
Raegris preparing for their ultimate battle

Much of the Raegris fleet (plus a DDS Quasar cruiser) have now assembled at the edge of Central District and are awaiting a Bolitic fleet to attack. The two attacking Bolitic fleets have joined forces and now number around 45 ships along with 3 Vosun warships.

Ranged against them are 4 DC-1 cruisers (plus the Quasar), 4 RC-2 and 2 RC-1 cruisers (the latter are obsolete though), 6 DF-1 frigates and a PC-1 patrol boats. It is quite a powerful force and DDS analysts believe the Raegris should win though the cost may be high. If they do win though it should mean the end of the Bolitic menace for a while as far as the Raegris are concerned as the DDS think the Emperor will not allocate any more ships to that front as he regards it as low importance compared to the Dino front and defending Castarian from DDS forces ranged along the nearby Remedian border.

F-10A fleet to be upgraded

The F-10A fleet is to receive an upgrade which will standardise the fleet and also keep them flying well into the next decade. At the moment around half the fleet are A2 standard with the rest either A(S) or ASE standard (and able to carry TPM-A missiles). Under the F-10AEA (Enhanced Attack) programme all 52 fighters will be bought up to the same standard.

All A2s will gain the ability to fire the TPM-A plus all aircraft will receive a new radar, improved cockpits, aerodynamic refinements and a refurbishment. The programme will begin later in the year.


War Update 30/05/10

  • One of the ships which battled the Bolitic near Weyojai was the DDS Quasar 15A cruiser C131 Pion which is attached to the Raegris forces. It has reported receiving "notable" damage and is currently heading with some other Raegris ships to join the force being assembled at Central District.
  • The 7th legion of the Dino Army has arrived on Pulsin to reinforce the 3 legions already present on the planet.


Full CSM test carried out

The HCS have announced that they have carried out a "nearly full" test of the Clone Space Missile. Launched by a Gale-III from a test silo near HCS GHQ the Nuclear Space Vehicle (not fitted with a warhead of course) then entered space and travelled to a test range 1.2 light years away. DDS telemetry analysis confirms the NSV reached 15c on it's superluminal stage. The NSV was deactivated and retrieved by a HCS warship.

The HCS say the test was "100% successful" and now the HCS will work up towards a full test of CSM later in the year which will be a full test and include a full power NSV (the DDS estimate it will be able to reach 350c). CSM is still on schedule to be operational by the end of the year.

New DDS logo and branding released

The Orchid announced the latest rebrand of the DDS and the new logo to replace the (pretty widely unloved) cone logo introduced by Rotarios. The new symbol of the DDS is a star and fits into the logo as below:
The Orchid said "The new logo reflects our holistic and wholesome corporate values. The DDS looks forward to a positive future of freedom and peace. It is a clean and modern image which will help inspire future generations of DDS."

DDS fleet delayed because of Raegris situation

Windy was due to depart with a fleet today from DDS Centre, the mission being a secret of course but thought to be an offensive against the ABBOs. However The Orchid has ordered Windy's departure be delayed until the result of the impending battle between the Raegris and Bolitic near the centre of Raegris space.

If the Raegris fall then the priority will be to liberate them from the Bolitic yoke though DDS sources that that if the Raegris 1st Fleet gets back in time to join up with forces in the Central District (as they should) before the Bolitic arrive then the Raegris should have enough ships to defeat the invaders.


Zanus attacks El Diablo

Independent candidate Zanus has launched his election campaign with an attack on his fellow senator and rival candidate El Diablo. Zanus called Diablo a liability if he was in charge of the Dino Republic. "Diablo has been given the top job before and what happened? A military coup within a year and a costly war with the DDS. He has had his go, he failed, its time for someone new.

"At a time of war we cannot risk someone who has failed, who may be a liability, to take charge of the war effort. Thats why i want the Dino people to vote for professionalism, vote for experience, vote for a clean track record. Vote for Zanus!"

El Diablo is currently on a mission but his friend Razorback, the Senate executive officer, supported El Diablo. "El Diablo has given selfless service to the state for years and will not fail us if he is called upon to rule as Consul." He also rounded on Zanus, typically using the "Zay-nus" pronunciation of his name (he prefers Zan-us) to add to the attack, "Zanus says he is a safer bet and had experience. Experience in what? He has never led the state. He has led legions but not an empire or republic. El Diablo has done it before and can do it again."

Liberal candidate ZBH has officially launched his candidature too.

Raegris withdraw 1st fleet back to Central District

The Raegris have ordered back it's 1st fleet back from the border with the Vosun where they have been pushing a Vosun-Bolitic invasion force back out of Raegris space. However the Bolitic thrust towards their Central District has forced them to try and assemble as many forces as possible.

"No doubt the Vosun and Bolitic will now enter our territory again but we have no choice but to deal with the second attack first." a Raegrian general told Raegris TV. The general went on to promise the Bolitic would not get into the core worlds of the home system.

Raegris appeal to DDS for help

Earlier today a Bolitic fleet broke through the Raegris lines and are heading for the Central District. While the Raegris should be able to assemble a reasonably strong fleet to intercept the Bolitic they have appealed to the DDS for help.

Unfortunately even the fastest DDS ships will take around 2 weeks from DDS Centre to get to Raegris space so sending reinforcements is probably not an option (a Quasar cruiser is with the Raegris at the moment).

DDS Commander The Orchid has sent the Raegris her best wishes and says the DDS is going to do all it can to assist.

Bolitic break through Raegris lines

The Bolitic have launched a major attack on the Raegris and broken through their defence lines along the Raegris-Bolitic border and are heading on towards the Central District. A fleet of about 30 Bolitic warships attacked the 2nd Raegris Fleet near Weyojai (the earlier reported attack on a DF-1 near Nemoka may have been a diversion).

