
DDS roll out data security upgrade / DLLCS

The DDS have rolled out a data security upgrade which will be applicable to most of the fleet. The update (which is a software only update) will further strengthen defences against Bolitic cyber attacks and includes a number of measures drawn from analysis of Bolitic info weapon attacks in the Battle of Solaris. In that battle although most of the enemy ships involved were ABBO a small number of Bolitic ships launched a series of cyber attacks on the DDS and these led directly to the loss of a Missileer and were a major cause for the serious damage to a number of other ships.

R103 Pikeman lost main power and shields after a Bolitic info weapon broke through it's network defences. Pikeman was then destroyed by a barrage of ABBO fire.

The update will strengthen defences against Bolitic attacks and improve data security if an attack does break through. A DDS Research spokesman said "Bolitic info weapons are as deadly as their laser cannons and missiles and we have to keep working hard to maintain our defences against them."

The DDS will also be improving their Direct Line Laser Communications System (DLLCS) fitted to ships at a later upgrade. This is an older backup communications system which uses direct laser links for transferring information and communications between ships. Intended as a backup for radio it also has proven useful in the face of Bolitic info attacks as the datalinks are almost impossible to hack into. However DLLCS is an older system not able to cope with current data volume so an upgrade is in the works. As well as much greater bandwidth it will have further security measures.