
Suicide tactics a headache for DDS

The DDS are holding a closed session thought shower on Liberation (and via video link) to discuss how to counter the ABBOs' ramming tactics. Several DDS ships have been lost because the ABBOs have rammed them in suicide attacks. The ABBOs not worrying about losing a ship or two if it destroys a DDS one. The exchange is purely logical to them.

It is thought the DDS may try and avoid any close engagements until they can come up with a defence against the rammings. Use of stand-off weapons like the MRM and Ferret screens may be ways to hold the ABBOs off. The DDS may need to look at beefing up their CIWS and shielding systems to repel incoming objects the size of ABBO destroyers.

ABBOs say Malau population will not be harmed if they "behave"

The ABBOs have addressed the population of Malau through a leader referred to as Y. He told the population that they would not be harmed and would be able to get on with their normal lives as long as they accepted ABBO control and did not get in the way of their war with the DDS.

"We are interested in the DDS not you, stay out of the way and you will not be harmed." Y told the population via a TV interview. Pockets of DDS resistance is continuing on the planet though the number of troops is estimated in the "dozen or so" level. There are estimated to be 70,000 ABBO soldier drones on the planet.

Malau invaded by ABBOs

Earlier today the DDS fleet assembled by Knobhead near Malau engaged the ABBO invasion fleet. Knobhead decided the DDS needed to attack the ABBOs now and not wait for reinforcements because of the presence of an estimated million ABBO soldiers in the force. The Orchid endorsed Knobhead's decision to try and destroy as many of the ABBO troopships as possible.

Leaving the 4 Dinomark PTs back as a reserve the combined fleet of DDS and Starbotian ships attacked the ABBOs, facing heavy odds (23-1 in fact). Knobhead used a strategy of hit-and-run attacks targeting the troop ships. 57 out of 81 troopships were destroyed as well as some 32 ABBO warships.

The ABBOs switched to suicide tactics which began to take its toll on the DDS. 4 DDS and Starbotian ships were destroyed: D109 Cougar, D111 Civet, F125 Pilocene and F137 South China Sea. A number of other ships were also seriously damaged, one Isometric was almost lost but quick actions by its crew managed to avert a catastrophe. The fleet has retreated to Starbot.

The ABBOs moved onto Malau, the Dinos put up some resistance (destroying 11 ABBO ships) before being forced to retreat. The ABBOs then began landing troops on the planet. The small DDS Army detachment on the planet retreated to prepared insurgency positions. Some of these have been discovered and destroyed by the ABBOs already however.

The Orchid has said the DDS will repel the ABBOs from DDS territory. A large fleet is now being assembled at Liberation.


All For One
The ABBOs attack.


Wayne King-Meiouf : Borca on borrowed time

Borca, the Bolitic Emperor, has survived 3 separate assassination attempts in the mere hours since the double defeats of the Bolitic fleet against the Dinos. The attempts were amateurish and the actions of hot-headed fanatics but Borca knows that more serious attempts on his life are being planned. Even if the Bolitic win the war then Borca is likely to be killed but then again in the history of the Bolitic Confederacy only a handful of emperors have died of old age or natural causes.

As the Bolitic fleet has crumbled in the face of determined Dino tactics and TPM weapons then the Bolitic have switched to terror tactics and new weapons on its foothold into the Dino Republic on Pulsin. It seems likely that Borca's strategy now is to try and force the Dinos into talks by making the war too costly for them in terms of men and morale. An "honourable draw" or even some concessions from the Dinos would not be enough for the Bolitic however who have seen their fleet decimated.

The Bolitic's best chance though is for the war to end soon while they still have some strength left. On the edges of their territory such as in the recently conquered Vosun worlds there is unrest, the Bolitic may need whats left of their fleet to keep the confederacy together and then lick their wounds for another day.

The sad fact for the Bolitic is that their fleet is obsolete. Their ships are still powerful but conceptually are a decade out-of-date. The lumbering Bolitic ships have suffered against the smaller, nimble Dino ships like the PT. The Dinos and DDS have been leading the trend in ship design over the last decade for smaller, faster yet more powerful ships and the Bolitic need to follow suit.

Priority number one though has to be to try and keep some kind of fleet together that can be improved one day.

Other Fleet News (29/07/10)


3 Dinomark PTs and 4 Dinomark XTs have joined the fleet as full production rates are reached. 2 withdrawn XTs have also been restored to service (these are craft which crashed years ago and were kept in storage). A Dinomark MX has also been completed. It was in mid-construction when the transport ship freeze was announced, the Dinos later decided to complete it.


Recent intelligence indicates 2 Snarls and 5 Meltinans have joined the fleet over the last month. Two further Meltinans have been restored to service from storage. The Bolitic are also upgrading 12 of their oldest Redhulls which indicates they intend to press these into front-line service. These old ships are usually used for orbital defence around planets like Castarian.


Molab have received their second Provider-E though have just placed an order for a third. The new Provider-E has been fitted with enhanced self-protection weapons.


Helinox have received the first of 2 Extender-Es they have on order.

Dino brigade decimated by Bolitic weapon

The 203rd Infantry Brigade of the Dino Army has been almost wiped out by the new Bolitic weapon on Pulsin. The brigade had been pushing up closer to the line following an unsuccessful breakout attempt by the Bolitic when it came in range of the weapon (which the Dinos now think is some sort of beam weapon operated from a fixed point). Because of the geography the brigade was unable to withdraw quickly. Of the 6133 listed strength of the brigade it is estimated 5872 have been killed either directly by the weapon or in the desperate stampede to escape.

The Dinos launched a heavy air raid on the Bolitic bridgehead in an attempt to knock out the weapon but have no idea what it looks like or where it is. Two Dinomark XTs and 18 K-18s were shot down after an intense 5 hour series of bombing raids. Following the end of the raids the weapon, which the Dinos have termed the ash-cannon for now, was used again destroying an artillery battery.

Wave of terror attacks create mayhem across Dino-Land

Hundreds of people have been killed across Dino-Land following a wave of suicide bomb attacks. The attacks were made by Bolitic slave soldiers who were teleported into military bases and government buildings before running at targets. Their bombs being self-detonated though it is thought the Bolitic also maintain a datalink to remotely detonate the explosives if the slave soldier is killed.

Among the targets was a maintenance base near Dino-Town. A bomber detonated his explosive backpack inside a hangar, a Dinomark XT under repair was destroyed. Two Tribunes were also killed at the army communications centre in Yavilanda.The Dinos have raised base security to its highest level.

It is thought the bombers were teleported into their target areas from a ship in orbit. A Meltinan was detected decloaking in orbit for a few seconds before recloaking and escaping.


Bolitic unleash terrifying new weapon on Pulsin

Probably prompted by fears of a collapse of the bridgehead on Pulsin the Bolitic have unleashed a new weapon on Dino troops. The weapon works on a sub-atomic level, reducing an affected area to sub-atomic ash. Over 400 Dino troops were killed in the first attack and hundreds more were killed in subsequent attacks. The sub-atomic ash has also left a highly toxic hazard for Dino (and Bolitic troops).