Following a fierce battle in which 2 Raegris and 9 Bolitic ships were destroyed (details below) the Bolitic have now moved on and are heading to the core worlds in the Raegris territory. The Raegris are rushing ships to intercept. The Bolitic are likely to reach the core worlds in a few days.

A DF-1 frigate and a PC-1 patrol ship were those destroyed, a number of other ships including one of the DC-1 cruisers suffered severe damage. A Snarl, 2 Helwin and 6 Meltinan were lost on the Bolitic side.

DDS allies set up battlefleet

The Aritans, Sirikwanese and Voth have set up the "Allied Joint Force", a pooled battlefleet which will be able to assist the DDS in their fight against the ABBOs. It will be stationed at New Arit and will be on 24 hour watch ready for deployment should the DDS require any reinforcements.

Aritan Intrepid class destroyer AS02 Youanki has been designated the permanent flagship of the AJF though other ships assigned to the force will change over time. As well as Youanki AJF in it's first line up consist of 1 Solaris (Arit), 2 Pentekonter (1 Arit + 1 Sirikwan), 2 Helwin (Sirikwan) and 1 Kalahati Tuul (Voth).

War Update 28/05/10

  • A new virtual sensor array has been set up using orbital and ground based stations on Proxima 7, Solaris 3 and Sanger Alpha 1 which will be able to seek deep into Bolitic territory. The data from some 18 different stations is collated and filtered at DDS GHQ to produce an incredibly long-ranged and accurate sensor view. A datalink has also been set up to send the data to the Dinos.
  • A Raegris DF-1 frigate came under fire from 2 Bolitic Helwin cruisers in a hit-and-run attack along the Raegris-Bolitic border but the Bolitic retreated before the DF-1, which suffered moderate damage, could return fire. Two Raegris crew are reported to have been killed.


Bolitic preparing for another attack on Pulsin

The Dinos are warning that the Bolitic may be attempting to break through the Dino lines again and send a third wave of troops down to Pulsin. Around 40 Bolitic warships have been spotted near the border along with 30 assorted transports and troop ships. The Bolitic need to get more troops to their bridgehead if they are to make any headway. They also need to maintain a permanent presence in orbit above the bridgehead.

At the moment they do not have this and the Rome corvette loaned to the Dinos has been able to pound the Bolitic positions from orbit with it's Z5g cannon.

DDS to build stealth attack drone

The DDSAF are already a big user of UCAVs with new projects like the LLAD on the way to further increase the size of their force. But one type they lack is a supersonic strike drone that is able to penetrate enemy defences and deliver a surgical strike deep in enemy protected territory. A new project has been begun by the DDS called the MQ-18 Black Magic to fill this gap.

Not many details are known about Black Magic yet (and it certainly won't be available any time soon) but it will be a stealthy drone able to reach Mach 2 and carry a number of air-to-ground weapons as well as having a secondary reconnaissance role.

War Update 27/05/10

  • A Bolitic war zeppelin was shot down by Dinomarks over Pulsin apparently attempting a chemical weapon attack on Dino troops. The zeppelin came down in a packed field of slave soldiers killing hundreds in a massive hydrogen explosion and others from chemical fallout.
  • Wreckage of a Tarbotian Samara class destroyer has been found near the Rim Worlds, it appears to have been recently destroyed but as to who destroyed it (if it wasn't an accident) remains a mystery.


DDS and Dinos agree in principle to technology transfer

Meetings are still ongoing between the Dinos and DDS about a technology transfer (mostly about exchanging Dino worm drive technology for DDS transphasic weapons technology) deal though it is likely the deal will go ahead. The fine details of the transfer are being hammered out though DDS Research are understood to be already preparing the Panther 35A for worm drive. One major sticking point is said to be that the Dinos want TPM-2 not TPM-1 though this may be just so they can get a better deal on some other technology.

According to reports the deal involves the following transfers:

  • TPM-1 schematics and design, help in establishing a TPM-1 production facility and 350 TPM-1 missiles this year, 200 next year (if the facility is not yet operational)
  • Passive sensor technology
  • Details of Vosun-Voth anti-matter weapons
  • One extra SX-98 landing ship at DDS cost
  • W1A worm drive schematics and design, help in establishing a production facility and 5 working W1A drives plus help in integrating them into DDS ships (the DDS may now want W1B following the recent announcement though)
  • Dino energy drain weapon technology
  • Update for Falcon 47A based on recent Dinomark XT upgrades
  • Extra help with combating Bolitic info-weapons
The leaders involved (Cruggson, Jimmy, Ronald on the Dino side, The Orchid and Windscorpion on the DDS side) have all agreed with the above though there are still disagreements on some of the fine details. It is hoped a first draft of the final agreement could be ready by early June for submission to the various leaders involved.

War Update 26/05/10

  • The Bolitic invaders on Pulsin attempted to break through Dino lines and reach a trapped division of slave soldiers but were repelled following a fierce battle that saw hundreds of Bolitic slave soldier deaths. Dino soldiers on the front line have been equipped with NBC suits following reports the Bolitic were preparing to use chemical and radiological weapons.
  • The DDS have withdrawn 2 ships from DDS North to DDS Centre following a reassessment of the potential risk from the Bolitic. The DDS now think its very unlikely the Bolitic will attack the DDS as so much of their fleet is involved with fighting the Dinos and Raegris.


Dinos introduce W2B worm drive

The Dinos have cleared the mark 2B (W2B) of it's worm drive for operational use. Although the worm hole generated is the same size as the current mark 2 (and the mark 1 though this was not man-rated) time between jumps has been reduced which means the real-terms speed has been increased to 4950c. The W2B has also seen improvements to power consumption and worm hole stability.

