
Bolitic break through Raegris lines

The Bolitic have launched a major attack on the Raegris and broken through their defence lines along the Raegris-Bolitic border and are heading on towards the Central District. A fleet of about 30 Bolitic warships attacked the 2nd Raegris Fleet near Weyojai (the earlier reported attack on a DF-1 near Nemoka may have been a diversion).

Following a fierce battle in which 2 Raegris and 9 Bolitic ships were destroyed (details below) the Bolitic have now moved on and are heading to the core worlds in the Raegris territory. The Raegris are rushing ships to intercept. The Bolitic are likely to reach the core worlds in a few days.

A DF-1 frigate and a PC-1 patrol ship were those destroyed, a number of other ships including one of the DC-1 cruisers suffered severe damage. A Snarl, 2 Helwin and 6 Meltinan were lost on the Bolitic side.