The Dinos are now desperatly trying to see how the weapon works in order to work out a counter to it.

Dinos raid Bolitic near Pulsin

With the dust still clearing around Dino-Land after the titanic battle between the Bolitic and Dino fleets the Dinos, under the command of Ronald, have launched a major raid on Bolitic positions near Pulsin. It is thought new intelligence confirmed the existance of a new invasion wave and its location. The Dinos attacked this thought-to-be secret holding area and massacred the invasion force.

14 fully loaded troop ships and transports were destroyed with an estimated death toll of 30,000 slave troops. 3 Snarls, 1 Helwin and 12 Meltinans were also destroyed. The Dinos lost 2 Dinomark PTs and 8 XTs.

At the same time Dino troops on Pulsin launched a major artillery and aerial attack on the Bolitic bridgehead. "The Dinos scent blood" a DDS spokesman was heard to say at Dino Army HQ.

Bolitic launch all-out attack on Dino-Land

With the Dinos expecting a 4th attack on Pulsin to try and land more troops the Bolitic have instead called their bluff and launched  an all-out attack on Dino-Land with what is thought to have been whats left of their first-line fleet. The Bolitic fleet decloaked near Dino-Land and attacked orbital assets earlier today. The speed of the attack broke through Dino lines enabling the Bolitic to destroy 3 orbital docks including the HQ of the Dino-Land Defence Squadron.

17 targets were also hit by missiles or high-power energy cannons on the surface. The Bolitic restricted themselves to military targets except for a dam near Dino-Town. Luckily they attacked this with missiles which were shot down by the dam's own SAM system. Several army bases were badly hit and the death toll is said to run into the hundreds.

The Dinos regrouped in space and launched a counter-attack on the Bolitic fleet. Armed with TPM missiles the key ships in the defence squadron tore the heart out of the Bolitic fleet. 43 Bolitic ships are reported destroyed or captured (after heavy damage) including 2 Reptoli Tuuls, 11 Snarls, 9 Helwins, 24 Meltinans and 7 transports and other vessels. It is thought the younger brother of the Bolitic Emperor Borca was killed in the battle.

The Dinos are reporting 17 ships destroyed: 6 Dinomark PTs, 2 NGs and 9 XTs. A Provider-EDA was also badly damaged but was saved following work by the crew. Consul Cruggson has said the Dinos dealt the Bolitic a heavy blow though the cost to the Dinos was also high.

Isometric kept back at Liberation

SS Isometric has arrived at Liberation and has been re-manned (and the worm drive removed) but it has been decided to keep the ship at Liberation instead of sending it to join the rest of DDS South's fleet which is now near Malau. The decision was made to keep Isometric in reserve and also to protect the planet in case any ABBO (or Bolitic) detachments try a simultaneous attack.

It also indicates the DDS do not want to wait anymore and plan to move against the ABBO fleet instead of waiting for it to come to them. It would take Isometric about 2 days to reach the rest of the fleet and prepare for battle.


F-45AEC begins

The F-45AEC (A Enhanced Capabilities) upgrade has begun of the 250 oldest F-45As in service with the HCSAF. The main part of the upgrade will be replacing the radar with the improved version fitted to later blocks of the F-45A (with some additional software updates). The undercarriage is also being strengthened on the planes to improve their rough field performance.

The aircraft will also be refurbished to zero-hour the airframes again.

I-3 destroyed 2 ABBO ships

Delayed telemetry from the lost Starbotian ship I-3 has reached Starbot who have been able to give a final confirmation that the ship was destroyed in combat with the ABBOs. They also indicate I-3 managed to account for 2 ABBO ships before it's own destruction.

The transponders from the 2 crew have also been silenced indicating both crew died the Starbotians added.


Remedians plan to re-open KT2 production

The Remedians are considering re-opening it's Kalahati Tuul 2 production line, the updated version of the KT it co-developed with the Clones in the late 2080s. 8 of the ships, now known as the Perimpaz 39A remain in service though they have been augmented by some ex-HCS examples.

The new design, known as Perimpaz 39N, would be updated and would help the Remedians gain a measure of independance from the DDS. It is thought they would be given a more powerful engine and a stronger frame that could take them to 800c and would have updated weapon systems with a larger TPM-2 capacity and MRM capability. A turreted Z6 has also been suggested.

Updating the Perimpaz would save the Remedians a lot of money as the production jigs still exist.

Isometric sent to Liberation... fast!

The trials ship SS Isometric is currently testing the W1A worm drive provided by the Dinos (it is the only ship currently fitted with the device which is not yet man-rated or calibrated). It is understood to be making an unmanned trip to Liberation from Solaris which it will complete in just 2 days. Then it will be crewed again and travel (using it's hyperspace drive) to join the rest of the DDS South fleet waiting for the ABBOs.

Although a trials ship SS Isometric is still one of the most powerful ships in the fleet as it tests many of the latest weapon systems and with it's high performance is a very formiddable warship. It is thought the W1A will be removed before the battle though. Isometric is due to reach Liberation tomorrow.

DDS unsure of ABBO destination

A DDS ship is now shadowing the ABBO fleet it is reported and has confirmed over 520 separate ships though has been unable to get close enough to tell the ships apart. The ABBO intentions are unknown. Their current trajectory appear to be taking them to a point between Saeou 6 and Malau and its known if either of these planets are these targets, the target is Liberation or the ABBOs simply seek to meet the DDS fleet in battle.

Even with Starbot's fleet and the Dino help the DDS face odds of over 20 to 1. Knobhead, the commander of DDS South, may try and delay the ABBOs before reinforcements arrive from DDS Centre next week.

Contact lost with Starbotian ship, thought destroyed

The Starbotians have lost contact with I-3, the ship which first detected the ABBO fleet. I-3 is an old ship which had been returned to service as a long range scout and hadn't been able to keep up with the ABBO fleet as it was much slower than them. It's last message reported they were under attack by ABBO warships.

As I-3 would not be able to flee it would have had to try and fight it out. I-3 had been upgraded with Canister TPM but it is unlikely it would have been able to handle more than a couple of ABBO ships. The Starbotians have listed the ship as destroyed. It is thought a HCS transport ship bound for Orratai may look for survivors.

(Update : the HCS transport ship CSS Telnik Uyoin has found the wreckage of a ship which looks to be Starbotian. It has retrieved some of the wreckage and will hand it over to a Starbotian or DDS ship when it returns to HCS space. The Starbotians are confirming their ship loss.)

Dinos send ships to help DDS South

The ABBO fleet is now estimated to be 5-6 days from being able to mount a possible attack (on Malau, though longer if Liberation is the target) which has given the DDS time to assemble a fleet. Most of DDS South's fleet and the Starbotian fleet will be assembled in time to meet the ABBOs. However despite departing within hours of the news of the ABBO fleet re-inforcements from DDS Centre will not arrive until early next week.

Senator Ronald has personally despatched 4 Dinomark PTs equipped with worm-drives (which will be able to get there in time) to help the DDS out until their reinforcements arrive. The Dino ships will fight alongside the DDS and Starbotian fleet.