The W2B will also be available on the Dinomark XT for the first time as well as being standard issue on new PTs. Not all new XT/118s will have worm drive but a number will and these will be designated as XT/118a. Ronald's personal ship, the original Dinomark, has just been fitted with a W2B drive.

It is rumoured the Mark 3 is currently in advanced development and could enter service within a year or so. This will see a speed boost to around 7000c.

Zanus announces he will stand in the Consul election

Senator Zanus, the Minister of the Interior, has said he will stand as an independent in the next Consul election to be held in November. El Diablo has already said he will stand as the Imperial Order candidate but the ex-Emperor is a controversial figure. Although popular he is also seen as a bit of an idiot. Even Ronald, his party leader, has referred to him as a "lovable buffoon".

Zanus however is a different prospect, an old warrior who has fought alongside Ronald from the old days. He is not as high a profile as people like El Diablo but has much experience in high office including a very successful multi-year stint as head of the army. Zanus is highly respected by the Dino population.

The Liberal Party have not yet said if they will stand in the election though ZBH has hinted he will. This year's Consul election will finally be one that is not a walk over for one candidate.


Both Gibson and The Boy face the prospect of suicide missions.

DDS roll out data security upgrade / DLLCS

The DDS have rolled out a data security upgrade which will be applicable to most of the fleet. The update (which is a software only update) will further strengthen defences against Bolitic cyber attacks and includes a number of measures drawn from analysis of Bolitic info weapon attacks in the Battle of Solaris. In that battle although most of the enemy ships involved were ABBO a small number of Bolitic ships launched a series of cyber attacks on the DDS and these led directly to the loss of a Missileer and were a major cause for the serious damage to a number of other ships.

R103 Pikeman lost main power and shields after a Bolitic info weapon broke through it's network defences. Pikeman was then destroyed by a barrage of ABBO fire.

The update will strengthen defences against Bolitic attacks and improve data security if an attack does break through. A DDS Research spokesman said "Bolitic info weapons are as deadly as their laser cannons and missiles and we have to keep working hard to maintain our defences against them."

The DDS will also be improving their Direct Line Laser Communications System (DLLCS) fitted to ships at a later upgrade. This is an older backup communications system which uses direct laser links for transferring information and communications between ships. Intended as a backup for radio it also has proven useful in the face of Bolitic info attacks as the datalinks are almost impossible to hack into. However DLLCS is an older system not able to cope with current data volume so an upgrade is in the works. As well as much greater bandwidth it will have further security measures.

Dinos cut off salient

The Dinos have managed to cut off a division of Bolitic troops following an offensive launched at the weekend aimed at the salient in the front lines near the Milik Hills. Several hundred Dino troops are reported to have been killed in heavy fighting along with over 60 tanks. Twelve K-18s were also shot down. The Bolitic are reported to have lost thousands of slave troops.

With the salient out of the way the Dinos hope to stabilise the front line and then launch further offensives aimed at the heart of the Bolitic held territory next month.

Two Prowler units join Dinos on Pulsin

The DDS have confirmed reports over the weekend that 2 Prowler special forces active service units have joined the Dinos fighting Bolitic invaders on Pulsin. The Prowlers have been accompanied by a Rome corvette fitted with a ground attack module which will assist the Dinos with attacking the Bolitic positions from orbit though no attacks have yet been made.

The Prowler units will work with SS-D teams to help out but also to gain extra information on the Bolitic and their capabilities which could be useful if the DDS ever get into a land war with the Bolitic.


DDS ask UNP for more money

DDS Commander The Orchid has asked the UNP for 560 million zarks extra to cover a short fall in funding due to the war. Extra activity, munition production and other costs are eating into the DDS' operational budget which the DDS receives from the UNP monthly (known in DDS circles as the "pocket money"). Separate monies are given to the DDS on a yearly basis to fund ship building and other major costs.

The war has seen a large spike in DDS expenditure which means the operational funding cannot cope. The only alternative for the DDS is to divert money from ship building budget though the DDS say this would be very ill-advised.

Dinos launch offensive on Pulsin

Dino Army forces led by Solax have launched an offensive against Bolitic invaders on Pulsin. The target of the offensive was the Milik Hills salient which was occupied by a Bolitic division a week ago and has been able to shell Dino positions from it's protected gun positions.

Three Dino armoured brigades and 6 infantry brigades backed up by 3 squadrons of K-18s and 23 Dinomarks launched the offensive following a 5 hour long artillery barrage. Spearheaded by the Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade the Dinos managed to break through the Bolitic line in at least 1 position (though were turned back in others). The fighting continues.

Dinos launch crash upgrade of older ships

The Dinos have launched an urgent upgrade programme to bring many of the older ships pressed back into front-line service up to a higher standard. 73 ships in total will be upgraded over the next month, all but 9 of them XTs with the rest NGs. The upgrades will be to a number of key areas : weapons, shields, sensors and damage control. The actual upgrade to be applied will depend on the existing status of the ship being upgraded but in general the following changes will be made:
  • Laser cannons upgraded to a higher frequency (Bolitic shields are less resistant to these frequencies)
  • Weapons bays reorganised to allow for more space-space missiles and less general purpose weapons
  • Shield generators upgraded and new system of localised shield reinforcement bought in. This is a secondary shield which is applied dynamically on areas where the primary shield is weakest.
  • New data multiplex with improved bandwidth
  • Improved sensor processing computers
  • Enhanced datalinking with external sensor data sources (such as other ships)
  • Improved fire extinguishing systems and emergency communications


War Update 22/05/10

  • The DDS have assembled over 100 nuclear weapons including 16 warheads for MRMs for an "unspecified operational purpose" but known to be for a prospective offensive into ABBO space. 
  • Two Dinomark XTs have been destroyed after being ambushed by a Bolitic Snarl battlecruiser. The 2 XTs, old ships bought back into military service, were on a transport mission between Dino-Land and Jeloka when they were attacked. The ships tried to escape but could not survive against the top-of-the-line Bolitic warship.
  • Bolitic Emperor Borca is understood to have held a meeting of the top Barons in the Confederacy on the border planet of Domri. Some of the Bolitic houses have recently become disillusioned with Borca's strategy and the war but it is thought Borca reassured them with his plans to conquer the Dinos "once the DDS have been destroyed by the ABBOs".


