
War Update 04/05/10

  • Among the ships being assembled at a defence line near Solaris is reported to be the first of the Freedom 41B frigates which was coming to the end of it's proving trials near Solaris. The DDS say the ship is ready to fight though will form part of the reserve group.
  • With some recent Bolitic re-inforcements coming up the combined Vosun-Bolitic force in Raegris space is said to be 22 ships strong. The Raegris fleet is holding off from making a move against their invaders yet.
  • A Dinomark XT was destroyed by a Bolitic raid near Pulsin earlier today.
  • The Bolitic invasion fleet in Dino space is said to be heading for Pulsin. The Dinos are sending up extra ships from Dino-Land and Xi.