DDS hit highest alert, emergency ship deployment within hours

The DDS has hit the highest alert status after it received word of a large ABBO fleet approaching DDS South. A Starbotian scout ship operating near Orratai is said to have detected an ABBO fleet of some 4-500 ships. Orratai confirmed the ABBO fleet using it's own long range sensors and the direction of the fleet is said to be Malau in DDS South.

The DDS are to send around 6 ships to reinforce the DDS South fleet within a few hours (the ships being in the immediate readiness squadron) with more ships being prepared to be redeployed as soon as possible. Starbot has also mobilised its entire fleet.
Interesting Combination
Team Redjec cannot avoid the war any more.


Ronald visits front line

Taking advantage of a lull in the fighting Senator Ronald, who appointed himself in charge of the Dino Army on Pulsin, has visited the front line around the Bolitic bridgehead. He said that the Bolitic would not be able to further re-inforce their bridgehead and would be worn down on the anvil of Dino military might!

The Dinos have dug in around the bridgehead and seem to be preparing for a slow grind to victory, the recent procurement of extra artillery supports this. The plan appears to be to tie the Bolitic down and wear them to submission. This of course is a slightly dangerous plan, if ther Bolitic can get a fourth wave of troops to the bridgehead then this plan could fall apart.

Carboniferous to test Isometric 2111 Update?

Windy's flagship SS Carboniferous is understood to be going to receive an upgrade while it has its scheduled refit over the next few weeks. The details of the update have not yet been revealed but it is speculated it will include fitting the Z6 cannon, anti-matter weapons and some improved cyberwarfare systems. It is thought these items could also be included in the last 1-2 Isometric ILUs later in the year and then rolled out to the whole Isometric fleet in a 2111 update.

Windy's ship could also be fitted with worm-drive however. One of the supplied W1As will be fitted to his ship but as the drive has not yet been cleared for manned operation (and likely will not be until next year) the drive will not be fitted yet but there will be some engineering changes to Carboniferous' powergrid and engine room ready for it.


Windy calls for DDS to avoid complacency

Windy has returned to DDS GHQ for a short holiday while his ship SS Carboniferous is given a refit (and some updates too it is thought). Before he headed off he gave a talk on DDS TV where he warned the DDS to avoid complacency because the true fight might be yet to come.

"We have not been badly affected by the war yet but defeating the ABBOs is likely to be a long hard slog. We must be ready for significant casualties when the DDS and ABBO fleets finally meet in battle. It will be tough and the road to victory long and hard but i have confidence in the DDS." the DDS Protector said.


Liberals to not take part in Consul election

Senator ZBH had been the Liberal Party candidate in the Consul election to take place at the end of the year but since his death in battle his leader Jimmy has considered what to do. Senator Spikeson is the only other possible Liberal who might have a chance at being Consul (and would be a very strong candidate) but it is thought Jimmy wants Spikeson to run next year. Thus if he wins Spikeson would then take over from Jimmy as his term in office would be ending then. Jimmy has announced that in respect of ZBH they would not take part this year.

It now looks at being a straight fight between Zanus and El Diablo, the two candidates are still neck and neck though proper campaigning has not yet begun.

Red Sparrow ends

The Red Sparrow deployment has ended followed a simulated attack on a landed New DDS Army brigade by special forces. DDS Prowler and Dino SS-D worked together on the "attack" which was to train both the special forces and the defenders in repelling such an attack. It is thought the DDS made use of the new MQ-16C Attack Osprey drone in the exercise. The Dinos also provided some K-18Ds for the DDS to train against, DDS K-18Ds not yet being operational.

The short exercise (the total deployment has only run for a week) is seen as a last opportunity for the New DDS Army to train in a realistic scenario before the real shooting starts. Talking to the media afterwards The Orchid (who commanded the deployment) said that so far the DDS has not suffered greatly from the war but there may be more trying times to come.

Think tank looks at future size of fleet

The DDS40 future directions think tank led by Sea Urchin held a conference at GHQ today discussing what should be the future size of the fleet. In a presentation to the media Sea Urchin later provided some declassified findings from the conference.

Firstly he gave a run down of the expected DDS fleet strength in 2113 (assuming no ship losses and current procurement programmes continue as planned):
  • 10 cruisers (all Quasar 15A)
  • 16 carriers (Missileer and Olympus)
  • 36 destroyers (not counting Remedian KTs)
  • 57 frigates
  • 21 corvettes (plus patrol ships and minesweepers)
However it is expected that the region of space the DDS will need to protect and patrol in future will increase because of the worm drive reducing the time needed to reach currently remote regions of space. It may also make enemies like the Tarbotians and Mantae (who are assumed to be hostile) within range. Thus the DDS40 group have called for an increase in the size of the combat fleet. A preferred DDS fleet strength in 2120 would be:
  • 25 cruisers (Quasars + Chrysalis)
  • 20 carriers
  • 50 destroyers
  • 75 frigates (numbered boosted by Corkscrew)
  • 60 corvettes and smaller patrol assets
DDS40 also say the DDS needs a small fleet of high performance oilers able to reach much higher speeds than the Extender fleet to supplement the Extenders and provide support for rapid raiding parties and deployments.

Of course this is just a report by a think tank and the bottom line will be funding but it is likely some of these ideas will direct future DDS shipbuilding policies.

Dinos buy extra weapons from Clones

The Dinos are already a customer for land weapons with the Clones with the two parties working together on new weapons like the T-55ZDM and the Dinos beginning licence production of some types. The Dinos have just signed an extra deal with the Clones worth about 170 million zarks. These weapons will be from the HCS Reserve and will be rapidly localised ready for Dino service by September.

The weapons bought include mostly artillery:
  • 190 ATC-107C self-propelled artillery guns (the Dinos already use the newer G version and are working on a future version with the Clones)
  • 100 RBU-8000 and 980 rocket artillery systems
  • 75 TAA-4 Stoat anti-aircraft tanks
  • 25 ET-55 engineering tanks plus various engineering equipment such as bridges

DDS receive 12 more K-18Ds

The DDS have received 12 more K-18Ds taking the total fleet up to 22. The first squadron with the type in the DDSAF is now in operational training and should be fully operational by the early Autumn. The DDSAF have 150 of these Dino build close support aircraft on order.

In othe DDSAF news the first of the latest batch of the F-10S Shark 2100, the F-10SEP, has now been delivered. 10 more ex-HCSAF Halogen helicopters have also been received within the last few days.

Bolitic preparing to send more troops to Pulsin

The Dinos are reinforcing their fleet at Pulsin following intelligence gained that the Bolitic are going to attempt another reinforcement of their bridgehead on the planet. Despite landing a lot of troops recent battles have seen the Bolitic forces worn down and it is thought that a big injection in fresh manpower will be needed if the Bolitic are to have any chance of breaking the stranglehold the Dinos have on their positions.