Second HCSN carrier begins sea trials

With CNS Cloneworld now in it's final trials before entering service the second (and final) ship in the Cloneworld class of aircraft carriers CNS Clone Empire has begun sea trials ahead of it's entry into service next year. Work has now started on a similiar ship for the Austini 55 navy.

In other HCSN news the Olana class destroyer CNS Talisarn has entered service as has the Seawolf class submarine CNSS Dolphin.

War Update 21/05/10

  • Raegris and Bolitic warships have been battling again near the Vosun border, a Meltinan is reported to have been destroyed in the latest battle which did not include Vosun warships (their fleet has been badly damaged in the battles to date). Two Raegris ships were damaged but none seriously.
  • A DDS source says all Prowler units operating in the Bolitic Confederacy have now been withdrawn as the DDS sets it's sights on a sustained conflict with the ABBOs. The DDS are said to be planning an offensive into ABBO space but want to investigate ABBO strength and capabilities first.


Clones sell aircraft to Howharn

The Clones have added a new customer to their rapidly expanding arms exports business. Howharn which is an ethnic Eritran planet though not part of the Free Eritran States (and indeed is politically opposed to Molab) has placed a 34 million zark order for ex-HCSAF aircraft. 40 A-85 Browning COIN aircraft, 30 O-43 Oscar liaison aircraft and 74 A/CH-26 helicopters have been bought by Howharn along with some munitions.

It is a small order but is hoped will just be the precursor to bigger orders down the line. Howharn does not have the money for a large combat fleet but are looking into replacing the ships in it's merchant fleet and may consider hosting a HCS space base in return for a mutual defence pact.

T-55ZDM makes combat debut

The Dino funded version of the HCS T-55Z tank, the ZDM (which the Clones have also bought) has made it's combat debut in the land battle now beginning to rage on Pulsin between the Dinos and the Bolitic invaders. Tanks from the powerful Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade of the SS engaged with Bolitic land forces in an attempt to break out of the Bolitic bridgehead near Vissel Creek.

The ZDM is said to have performed very well, the Bolitic attack was forced to withdraw following heavy losses including one of a war zeppelin which crashed amid a mass of Bolitic slave troops killing hundreds in a massive hydrogen explosion.

Velocity 2110 Update A

The planned Type 37 grand update planned for 2110 to unify the 37A and B into a new 37D standard (close to the Solaris 37C) has been postponed. Instead a more modest update will be carried out on the 2 earlier Velocity models it will finally add TPM-2 capability to the destroyers which up until now have been able to datalink to TPM-2s but not fire their own.

Velocity 2110 Update A will include:
  • TPM-2 capable missile launchers
  • Updated laser cannons
  • The 3 37A destroyers will receive strengthened internal beams ready for an engine update (and speed boost) at a later date
  • IWC and sensor updates
  • Combat Ware 2.0 support
  • Various smaller updates
The updates will be carried out during the scheduled maintenance schedule for these ships. The later 37C ships will also receive some software updates.


War Update 19/05/10

  • The Dino Army has been forced to withdraw from some of it's positions near the Bolitic bridgehead following a breakout by Bolitic forces. A new defence line has been hastily assembled some 20km west of the original positions.
  • Two Ferret-G UCVs were attacked by an ABBO destroyer near Sanger Alpha earlier today while on a patrol. The Ferrets returned fire but neither side suffered any hits. This is the first appearance of ABBO ships in DDS Centre since the Battle Of Solaris.


DDS and Dinos enter talks over technology transfer

A DDS and Dino team has begun a technical summit on Dino-Land and will discuss the possibility of the transfer of transphasic missile and worm drive technology between the two sides. It is also thought the Dinos want to join the next generation DDS cruiser programme the Chrysalis / Black Prince.

The DDS are thought to be very keen to get their hands on working worm drive technology and the Dinos are desperate for TPMs to help them in their war with the Bolitic.

DDS loan Dinos NBC drones

The DDS have lent the Dinos 4 of it's RQ-12N Flash NBC reconnaissance drones. These are fitted with special filtration and sampling equipment for detecting NBC contamination, the Dinos do not have any such facilities themselves (they have some ground based units) though are expected to modify some old Dinomark XTs for the role.

The Bolitic have already used chemical weapons against Dino ground forces on Pulsin and they are expected to make heavy use of chemical and biological weapons when the land war winds up.

Bolitic break through Dino lines

The Bolitic have managed to break through the Dino blockade around Pulsin and land thousands more troops to join their bridgehead though it was a costly battle for the Bolitic. Earlier today around 24 warships and 16 troop and transport ships approached the Dino lines and were met by a force of 37 Dinomarks.

In the battle 9 Bolitic warships were destroyed (3 Snarl and 6 Meltinan) and 15 Dinomarks (7 PT and 8 XTs) were destroyed. A second force of Dinomarks managed to attack the transport ships and destroyed 7 of those (an extra XT was lost) though the rest were able to get into orbit and land troops (some landing pods were destroyed in their ascent by Dinomarks and K-18s).

However this is a victory for the Bolitic who have now greatly reinforced their bridgehead on Pulsin.

