
Raegris preparing for their ultimate battle

Much of the Raegris fleet (plus a DDS Quasar cruiser) have now assembled at the edge of Central District and are awaiting a Bolitic fleet to attack. The two attacking Bolitic fleets have joined forces and now number around 45 ships along with 3 Vosun warships.

Ranged against them are 4 DC-1 cruisers (plus the Quasar), 4 RC-2 and 2 RC-1 cruisers (the latter are obsolete though), 6 DF-1 frigates and a PC-1 patrol boats. It is quite a powerful force and DDS analysts believe the Raegris should win though the cost may be high. If they do win though it should mean the end of the Bolitic menace for a while as far as the Raegris are concerned as the DDS think the Emperor will not allocate any more ships to that front as he regards it as low importance compared to the Dino front and defending Castarian from DDS forces ranged along the nearby Remedian border.