One complication for the Bolitic of course is their depleted transport fleet, nearly 30 transport ships have been destroyed by the Dino mini-raid strategy though that may be over now as the Dinos have launched no new raids today. It is thought the Bolitic have gathered much of their remaining transport fleet for this latest reinforcement plus a powerful battlefleet.

The Dinos also have around 90 ships at Pulsin setting the stage for what might be the defining battle of this war.


LRM-20 put on back burner?

With the Clone Space Missile approaching its first operational phase the HCS lead over the DDS in interstellar nuclear missiles has seemingly widened especially as the DDS LRM-20 project has been put on hold because of the war. DDS Research now say they are probably 3-4 years from the end of the war before they can have anything operational though some of the technologies that will be employed are in development as they are used in other programmes like the MRM that have not been frozen.

However it is possible the DDS may ditch the LRM-20 and instead wait until the LRM-100 missile which would have a 100 light year range. All targets in CSE-W and most in CSE-E (from a silo on Starbot) would be in range of such a weapon. The range of CSM is unknown though is thought to be less than 20 light years, however this is enough for missiles launched from Cloneworld to reach the core DDS systems of Proxima Centauri and Solaris.
Anatomy Of A Raid
Crickson leads a raid into Bolitic space.

DDS to resume exports of non-combat ships

The DDS have partially lifted their ban on exports and will resume deliveries of Provider-E and Extender-E transports. This is good news for the DDS export business as Extender-Es are among their biggest seller and there is quite a back-log of orders building up.

Two ships are nearing completion on the Raegris operated production jig likely to be delivered to Putri 500 and Molab soon.

War Update 20/07/10

  • Another successful Dino raid has been announced. A Helwin and 3 transports plus a refuelling port were destroyed in a raid earlier today. No Dino losses have been reported. Two other raids took place but were unsuccessful.
  • The Bolitic are understood to have seized 3 transport ships operated by the Vosun merchant fleet and will impress them into service for the Bolitic.


Dino policy of targeting Bolitic logistics is working say DDS analysts

DDS analysts including Prof. Wayne King-Meiouf have said the Dino policy of targeting Bolitic transport assets and infrastructure as part of their small raid strategy is paying off already. The Bolitic logistical infrastructure was already under strain because of the land invasion of Pulsin and recent losses of ships and bases have put it at near breaking point.

Already it is thought that a planned Bolitic raid into territory near Xi in the Dino Republic had to be cancelled because of a lack of an oiler. Support assets are so short away from the front-line that it is understood one ship has run out of fuel in deep space and is waiting for help.

Bolitic warn Vosun of "consequences"

The Bolitic have warned the new provisional Vosun government of "consequences" if the new government continues its policy of distancing itself from the Bolitic. Since coming to power on a wave of popular protest the new government has sought to rid itself of the label of "Bolitic lackeys" and end involvement in the war (which in reality has happened anyway as their fleet has been mostly destroyed).

The Bolitic may consider sending in some "guest troops" to assist with law and order though at the moment the Bolitic military is stretched which may save the Vosun.

Starbotians launch second ABBO raid

The Starbotians have attacked the ABBOs again attacking an asteroid just inside ABBO territory which it appears was being used for mining of various minerals used in the construction of ABBO warships. Three ABBO warships and a large transport ship were destroyed, a second transport ship was later intercepted near to the asteroid. This one was fully laden and was captured by the Starbotians and is being taken to Starbot. One Starbotian ship sustained minor damage.

Some analysts think the DDS may be considering a change of tactics against the ABBOs and may be looking at trying to hit their military industrial complex and incredible production capacity.

Red Sparrow main landing takes place

The centrepiece of the Red Sparrow amphibious exercise, a landing of 5 brigades of troops, has taken place on Loeuss. DDS and Dino troops were landed and "opposed" by DDS, Aritan and Remedian forces. DDS and Dino special forces worked in tandem on a number of exercises too including a simulated assassination of a Bolitic leader it is reported by some sources.

A second landing purely by Dino forces is taking place today, the landing supported by Dino ground attack assets.

War Update 19/07/10

  • Dino raids continued over the weekend but pickings are becoming much slimmer now. No successes at all were reported on Saturday. Yesterday one raid was a success though with the Bolitic losing a Helwin, a Meltinan and a transport in a raid on a refuelling point. One Dinomark XT was destroyed in the raid.
  • The Bolitic have retaken a hill on the edge of their bridgehead after a bitter battle with Dino forces. The hill had been used for artillery spotting by the Dinos so in retaking it the Bolitic have gained a definite advantage.


Operation Red Sparrow

Operation Red Sparrow is a major amphibious exercise being carried out by the DDS on Loeuss with Dino, Remedian and Aritan forces taking part. It is understood the exercise began 2 days ago and will continue until early next week with a landing of troops from the DDS and Dino armies and other training scenarios. The DDS say that at the moment the New DDS Army has not been called for to fight in the war but that may end soon so the opportunity is being taken to have a "final test".

The Orchid has taken personal control of the operation and a very powerful DDS and Remedian fleet has been assembled for the exercise which will also include ground attacks by Rome corvettes, Prowler and SS-D special forces raids and other training. The Dinos have sent 8 ships including 2 of their Provider-EDA transports on their first deployments.

C126 Lepton (flag)
R105 Grenadier
D161 Solaris III
DR188 Mila II
F108 Eocene
F126 Mesozoic
K102 Caesar
K112 Seneca
P132 Kestral
P137 Buzzard
P138 Barn Owl
P143 Raptor
L111 Pangaea
L113 Laurentia
L115 Columbia
L151 Oceania II
A110 Condor
A152 Kerocene

The operation has been kept top secret until today but DDS observers say it now explains why the DDS fleet has seemed so much more stretched than it should be in recent days because of the large number of ships taking part.

Dinos reactivate 20 more XTs; Amphibious exercise

The Dinos have reactivated and re-militarised 20 more Dinomark XTs from their civilian reserve. The ships are thought to be the last available however as other ships are too old or out of date to be of any military value. These 20 ships themselves will be of marginal value and will be used on Dino-Land to free up more modern ships for the front line.

The Dinos are preparing to take part in a major amphibious warfare exercise with the DDS. Despite the war on Pulsin the Dinos are still able to add 2 brigades of the army plus ship assets to the amphibious exercise which will take place on Loeuss shortly. (The exact date is being kept a secret).

Starbotians join the fight against the ABBOs

The Starbotians have as yet not been involved in the war apart from helping out in the defence of DDS Centre when the DDS fleet was depleted. Now however comes news of an attack by Starbotian warships on the ABBOs. It is thought the Starbotian attack was sanctioned by the DDS but the Starbotians were given carte blanche with their attack plans and objectives.

They attacked a planet on the edge of ABBO space with a fleet consisting of

I-1A Iona
I-20 Cougar
I-13 Atom
I-15 Neutron
I-6 Ixion

Sixteen ABBO warships were reported to have been destroyed and some major communications systems destroyed on the planet. It is thought the planet was a major node on the ABBO communications network in that part of their territory. No Starbotian warships were lost though some sustained damage.