Raegris and DDS battle Bolitic near Nemoka

Following the Bolitic raid on the Raegris border planet of Nemoka a few days ago the Raegris sent a fleet detachment of 4 ships to the planet to bolster it's defence and perform relief operations on the shattered orbital facilities. DDS Quasar 15A cruiser C129 Charm Quark which has been sent to help the Raegris was also sent to join the Raegris force at Nemoka.

They arrived just in time as a force of 17 Bolitic warships was detected approaching the planet within hours of the Raegris force arrival. The 5 Raegris and DDS ships met the Bolitic just outside of the Nemoka system and after a few hours of tactical manovering finally the Bolitic gave battle. The Bolitic lost 6 ships (1 Snarl, 1 Helwin, 1 Redhull and 3 Meltinan according to reports) and were forced to withdraw back into their territory. On the Raegris side one elderly RC-1 was destroyed and a DF-1 badly damaged (though will be repairable). Charm Quark also sustained serious damage and will be out of action for some weeks.


Ferret Combat Improvement 2110

The Ferret UCV has already proven itself in battle and the DDS are to upgrade all Ferret-Es and Gs over the next few months. All drones will receive a new mission computer, sensor fusion multiplexer and communications sub-system (the modular design of the Ferret architecture means this can be done very quickly for each drone, a matter of unplug, remove, replace, plug in). Software updates to other systems will also be applied.

The Ferret-G, which is the production version now, will receive an improved laser cannon as well and some aerodynamic tweaks. Production will revert to this improved MQ-5B2 model within the next few weeks. The DDS plan a more major upgrade for the Ferret for next year (this time just for the G) which will have an improved engine, a new EO/IR sensor and a body pylon so it can carry 3 TPMs. The superluminal Ferret-X has been put on the backburner according to sources at DDS Research to concentrate efforts on improving the G.

DDS begin weapon integration with LLAD, 2110 service introduction?

The DDS have begun weapon integration with it's MQ-14 Long Loiter Attack Drone (LLAD) which will be a key part of the DDSAF in years to come. Weapon integration is a month or so ahead of schedule and there is speculation the DDS will try and get LLAD into service before the end of this year and not "by Summer 2111" as previously stated.

LLAD is just one of a number of air and land weapon programmes that are being accelerated as the DDS think a land or air conflict with either the ABBOs or Bolitic will happen sooner rather than later. NDAA and the K-18D are both due to enter service in the next couple of months and the next version of the F-10, the SEP, will also be in service by the Fall.

Bolitic launch chemical attack against Dinos

The Bolitic ground forces landed on Pulsin have launched a chemical attack against Dino Army troops using artillery fire. Chemical weapons are common in Bolitic warfare though typically are as hazardous to the Bolitic's own slave armies as to the enemy (not that that really bothers the Bolitic). The exact chemical is unknown though 43 Dinos were reported killed in the attack and probably many more Bolitic troops.

Earlier a group of Bolitic paraglider assault troops (these perform the same role as missiles and drones to the Bolitic, they prefer having them piloted by slaves as it is cheaper than electronics) attacked Dino positions near Yelnek Creek forcing a withdrawal by the Dinos to a nearby woods.

Dinos offer DDS worm-drive in return for TPM

The Dinos are understood to have offered to share their worm drive technology with the DDS in return for the DDS doing the same with their transphasic missile technology. It is understood the Dinos own experiments with multi-phasic weapons are not proceeding as fast as hoped and with the serious war situation the Dinos feel they need TPM technology to stem the tide against the Bolitic Confederacy.

Whether the DDS will agree is unknown, their own worm drive programme is proceeding well but the first working engine is not expected until late in this decade. They have jealously guarded TPM technology though recently have begun to share it with Tier 1 allies and there is the fear that the technology could slip into the wrong hands sooner or later. That being so the DDS may decide it is time to "cash in".

Kelsan to have mine-laying role

The Kelsan KS bomber is to have an extra role in mine laying. Currently the HCS Space Navy use transport ships to lay mines but are looking into using the Kelsan instead. The HCS are very happy with the Kelsan so far, it is a basic ship but sturdy and reliable which the Clones prefer. 20 were to be built but this number is likely to be increased.

Work is progressing on a space-launched version of the CSM strategic weapon which will give the Kelsan it's full attack capability though this is not expected to be in service until the mid-part of the decade.

Nybble officially joins the HCS Space Navy

The Nybble UCV has officially joined the HCS Space Navy as the Nybble NL class scout ship. 10 Nybble-A UCVs will be built before production reverts to a faster ship which will have an offensive armament. The HCS have revealed that Nybble-A has a self-defence weapon system though did not reveal too much about it.

It's duties will be mainly reconnaissance and patrol though it is possible Elint and EW capabilities could be added to it at a later date.

War Update 17/05/10

  • The Dinos launched a major raid on the northern part of the Bolitic bridgehead (which covers about 90 square km) attacking a marshalling area for war zeppelins. Two of these strange war machines were destroyed and a third badly damaged. 
  • The DDS are said to be preparing an offensive against the ABBOs for later in the month. The Orchid is keen to take the initiative against the robot foes and attack ABBO space again.


Dinos begin offensive against Bolitic

Three Dino Army brigades have begun an attack against the Bolitic bridgehead on Pulsin. The attack began at dawn today following a heavy assault by K-18 attack jets and Dinomark XTs. Then an armoured brigade attempted to break through the Bolitic lines while on another flank 2 infantry brigades launched a heavy attack.

The Bolitic lines held firm though and managed to counterattack using their slave soldiers who were slaughtered by the Dino guns but the Dinos were forced back. The Dinos say they lost around 300 men in the day's fighting including 6 K-18s, the Bolitic are estimated to have lost 10 times that.

Solax, the SS Tribune in charge of the Dino forces, said there would be another attack in a few days once extra forces had arrived. He said failure was not an option. Actually he really said, "Failure isssssss not an opppption."

