Following the Bolitic raid on the Raegris border planet of Nemoka a few days ago the Raegris sent a fleet detachment of 4 ships to the planet to bolster it's defence and perform relief operations on the shattered orbital facilities. DDS Quasar 15A cruiser C129 Charm Quark which has been sent to help the Raegris was also sent to join the Raegris force at Nemoka.
They arrived just in time as a force of 17 Bolitic warships was detected approaching the planet within hours of the Raegris force arrival. The 5 Raegris and DDS ships met the Bolitic just outside of the Nemoka system and after a few hours of tactical manovering finally the Bolitic gave battle. The Bolitic lost 6 ships (1 Snarl, 1 Helwin, 1 Redhull and 3 Meltinan according to reports) and were forced to withdraw back into their territory. On the Raegris side one elderly RC-1 was destroyed and a DF-1 badly damaged (though will be repairable). Charm Quark also sustained serious damage and will be out of action for some weeks.