
Zanus attacks El Diablo

Independent candidate Zanus has launched his election campaign with an attack on his fellow senator and rival candidate El Diablo. Zanus called Diablo a liability if he was in charge of the Dino Republic. "Diablo has been given the top job before and what happened? A military coup within a year and a costly war with the DDS. He has had his go, he failed, its time for someone new.

"At a time of war we cannot risk someone who has failed, who may be a liability, to take charge of the war effort. Thats why i want the Dino people to vote for professionalism, vote for experience, vote for a clean track record. Vote for Zanus!"

El Diablo is currently on a mission but his friend Razorback, the Senate executive officer, supported El Diablo. "El Diablo has given selfless service to the state for years and will not fail us if he is called upon to rule as Consul." He also rounded on Zanus, typically using the "Zay-nus" pronunciation of his name (he prefers Zan-us) to add to the attack, "Zanus says he is a safer bet and had experience. Experience in what? He has never led the state. He has led legions but not an empire or republic. El Diablo has done it before and can do it again."

Liberal candidate ZBH has officially launched his candidature too.