
Bolitic launch all-out attack on Dino-Land

With the Dinos expecting a 4th attack on Pulsin to try and land more troops the Bolitic have instead called their bluff and launched  an all-out attack on Dino-Land with what is thought to have been whats left of their first-line fleet. The Bolitic fleet decloaked near Dino-Land and attacked orbital assets earlier today. The speed of the attack broke through Dino lines enabling the Bolitic to destroy 3 orbital docks including the HQ of the Dino-Land Defence Squadron.

17 targets were also hit by missiles or high-power energy cannons on the surface. The Bolitic restricted themselves to military targets except for a dam near Dino-Town. Luckily they attacked this with missiles which were shot down by the dam's own SAM system. Several army bases were badly hit and the death toll is said to run into the hundreds.

The Dinos regrouped in space and launched a counter-attack on the Bolitic fleet. Armed with TPM missiles the key ships in the defence squadron tore the heart out of the Bolitic fleet. 43 Bolitic ships are reported destroyed or captured (after heavy damage) including 2 Reptoli Tuuls, 11 Snarls, 9 Helwins, 24 Meltinans and 7 transports and other vessels. It is thought the younger brother of the Bolitic Emperor Borca was killed in the battle.

The Dinos are reporting 17 ships destroyed: 6 Dinomark PTs, 2 NGs and 9 XTs. A Provider-EDA was also badly damaged but was saved following work by the crew. Consul Cruggson has said the Dinos dealt the Bolitic a heavy blow though the cost to the Dinos was also high.