Big Dino raid on Bolitic forces around Castarian

The Dinos have pulled off their most audacious raid of the war to date by attacking Bolitic warships being stored near to the capital Castarian. Six smaller raids took place elsewhere along the front line but these did not yield any successes, it is thought these raids were diversions.

A Dinomark RS led the major raid and destroyed a Reptoli Tuul, a Snarl, 7 Meltinans and 3 transports (or utility ships) as well as damaging a number of other ships. 2 Dinomark PTs and 3 XTs are reported to have been lost.

Emperor Borca is said to have been so angry at the slack security around Castarian, the Bolitic thinking the Dinos would not attack that deep into their territory, he is said to have personally beheaded the head of space defence on Castarian.


War Update 15/07/10

  • The Dinos launched 4 raids today but drew a blank it is reported. One Meltinan was damaged in an attack but no kills were reported. One Dinomark sustained moderate damage.
  • An ABBO warship was destroyed by an Aritan patrol near the Rim Worlds. It is thought the ABBO ship was out of fuel, perhaps a straggler from earlier missions. It was easily picked off by an Aritan Kalahati Tuul.

DDS gearing up for SUP-ILU

With the Isometric-ILU programme now entering it's final stages the DDS are preparing for the only upgrade programme that is bigger, the SUP-ILU to upgrade and life-extend the DDS' large fleet of transports and oilers and other types based on the Standard Utility Platform. The SUP-ILU programme includes the Provider 71A, Extender 73A and Marconi 81A fleets. 36 ships in total (with more on the way). The Missileer 21B fleet is SUP based but will be updated separately as is the Nightingale 88A hospital ship fleet.

Although still fairly young (the oldest Provider is 6 years old now) the ships are worked incredibly hard hence the need to bring forward the ILU to 2111 instead of 2113-4 as previously envisaged. Key to the upgrade will be a new powerplant and improved performance. A new engine is being developed by Hitachi to replace the existing HS-740B. The ships will be strengthened to allow a speed boost up to 650c (which can be achieved without too much work).

Armament will be greatly improved. A version of the TPM launcher fitted to the Missileer will be included in the ILU along with provision for up to 100 TPMs. Tactical systems and sensors will also be upgraded (cascaded equipment from updated warships is likely to be reused to save costs). Internal security measures are also likely to be improved.

A full list of the improvements planned for the SUP-ILU will be announced early in the new year with the first upgrades planned for later. One complication is of course the war and the heavy usage of the existing fleet which may mean the SUP-ILU proceeds at a low rate until hostilities end.


Three DDS brigades declared operational

The 2nd Heavy Brigade (Terra) and 11th and 12th Light Brigades (Terra) have been declared operational following a major exercise of the New DDS Army on Liberation. All 3 brigades are part of the army's 2nd Division.

As the DDS' army build up continues a 3rd Division has been formed though as yet most of it only exists on paper though at it's core are existing brigades taken from the 1st and Reserve Divisions.

Some insiders however have warned against the DDS getting too ahead of itself. "The new army is untested. A brigade might be declared operational but who knows what would happen if it took on an ABBO or Bolitic heavy brigade?" For that reason the DDS are keen to "blood" as many of its troops as possible. More DDS troops have arrived on Pulsin to fight alongside the Dinos.

HCS unveil Sprite UCV and improved Nybble

The HCS are to build an updated version of their Sprite drone which was in service with the HCS Space Navy in the 2090s (and was a major inspiration for the DDS Ferret it is thought). At the time the Sprite proved troublesome in service but the HCS think that experience gained from their Nybble superluminal UCV means the new Sprite will be a much more effective weapon.

As for Nybble NL the second drone is about to enter service and it is thought has a number of changes from the first Nybble. It has some external hardpoints for the carriage of missiles (though its not known if it will carry any yet) plus some changes to it's EO sensors. A HCS source says the first few Nybbles are likely to have differences so the HCS can choose different configurations before deciding on a definite specification for mass production.

Aritans given arms boost

The Aritans have been given 25 extra Ferret-E UCVs from DDS stocks and a number of upgrades to shields and sensor systems which will be rolled out to the Intrepid II and Solaris II ships in their fleet. Their defence will also be bolstered with the arrival of the Total Might fleet deployment in a couple of weeks.

The Aritan fleet is slowly getting back on it's feet following the heavy losses against the ABBOs. The DDS said they supported their allies and would strengthen them though warned that there would likely be further blood sacrifices to come before the war was over.

Bolitic pushed back on Pulsin

The Bolitic have been pushed back from their recently seized positions following a fierce battle between the SS Black Dragon Martyr Brigade and Bolitic slave soldiers. The brutal SS took no prisoners (apart from those they wish to rape) and claim to have killed over 5000 slave soldiers. The brand new T-55ZDM2 tank is said to have performed well in the battle.

The Dinos are aiming to pin down the Bolitic into their bridgehead and then wear them down with air and artillery attacks. Unless the Bolitic get some further reinforcements then the land war could turn decisively in the Dinos favour.

Massive explosion at military chemical depot on Dino-Land

An explosion at a military chemical storage depot on Dino-Land has killed over 100 Dinos and unleashed a huge toxic cloud over central Dino-Land though luckily prevailing winds have blown the cloud over a lightly inhabited area. It is thought the explosion was caused by a cyber attack by the Bolitic which caused safety valves to fail.

It is rare for the Dinos to be defeated by a Bolitic cyber attack, as they have suffered these attacks continuously for decades their data security measures are very high but occaisionally an attack does get through, usually due to operator error. An SS team is investigating.

Latest Dino raid a disaster

The Dinos launched 3 more raids today but only managed to destroy a Bolitic transport. The cost to themselves was far higher though. Two Dinomark PTs and 3 XTs were destroyed when a raiding party where ambushed by strong Bolitic forces who lay in wait around 2 transports which were acting as bait.

The transports were unmanned (or at least unmanned by Bolitic) and exploded when the Dinos grew close, a large nuclear explosion damaging the Dinos' shields. The Bolitic then decloaked and destroyed the raiding party, 1 PT managed to get away.

It is not known if the Dinos may now change their raiding tactic but some modifications will be necessary. The Bolitic are seldom caught out by a new tactic for long.


Sirikwan receive Type B transports

Two ex-HCS Type B transports have been delivered to the Sirikwanese. The HCS veterans are said to be still good for 7-8 years service and were given a minor update to the latest communication and navigation commercial standards. They will now be localised by the Sirikwanese and it is expected they will be fitted with DDS communication equipment and Canister TPM.

Sirikwan bought the ships to fill a gap in their transport fleet following the retirement of some old Tarbotian built ships a few years ago. Two Provider-Es are on order though are not expected to be delivered for a few years.

Total Might recalled

The Orchid has recalled Windy's Total Might deployment following 3 successful attacks on ABBO planets and bases. The strategy has not drawn the ABBO fleet however so the DDS intend to try a different tactic. It is understood the Total Might deployment is en route to New Arit to bolster the DDS in that region though the Pulsar 12A bombers will then return to Proxima 7 following resupply.

Windy's flagship SS Carboniferous will also return to DDS Centre where it will undergo some updates. It is not yet known to which ship Windy will transfer his flag.

