
AP : Will take a month to get fleet "back on it's fleet"

Action Painting has told reporters that it will likely take the DDS a month to get the core fleet back to anything resembling full strength. "We do have a couple of new ships coming soon including SS Freedom and the return of the Glowing Light deployment but a lot of ships are needing repairs before they can be fit to fight again."

He added though that DDS Engineering was working as fast as it could and would complete the bulk of repairs within a month, however a couple of ships with more serious damage would take longer. "We are prioritising ships that can be fixed quickly, a few ships which need more extensive repair are having to wait but we will get to them!"

Action Painting was asked if this meant the DDS would not be pursuing war with the ABBOs in the short-term, he replied, "We will avoid large scale fleet battles for now, but of course if the ABBOs come then we will meet them and defeat them again. We will however be employing other methods in continuing the fight."

He, when asked if the DDS would launch nuclear attacks on other ABBO worlds, said that nothing was ruled out.