UV154 : War We Want

  • Who Stands For Glory - The war begins...
  • The Gathering Storm - The DDS enter ABBO space...
  • The Year We Make Contact - The war just got hotter...
  • The Battle Of Solaris - The DDS and ABBO fleets meet in battle...
  • All Action - The Dino and Bolitic fleets meet in battle...
  • Twisted Sister - Interrogation of Bolitic prisoners enters a new phase...

Corkscrew will be sloop

The forthcoming Corkscrew class will be classified as a "sloop" by the DDS reflecting that it will fall between the frigate Isometric and the corvette Rome in size. Although specification lock-down is still a couple of years away the DDS have released some details of the Corkscrew which is expected in service in the mid-part of the decade.

It's primary role will be patrol and the Corkscrew will have very good crew facilities to allow for longer patrols. It will share the mission module capability of the Rome and will use the same modules as the Rome. As for armament this is expected to be a Zip cannon, TPM-2 launcher and 2 MRMs.

Fleet News (16/05/10)

The fleet has received a new Panther 35A destroyer, D113 Snow Leopard is expected to join the DDS Centre fleet immediately to help plug the gaps in the fleet after the losses incurred in the Battle Of Solaris. The DDS have also announced one extra Panther will be built to replace D103 Puma.

D166 Vega II is the latest Solaris 37C destroyer and is expected to join the DDS South fleet.

Isometric 41A F113 Quarternary has completed it's ILU and rejoins the fleet, it is being replaced on the jig with F121 Phanerzoic which was badly damaged in the recent battle thus it's ILU may take longer than usual.


Bolitic working on new battlecruiser

Dino sources indicate the Bolitic may be working on the replacement for it's mainstay Snarl class. The BS8501 battlecruiser (it's name is not yet known) is said to integrate Utrek technology into it's design and is a smaller and more mobile ship than the Snarl though is more powerful. Historically through the Snarl, Helwin and earlier classes Bolitic battlecruisers have tended to be lumbering hulks but this looks set to change with the new ship which follows trends set by other nations like the DDS and Utrek for smaller and more powerful ships.

It is not known when the BS8501 will enter service, a prototype is said to be in advanced construction.

War Update 15/05/10

  • A Bolitic ship, thought to be a Meltinan, was engaged by DDS forces near to the Remedian border and destroyed when it refused to surrender.
  • Three ABBO warships attacked a DDS communications relay station near to the Rim Worlds. The station suffered severe damage and 2 crew members were killed.


Ronald considers change in government

Senator Ronald has said that he is unconvinced the twin-consul system of government he bought in as the Empire reverted to becoming a republic may not be able to cope with a crisis on the scale of the current war with the Bolitic. The change in the Dino government was seen as the latest attempt by Ronald to find a sustainable way in handing over power which does not result in chaos. Previously he tried to stand down as Emperor but his successor El Diablo proved a miserable failure.

El Diablo is the likely candidate to be the next consul to replace Cruggson and Ronald is thought to be concerned that a republic led by Jimmy and El Diablo would be disastrous. Although he respects both men as able Senators and officers he does not think either is suitable for the top jobs.

One change Ronald may consider could be to relax the rules of succession. Currently ex-consuls cannot stand again for office until 5 years after their previous term. Ronald himself would be eligible next year. Reducing the gap to 3 years could allow him to stand as consul this year.

It is rumoured that Ronald is considering even a return to empire however though not with himself as Emperor. As yet though Ronald does not know who that Emperor should be.

Bolitic fleet estimates revised after new intelligence

The Bolitic Confederacy do not publish the size of their fleet and so any lists of their ships are estimates that rely on intelligence. The Dinos have revised their estimates of the Bolitic fleet following an intensive intelligence effort especially in areas of the Confederacy away from Castarian, they have also collated information gleaned by the DDS and Raegris.

Unfortunately for the Dinos the revised fleet numbers are all higher (the Bolitic entry on the Other Fleets page has been updated), quite a lot higher in some areas especially for older ships like the Helwin and Redhull as many of these were in the areas of the Bolitic Confederacy the intelligence effort has been concentrating on for the first time. Many of these ships are obsolete though.

DDS buy more ex-HCS vehicles

Following on from their emergency order for T-55Z tanks, the first of which are being prepared to be sent to the New DDS Army HQ on Liberation, the DDS have placed another order for land vehicles from the HCS Reserve store. 470 TRV-5 Tapir infantry fighting vehicles and 64 ATC-107C self-propelled guns have been bought. 25 TAA-4 Stoat anti-aircraft tanks have also been put on a shopping list though the HCS have yet to agree to that sale.

The head of the New DDS Army Zeppelin said that a land war with the ABBOs was a distinct possibility and the DDS had to be ready as soon as possible thus the urgent need to procure ex-HCS vehicles of proven quality. The value of the deal has not been disclosed but is said to run to over a billion, however it is wrapped up with the leasing of several Type A transports from the HCS which will be used for some transport duties over the next few months.

DDSAF gets first Halogens

The DDS Air Force has received the first 20 of a huge order for over 300 ex-HCSAF CH and MH-26 Halogen helicopters. The Halogens have been drawn from the HCSAF's reserve/attrition stocks and are all mid-life airframes with a good 10-15 years left in them. CAC performed a clean-up and some DDS localisation before delivery though the DDS themselves will upgrade the communication, EW and IR/EO systems at a later date.

In other DDSAF news the last 2 VC-20 transport aircraft have been retired following the delivery of more CAC built transports.