Dino raids continue

The Dino raids continue, though only 3 raids were reported today and all smaller raids. Two Bolitic transports were destroyed for no Dino losses,  a number of Bolitic ships were damaged - the Dinos are not reporting on any ships of theirs damaged but it is likely there were some.

The Bolitic have tightened up their patrol circuits and instigated a convoy system for transport ships. Much needed it is thought as the heavy losses in the Bolitic transport fleet now mean that the Bolitic are finding it difficult to sustain operations in some areas.

UV156 : Hard, Masculine & Gay

  • Electro-Boy - Can ZBH end the war with an audacious raid?...
  • Crimes Against Children - It is a dark day for the Republic...
  • Hidden Camera - The war hots up between the DDS and ABBOs....
  • TTG Save The World - Can Dr P and Mr C save the world from TTG?...
  • Civil Partnership - Has the Xenon homeworld been discovered at last?...
  • Armed Polis - The Boy has a new duty to perform for Solax....

Fleet News (13/07/10)

  • L116 Kenora has joined the fleet as the 6th (and for the moment final) Pangaea 63A amphibious warfare ship. Like a couple of other ships in the AW fleet it is likely to be used on other duties for the moment.
  • A162 Alkane is the latest Extender 73A oiler to join the fleet and is being prepared to support a fleet deployment in Remedian space.
  • X151 Experiment has joined the fleet as an Experiment 96X research and trials ship, though as it is a fully functioning warship its first duties are to be for Patrol Command.
  • The 3 Pelican 47W special forces transports (Dinomark XTs that can travel underwater) have entered service. They are A691 Pelican, A692 Penguin and A693 Porpoise. As the DDS have not revealed what their initial duties will be (as is usual) it can be assumed they are going to be used by special forces.
  • F124 Ordovician has begun it's Isometric ILU.


Six raids show Dino intent

No fewer than 6 raids were launched by the Dinos today as a show of intent that they are serious about defeating the Bolitic. Five of the raids were smaller raids and yielded the loss of a Helwin, a Redhull and 2 Meltinans in separate incidents. Three transports were also destroyed. Two Dinomark XTs were reported lost.

The 6th raid was a more major affair and was an attack on a Bolitic fleet detachment just inside the border. A Snarl and 4 Meltinans were destroyed along with 4 transports. Two Dinomark PTs and 1 XT were lost. A lone Helwin was caught by the Dinos as they returned to Dino space and also destroyed.
Armed Polis
The Boy has a new duty to perform for Solax.


Dinos modify tactics as new raid strategy continues

Over the weekend the Dinos have continued to launch a series of raids over the border to attack Bolitic assets however as the Bolitic have started to negate the tactic of small raids by strengthening patrols and starting convoy runs of transports the Dinos have modified their tactics to launch a much bigger raid instead.

Yesterday there were 4 raids reported. A Meltinan and 3 transports are reported to have been destroyed in return for 1 Dinomark NG. Today as well as a smaller raid which resulted in no "kills" the Dinos attacked a Bolitic forward rendezvous point near Pulsin with 17 ships. A Snarl and 3 Meltinan as well as 7 transports were destroyed for 1 Dinomark PT and 3 Dinomark XTs.


Civil Partnership
Has the Xenon homeworld been discovered at last?

HCS deploy large fleet but to where?

HCS watchers are reporting a major HCS fleet has left Cloneworld though the destination or purpose of the fleet are unknown. It is not known if this is a major training exercise or a combat deployment, though the Clones are not known to be at war with anyone at the moment.

The fleet is said to consist of some of the best ships in the HCS Space Navy including Soulaki SLBs and Molentic Tuul MTMs. Four of the new Kelsan KS bombers have also been included.

Dinos launch 5 more raids

The Dinos are continuing their new policy of small hit-and-run raids on Bolitic positions. 4 more raids were launched today. The Bolitic lost 2 Meltinan ships and 1 transport. No Dinomarks were lost though one XT did sustain serious damage with a number of fatalities aboard.

Later on a further, slightly larger raid, was launched on a refuelling point inside Bolitic space. A Snarl and a Helwin were damaged (the latter thought to be seriously) and a guard Redhull and a Meltinan at the refuelling point were destroyed. The refuelling facility was also badly damaged. A Dinomark XT was badly damaged in the raid and had to be abandoned and destroyed.


F-45C M2 begins flight tests

Milestone 2 of the F-45C programme has begun it's flight testing following the early flight tests of M1 which began late last year (M1 was pretty much an early F-45C fuselage with F-45A systems). M2 is closer to the final F-45C specification with much of the avionics suite and flight control system being new though lacks some advanced features like the mission adaptive wing and some avionics like the new radar and ECM suite. M2 does include the first flight testable build of the new engines though and many other improvements.

A CAC spokesclone said that M2 will be followed by M3 later in the year which will also include the first test planes for the Navy's F-45K. These test aircraft will not be carrier capable however but this may change with M4, the pre-production specification, which is expected before the end of next year.

2114 remains the planned in service date for F-45C with F-45K likely to follow in 2115. Along with the CSM it is the most important new weapon programme currently in the HCS.

Total Might makes third attack, ABBOs not caring?

Windy's Total Might deployment has made a third combined attack on an ABBO planet, 3 nuclear weapons were detonated on the planet destroying a large ABBO base. 17 ABBO warships were destroyed in the space battle that preceded the attack run by the Pulsar 12A bombers. One Pulsar did sustain moderate damage and lost main power but has now been repaired.

The DDS are rather confused by the ABBOs' reaction though, "Its as if they don't care." Action Painting said to reporters, "They haven't sent any fleets to intercept our one or even strengthened forces on planets nearby."

The Orchid may recall Total Might. There is speculation that the DDS may enter a holding pattern against the ABBOs and instead concentrate on helping the Dinos defeat the Bolitic and then go on the offensive with the Dinos against the ABBOs. Consul Cruggson is expected to visit DDS GHQ for talks with The Orchid this weekend.

DDS join war on Pulsin

A Rome corvette equipped with the ground attack module has already been attached to the Dino fleet near Pulsin for some weeks (though not used to attack Bolitic ground positions). It has been joined by a Solaris 37C destroyer and 3 more Romes for a short-term deployment thought to last until early next week.

The DDS ships, escorted by Dinomarks, made their first attack on Bolitic ground positions earlier today and the combined firepower of the 4 Romes plus the extra accuracy of the sensors on the Solaris is said to have made the effect pretty devastating on the Bolitic. Further attacks will take place. A Meltinan was also destroyed when it tried to attack the DDS ships.

A DDS spokesman said all of the ships would return to the DDS next week and were there to help the Dinos in their fight against the Bolitic as well as gain some useful experience in using ground attack assets in conjunction with the Solaris.

Dinos launching new tactic? Five raids against Bolitic

The Dinos appear to have changed their tactics against the Bolitic and have launched 5 small raids against the Bolitic along the border. Each involved no more than 3 Dinomarks and were rapid hit and run attacks on lone ships or small groups. A Helwin, 4 Meltinans and a number of transport ships are reported to have been destroyed. A Dinomark PT is reported to have been lost when it suffered a shields failure at an unfortunate moment.

