
Wayne King-Meiouf : The Bolitic Miscalculation

Analysis of events and intelligence by the DDS, Dinos and Raegris is helping to build a picture as to why the Bolitic launched a series of terrorist attacks on the DDS and threatened an invasion and yet it was the ABBOs who launched an attack on the DDS. The Bolitic Emperor Borca entered a pact with the ABBOs, he was to divert DDS attention to leave the DDS open to a full scale attack by the ABBOs that was calculated to knock the DDS out by destroying it's main fleet and core of operations. While the DDS were occupied he would be free to launch the full scale attack on the Dinos the Bolitic had been craving for some time safe in the knowledge the DDS would not be able to assist. In one fell swoop Borca gambled that the DDS would be destroyed and the Dinos badly weakened and without the prospect of DDS help probably finished too.

However now we have a situation where both the ABBOs and Bolitic have lost large portions of their fleets (the DDS and Dinos have also had bad losses but their losses are more sustainable) and the war is not over. The Bolitic have a foothold on Pulsin but a long and costly struggle will have to be fought if that will be worth anything to the Bolitic. So what went wrong? Borca is an experienced strategist who, it is said, was the power behind Aliowaki's throne for some years and the ABBOs analyse all situations with their cold machine logic. They must have both thought their strategy would work and the DDS and Dinos be defeated.

They did not count on two unlikely individuals being the difference. The Orchid as new DDS Commander led the DDS fleet at the Battle Of Solaris in the absense of Windscorpion. Up until now The Orchid has been known as a competant, good, commander but not a military genius. At the Battle Of Solaris she came into her own with innovative tactics and firm resolve. Her use of the MRM and the Missileer attack cost the ABBOs over half of their strength and allowed the DDS to withstand the rest of the fleet and win through (though it was close!)

MBH led the Dinos at the Battle Of Pulsin. MBH is an enigmatic character, many are fans of his leadership ability and intelligence (though he is his own #1 fan), but he has not been known for his military leadership before. In the battle he was fine, marshalling his troops well and leading them with courage. Although it may be considered the Bolitic won the battle as they were able to land troops on Pulsin it was no doubt a Pyrrhic victory as the Bolitic fleet lost heavily and will be unlikely to face the Dinos in a major fleet action for some time.

How does Borca now feel now? Many Bolitic now feel he made a mistake in attacking the Dinos committing so much of the cream of the Bolitic fleet. Now they have been dragged into what could be a long and drawn out conflict though the Bolitic do have vast land forces thanks to their slave armies. The loss of so many Bolitic knights (and a few barons) in the Battle Of Pulsin does mean though that the Bolitic's attention is switching internally to succession in a number of houses. Borca will need to keep a lid on these pressures but as we all know with the Bolitic, internal pressures rise very rapidly and very easily out of control.