War Update 14/05/10

  • A Dinomark XT has been shot down in a battle with Bolitic combat jets over Pulsin. The XT was forced to crash land and has been written off. Three crew were killed.
  • SS-D Dino special forces are said to be responsible for a huge explosion on the Bolitic capital Castarian, said to be an ammunition dump, that saw over 400 Bolitic troops killed.
  • The Raegris frontier world of Nemoka has been attacked by 5 Bolitic warships which crossed the border and attacked an orbital facility in orbit around the planet. Two civilian transport ships were also destroyed. As a possible sign the Bolitic fleet is becoming stretched 2 of the Bolitic warships used were obsolete Redhulls though a Dino analyst has said that these older ships are often to be found in the outlying areas of the Confederacy.


Twisted Sister
Interrogation of Bolitic prisoners enters a new phase.
All Action
The Dino and Bolitic fleets meet in battle.

Wayne King-Meiouf : The Bolitic Miscalculation

Analysis of events and intelligence by the DDS, Dinos and Raegris is helping to build a picture as to why the Bolitic launched a series of terrorist attacks on the DDS and threatened an invasion and yet it was the ABBOs who launched an attack on the DDS. The Bolitic Emperor Borca entered a pact with the ABBOs, he was to divert DDS attention to leave the DDS open to a full scale attack by the ABBOs that was calculated to knock the DDS out by destroying it's main fleet and core of operations. While the DDS were occupied he would be free to launch the full scale attack on the Dinos the Bolitic had been craving for some time safe in the knowledge the DDS would not be able to assist. In one fell swoop Borca gambled that the DDS would be destroyed and the Dinos badly weakened and without the prospect of DDS help probably finished too.

However now we have a situation where both the ABBOs and Bolitic have lost large portions of their fleets (the DDS and Dinos have also had bad losses but their losses are more sustainable) and the war is not over. The Bolitic have a foothold on Pulsin but a long and costly struggle will have to be fought if that will be worth anything to the Bolitic. So what went wrong? Borca is an experienced strategist who, it is said, was the power behind Aliowaki's throne for some years and the ABBOs analyse all situations with their cold machine logic. They must have both thought their strategy would work and the DDS and Dinos be defeated.

They did not count on two unlikely individuals being the difference. The Orchid as new DDS Commander led the DDS fleet at the Battle Of Solaris in the absense of Windscorpion. Up until now The Orchid has been known as a competant, good, commander but not a military genius. At the Battle Of Solaris she came into her own with innovative tactics and firm resolve. Her use of the MRM and the Missileer attack cost the ABBOs over half of their strength and allowed the DDS to withstand the rest of the fleet and win through (though it was close!)

MBH led the Dinos at the Battle Of Pulsin. MBH is an enigmatic character, many are fans of his leadership ability and intelligence (though he is his own #1 fan), but he has not been known for his military leadership before. In the battle he was fine, marshalling his troops well and leading them with courage. Although it may be considered the Bolitic won the battle as they were able to land troops on Pulsin it was no doubt a Pyrrhic victory as the Bolitic fleet lost heavily and will be unlikely to face the Dinos in a major fleet action for some time.

How does Borca now feel now? Many Bolitic now feel he made a mistake in attacking the Dinos committing so much of the cream of the Bolitic fleet. Now they have been dragged into what could be a long and drawn out conflict though the Bolitic do have vast land forces thanks to their slave armies. The loss of so many Bolitic knights (and a few barons) in the Battle Of Pulsin does mean though that the Bolitic's attention is switching internally to succession in a number of houses. Borca will need to keep a lid on these pressures but as we all know with the Bolitic, internal pressures rise very rapidly and very easily out of control.


HCS Fleet News (12/05/10)

The HCS are to increase their rate of production for the Type A transport as older ships are reaching the ends of their fatigue lives faster than new ships are currently being built. 6 mid-life Type As will also receive a refurbishment and update this year. A new Type A has entered service though 2 have been withdrawn.

The HCS Space Navy have decided to give it's Amphibious Warfare Division a boost. An 8th Tiamon TM carrier will be built (taking advantage of cost savings through also building 2 for the DDS alongside perhaps) and 2 more Intruder IN landing ships will be built to take that fleet up to an even 40.

The first new build Cosmos CG has entered construction and is expected to enter service next year. A Type B transport has been retired.

War Update 12/05/10

  • The DDS say they are winning the fight against Bolitic terrorism on UNP worlds after killing members of a bio-terror cell and capturing members of a cyber-terror cell.
  • Some ships from the Glowing Light deployment, including Windy's flagship, have arrived back at Solaris. The Orchid has placed Windy in charge of fleet assets at DDS Centre.
  • Rather quietly (perhaps with some embarrassment because of his warnings about the Bolitic which proved true) Knobhead has been restored as head of DDS South.


Solax put in charge of land war

MBH has placed SS-Tribune Solax, the head of the Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade in charge of the forces being assembled to battle the Bolitic invading forces on Pulsin. This is an unusual move placing SS and Army units under the command of an SS officer and will not go down well with many Army officers though Solax says he will come down hard on dissenters.

Solax is a rising star in MBH's inner circle though and it is expected that if he succeeds in defeating the Bolitic he could be promoted. He has been instructed to spare no methods and no brutality in defeating the Bolitic. Expect bloodshed.

HCS reveal their space export portfolio

The HCS have published a list of their space ships which are available for sale in "export" versions. The HCS sense that the delay in the DDS honouring their orders because of the war might be an opportunity for the HCS to move in on the market which the DDS has dominated up until now. Most of the types the HCS have available at the moment are transports however though they are all fully-featured and are the same specification as the HCS use themselves unlike the DDS who restrict some aspects of their technology.
  • Shark SKE - a reliable and sturdy 600c capable frigate armed with a variety of beam and missile weapons
  • Type AE6 - latest version of the mainstay HCS transport, capable of 230c
  • Type CE2 - troop/VIP/general transport, capable of over 400c
  • Type JE4 - oiler/repair version of the AE6 
One problem the HCS will have though in selling their weapons is that a major chunk of the potential export market is the Free Eritran States and it is thought their arms procurements are because they fear a future war with... the HCS.