Only one of the attacks involved the use of TPMs (the attack on a Helwin) indicating the Dinos are rationing their new weapon for use against larger targets only at the moment.


HCS Fleet News (07/07/10)

One more Moltentic Tuul has been upgraded from MTA to MTM standard leaving just 8 of the original A standard left now. The HCS reckon they can complete the upgrade programme this year if they push on now.

Two Kelsan KS bombers have been delivered to the fleet. The HCS are understood to be working on a small sub-class to be built as a follow-on called the Kelsan KSJ which would also be able to refuel and resupply fellow Kelsan KS ships but would also be able to act as a bomber. Further details are expected at a later date.

New Type A and Type C transports have also been added to the fleet.


Dinos "blood" TPMs

Two Dinomark PTs armed with TPMs have made the first Dino kill using the missile. It is thought the Dinomarks, crewed by members of the elite 6th Legion, made a special raid into Bolitic space to test the new weapon in the best way possible - by attacking the enemy!

A Helwin class cruiser on a patrol circuit near the border was ambushed and destroyed by 2 TPMs. The Dinomarks then returned to Dino space. Around 80 TPMs have now been allocated to a number of first line units mostly around Dino-Land and Pulsin.

Vosun government overthrown

The government of the Bolitic puppet the Vosun Star Empire (a largely ironic name these days) has been overthrown after 3 days of rioting in the capital and a coup by junior officers angry at the sacrifice of so much of their fleet to serve the Bolitic's ends. It is not known yet how the Bolitic will react though it is likely they will not do anything for the moment because so much of their armed forces is involved in the war with the Dinos.

A provisional civilian-military government has been set up and will begin the process for a genuine democracy. The new government says they will remain friends of the Bolitic but not their "lackeys".

Aritans gain some revenge on ABBOs

The Aritans have gained a small measure of revenge on the ABBOs when 2 of their Intrepid destroyers managed to ambush 7 ABBO ships refuelling near an asteroid field a couple of light years from New Arit. The Aritans got in close using their cloaks then targetted the refuelling ship first, destroying it with a TPM salvo.

The explosion threw the ABBOs into chaos and the Aritans managed to destroy 4 more of the ships. The rest of the ABBOs fled. Not one hit was sustained by the Aritans.

DDS transport destroyed by ABBOs

Friendship 75A transport A210 Project has been destroyed by the ABBOs while on UNP governance duties in the Rim Worlds. The Friendship was attacked by 4 ABBO ships near the mining colony of Rehan 758. It put out a distress call but the nearest DDS or allied ship was an hour away.

The Friendship was equipped with 2 Canister TPM units and managed to destroy 1 ABBO ship and damage another with it's laser cannons but the others soon broke down it's shields and destroyed the ship. All crew are thought to have been lost.

The DDS said the loss was "regrettable" but unfortunately they cannot protect all transport ships and still maintain vital communications and transport programmes. The DDS are gradually uparming them as supplies of Canister TPM increase. Most Friendships and River class ships will have at least 4 units by the end of the month and will be receiving a sensor upgrade and improved tactical unit soon.


SeaGale Test 2 suggests accelerated test programme

The SeaGale SLBM has been tested for the second time, a few months earlier than the DDS expected. The second test from the HCS' missile test site was again from a ground based platform though the DDS think that a tethered test from an underwater tube could now take place before the end of this year.

The DDS think that Oojok has ordered CSM and SeaGale development be accelerated to get the new interstellar nuclear missile into service as soon as possible. "The Clones think the DDS might fall and they would be next." a DDS spokesman said rather gloomily.

DDSAF order 100 A-84 attack aircraft

The DDSAF have bought 100 ex-HCSAF A-84 attack aircraft and will urgently get the aircraft ready for operation as soon as possible (the main problem will be finding enough pilots). The aircraft are mid-series Bombardiers and are in a reasonable condition having been withdrawn due to budgetary reasons with a good 5-10 years of life left.

One DDSAF officer has raised an eyebrow that the A-84, an aircraft that bombed the DDS many times during the Clone Wars will be in DDS service but a DDSAF spokesman said, "In that case we know just how good this rugged beast is!"

Dinos inflict heavy defeat on Bolitic in failed offensive

The Dinos have held their lines in a morale boosting victory on Pulsin in the face of a fierce Bolitic offensive. The Bolitic launched a heavy attack to try and capture the Reda Valley near to their bridgehead. Taking the valley would have given them a decisive advantage against the Dinos terrain wise and probably forced the Dinos to retreat.

For several hours the Bolitic send waves of slave soldiers against the Dino lines backed up by war zeppelins and para-glider attacks. The Dinos mowed down the slaves in their hundreds.

Elsewhere the Bolitic offensive of a few days ago has ground to a halt. The Bolitic have gained territory but the cost has been high.

Interview : Dr Forbidden

Dr Forbidden of DDS Research has taken time out from his busy schedule to answer some questions on current developments at the DDS.

US : Dr Forbidden, how has the war changed how DDS Research is currently working? Have some projects been cancelled or postponed?

DF : Strangely enough there has been very little effect so far on what we have been doing. When the war started we held a review of all current projects to see if we could re-prioritise but the projects were either close to completion (and thus changing things would have just added unnecessary risk into the latter stages) or long-term projects that throwing extra resources at would be pretty pointless as they still wouldn't be ready in time for the war (unless it lasts for years). The major event that has changed how DDS Research works has been the arrival of Dino worm-drive.

US : Can you elaborate?

DF : With a working worm-drive to examine we obviously are no longer working on the base technology. Instead we are now trying to understand how it works in the short-term, how to maintain it in the medium-term, then how to improve it in the longer-term. Ironically some staff have been reallocated from the worm-drive project to our traditional propulsion project.

US : Some of our readers will be shocked with that Doctor, they might assume that worm-drive makes traditional superluminal drives obsolete.

DF : Far from it! One aspect of worm drive technology a lot of people have yet to grasp is that (at the moment at least) the length of the jump is fixed. Current drives jump a ship 5 light years at a time. Now obviously if your destination is less than 5 light years away you'll have to make the rest of the journey using existing drives. Thus we are continuing to improve them.

The Gluon drives used in the Panthers are due an upgrade soon which will see a modest speed increase though much work nowadays is going into reliability and efficiency.

US : Moving onto weapon systems, are any new projects in the pipeline that you can mention of course?

DF : The Z InterPhase or Zip cannon is of course generating a lot of interest. We think now we can begin field trials before the end of the year. I think this could be a game changer in the war the TPM was. There are other things happening but of course its best we do not mention those!

US : Dr Forbidden, thank you!


Jimmy : "I'm not a wimp!"

Stung by recent criticism that he is an appeaser, a coward or even a traitor (some of the more printable descriptions of him) Consul Jimmy has made a hawkish speech where he reminded the Dinos of his military record. Jimmy spoke of the great sacrifice of the 6th Legion which he commanded in the civil war that saw Ronald first rise to power. "The odds were heavy, the SS outnumbered us and had a material advantage but we had courage in our hearts and a will to win! That is what we need now."

