size of the fleet. In a presentation to the media Sea Urchin later provided some declassified findings from the conference.

Firstly he gave a run down of the expected DDS fleet strength in 2113 (assuming no ship losses and current procurement programmes continue as planned):
  • 10 cruisers (all Quasar 15A)
  • 16 carriers (Missileer and Olympus)
  • 36 destroyers (not counting Remedian KTs)
  • 57 frigates
  • 21 corvettes (plus patrol ships and minesweepers)
However it is expected that the region of space the DDS will need to protect and patrol in future will increase because of the worm drive reducing the time needed to reach currently remote regions of space. It may also make enemies like the Tarbotians and Mantae (who are assumed to be hostile) within range. Thus the DDS40 group have called for an increase in the size of the combat fleet. A preferred DDS fleet strength in 2120 would be:
  • 25 cruisers (Quasars + Chrysalis)
  • 20 carriers
  • 50 destroyers
  • 75 frigates (numbered boosted by Corkscrew)
  • 60 corvettes and smaller patrol assets
DDS40 also say the DDS needs a small fleet of high performance oilers able to reach much higher speeds than the Extender fleet to supplement the Extenders and provide support for rapid raiding parties and deployments.

Of course this is just a report by a think tank and the bottom line will be funding but it is likely some of these ideas will direct future DDS shipbuilding policies.