Jimmy acknowledged the appeasement talk had been a mistake and he said the death of ZBH had hit him hard however flanked by Senator Spikeson and the newly promoted Legate Crickson he said the Liberal Party was not the party of defeat. "Our commitment to the war has been renewed. Our resolve doubled. Our desire for victory infinite!" he told a roaring crowd. "I'm not a wimp. We're not wimps. We will lead the Dinos to victory!"


Aritan fleet to get boost

The Aritans have lost a lot of their fleet strength in the recent battles with the ABBOs and the DDS will maintain a squadron at New Arit to help defend them. The Aritans will soon get a Pentekonter-E which was being built for an export order but will be diverted to the Aritans after the DDS decided to suspend most export deliveries until the war ends.

Two of the Kingfisher 39B destroyers which are re-activated Kalahati Tuuls will also be allocated to the Aritan fleet when they enter service over the next couple of months. In the longer term the Aritans need replacements for their ageing fleet but there are unlikely to be any funding for much in the way of newer ships for a long time.


Raegris Relief ends

With the Raegris fleet now getting back on it's fleet the emergency deployment of DDS ships to help defend Raegris space has now been largely withdrawn. R151 Olympus Mons has departed Raegris with most of the ships to return to Remedian space.

Pentekonter X901 Cleon has remained for the time being but will return to Solaris in a couple of months to be outfitted with the new DMS minesweeping system and be converted to a Pentekonter-M.

Europa begins wind-down of service

Veteran Pulsar 12A cruiser C108 Europa has been designated the second of the type to be withdrawn following India's retirement earlier in the year. Europa has been planned to be one of the ships withdrawn in 2111 but severe cracks have been found in the main load bearers which has resulted in the ship being banned from superluminal operation.

Europa still has a month or so of nuclear fuel left so will operate as an orbital defence post at Solaris until final withdrawal.

DDS working on next generation Ferret

The DDS have announced the start of a new project to develop the replacement to the current generation of UCVs the Ferret-E and Ferret-G. Ferret-N will be a complete redesign of the drone and is due to enter service around the mid-point of this decade. Ferret-N will be superluminal thanks to a strap-on hyperspace drive which can be fitted in seconds by a carrier ship and will also have a brand new computer system, improved weapon load and a new engine.

The N will build on work already done on the Ferret-X. What DDS Research have done is split the X project to bring some improvements to the Ferret-G and more long-term improvements to the N.

Total Might moves onto next target

Windy's Total Might deployment has moved onto it's second objective and carried out a nuclear attack on an asteroid used by the ABBOs as a maintenance and refuelling base. The asteroid was totally destroyed by multiple nuclear strikes fired by Pulsar 12A bombers.

Around 12 ABBO ships tried to stop the attack (the asteroid attack appears to have caught the ABBOs off-guard, they didn't have many forces stationed there). 7 ABBO ships were destroyed, one of the Panther 35A destroyers suffered a main power failure resulting in some casualties but was later repaired. It is estimated 17 ships were destroyed at the asteroid when it was attacked.

Wayne King-Meiouf : The Dino fight to avoid irrelevancy

With the Dino war effort suffering a series of series set-backs and a collapse in morale in some quarters i decided to do a little crystal ball gazing and look into a near future where the Dinos did not manage to turn things around...

The date is the 1st of July 2113, almost exactly a year after the end of the massive war between the DDS, Dinos and their allies and the Bolitic/ABBO alliance when DDS bombers launched a nuclear strike on the Bolitic Emperor's palace on Castarian killing Borca and finally ending resistance.

The Dinos ended the war shattered, Pulsin had been lost and Dino-Land badly damaged in a series of Bolitic raids. Their fleet was in poor shape and the aura of invincibility of their army gone for ever. Talks between the Dinos and DDS about the Dinos joining the DDS as a Tier 1 ally began as soon as the war ended and the Dinos applied to join the UNP.

The Dinos were forced to lose what was left of their arrogant pride and become a mere part of the DDS war machine. Dino Army units were reorganised to form part of the New DDS Army which started the war poorly but ended up a formiddable force. What was left of their fleet were given DDS pennet numbers but the old XT production line finally ended. The PT remained in production but new ships were be in DDS colours. The SS became a local police force in charge of traffic control.

Some pride is gained from the fact the Dinos have their own DDS command, DDS Dino-Land which has a Dino commander (Zanus being the first commander) and the Dinos have a person on the DDS ruling council (Cruggson is the first) but independance has gone. The future of the Dinos now lies as part of a greater UNP/DDS whole and with a war with the HCS seemingly inevitable within a year or two the Dinos could soon see themselves fighting and dying for the DDS.

So that is how is could be if the Dinos do not turn things around. Unlike large powers like the Utrek and even the Bolitic the Dinos are a small faction and cannot rely on vast resources and territory to enable them to retain relevancy and regenerate their strength. The Dinos need to keep winning to retain their aura of strength and at the moment that aura is fading away.

Ronald to take direct control of war

Following a heated meeting of the Senate Ronald has said he is going to take over direct control of the Dino war effort. Up until now Dino control has been rather muddled with a mixed message from the 2 Consuls and various Senators trying to boost their profile or election prospects in the forthcoming Consul election with missions and raids of sometimes dubious strategic worth (which came unstuck in ZBH's case).

Ronald has set up a war committee with GBH, El Diablo and Zanus and it is expected GBH will be sent to take over the war on Pulsin.

Other Fleet News (01/07/10)

  • The Dinos have received some much needed new ships to their battered fleet. Two Dinomark PTs and 3 Dinomark XTs have joined the fleet.
  • The Bolitic have added a new Snarl and 3 new Meltinans to their fleet according to Dino intelligence. Two Helwins have also been reactivated after being kept in storage though as yet have not been upgraded in any way.
  • The Raegris have added a DF-1 frigate to their fleet. The RC-2B upgrade programme has now been scheduled for October which is when the Raegris think their fleet will be more or less back to a decent enough strength.
  • Although most DDS exports are on hold deliveries of the Coril-E shuttle are continuing. Molab have received 3 more of the ships. Molab have asked the DDS to develop a QPM version of Canister TPM to fit to it's transport ships and shuttles.

Bolitic launch offensive on Pulsin

With thousands of extra troops and equipment recently landed the Bolitic have begun their long awaited break-out from their bridgehead on Pulsin it seems. The Bolitic launched an all-out attack on Dino positions breaking through the lines and attacking the rear of the Dino forces. Casualties on both sides are said to be high.

A second-line Dino infantry brigade is said to have been "almost completely wiped out" when it was caught in the vice of the Bolitic pincer attack and crushed by thousands of psycotic war-slaves.

Solax has ordered a pull-back to avoid being encircled by the Bolitic. Dinomarks have maintained a continuous air attack on the Bolitic forces but it has not managed to stop the advance. A Dinomark XT and 8 K-18s are reported to have been shot down.