    War Update 11/05/10

    • The artillery battery of the SS Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade launched an attack on the Bolitic positions using it's ATC-107C6 self-propelled guns. The attack was not thought to be part of a Dino Army offensive against the attackers but just a sign that the SS were bored, they are known to periodically shell civilian targets through sheer-boredom. As is also usual with the SS it is thought they missed.
    • An ABBO destroyer has been destroyed in a battle with a DDS Rome corvette near Charlotte in the Rim Worlds. No other details have been released.


    Artensis 60 order more HCS equipment

    Artensis 60 are quickly becoming one of the Clone's best customers. Fresh from orders for HCS warplanes last month the planet has placed phase 2 of a massive order with the Clones which includes a total recapitisation of it's army.

    The first part of the order however is for 60 T-1MA60 advanced trainers. Basic training will be carried out by the HCSAF for now but final/advanced/weapons training will be done by Artensis themselves with Clone help.

    Artensis is ordering a huge amount of armour and it will totally replace their existing ageing mix of land weapons. 375 T-55ZDMA60 tanks, 910 TRV-5HDA60 IFVs and 105 ATC-107GA60 self-propelled guns will be bought plus an unspecified number of support vehicles and unarmoured utility vehicles. The total value of the order is said to be around 3.3 billion zarks of which 0.7 billion will go to the Dinos as part of their licence fee for their funded designs. The tank and IFV order replaces a previous order which had yet to be finalised.

    Worryingly for the DDS Artensis has also requested details of a mooted export version of the HCS Type J oiler. They have Isometric-E, Pentekonter-E and Extender-Es on order but face a long delay because of the war situation and are known to be fairly keen on getting the oilers as soon as possible.

    MRM Release 1A

    The MRM saw it's combat debut in the DDS attack on an ABBO world though also was used in it's secondary space-space mode in the Battle of Solaris. A number of bug fixes and addendums have been rolled up into Release 1A of the missile which has been bought forward after some potentially troublesome problems with the terminal targeting sensor and control software.

    A new "cluster nuclear" warhead is being developed for the formation busting space-space mode where the MRM is fired into a close formation of enemy ships. The new cluster warhead contains 9 separate nuclear weapons which disperse then explode causing much greater impact.

    Dinos move elite units from Loeuss to Pulsin

    The Dinos have reinforced their forces on Pulsin, which is the subject of a Bolitic invasion, with some of their best units which were on the Remedian planet of Loeuss which is where the Dinos have a large base. Two SS-D special forces batallions and the 3rd "Heavy Metal" Infantry Brigade have been moved to Pulsin along with 27 extra Dinomarks.

    MBH has said that the Dinos will repel the Bolitic and then go on to crush the remains of the Bolitic fleet.

    MBH lauded by Ronald

    MBH's leadership in the Battle Of Pulsin has been lauded by Ronald of all people. He said that MBH's tactics were sound and the Dinos managed to prevent a full invasion and victory by the Bolitic despite the heavy odds in the Bolitic's favour. Privately Ronald is said to be rather unhappy with the hesitant response to the war by some parts of the Dino government but has been impressed by MBH who, despite his massive egomania and sinister trickery, is of course a well-proven leader.

    MBH, when told of Ronald's praise, also seems to be warming to his old foe. His response was a 30 minute long rant about why he is great and Ronald should be pensioned off. Usually these rants last several hours.

    Ship Building Plans

    Last update 04/04/22.

    The Ship Building Plan for 2121/2022 is below.
    • (5/0) Violet 57B
    • (2/0) Mariner 56A
    • (4/0) Okra 86L
    • (1/0) Mulberry 56A
    • (1/0) Kinetic 35C
    • (2/0) Corkscrew 51A
    • (2/0) Lavender 105A
    • (1/0) Pentekonter 44M
    • (1/0) Provider 71A
    • (2/0) Acadia 165A
    • (1/0) Depender 161A
    The Ship Building Plan for 2120/2121 is below.
    • (7) Protector 57A / Violet 57B
    • (1) Kinetic 35C
    • (1) Mulberry 36A
    • (2) Corkscrew 51A
    • (1) Lavender 105A
    • (2) Pentekonter 44M/T
    • (2) Provider 71A
    • (2) Navelwort 86M
    • (1) Acadia 165A
    The Ship Building Plan for 2119/2120 is below.
    • (7/0) Protector 57A 
    • (1/0) Kinetic 35C 
    • (2/0) Mulberry 36A 
    • (2/0) Proxima Centauri 42A 
    • (2/0) Corkscrew 51A 
    • (2/0) Okra 96L 
    • (2/0) Pentekonter 44T 
    • (1/0) Emerald 116A 
    • (1/0) Extender 73A 
    • (2/0) Depender 161A 
    The Ship Building Plan for 2118/2119 is below. Not all ships were built.
    • (5/2) Protector 57A 
    • (2/0) Olympus Balista 23M 
    • (2/0) Kinetic 35C 
    • (2/0) Mulberry 36A 
    • (2/0) Proxima Centauri 42A 
    • (2/0) Corkscrew 51A 
    • (1/1) Zephyr 76A 
    • (2/0) Emerald 116A 
    • (0/1) Provider 71A 
    • (1/0) Extender 73A 
    • (2/0) Depender 161A 
    • (1/1) Navelwort 86M
    • (4/0) Okra 86L
    The Ship Building Plan for 2117/2118 is below.
    • (3) Warrior 016A 
    • (1) Windscorpion 018A 
    • (3) Olympus Balista 023M 
    • (2) Kinetic 035C 
    • (2) Mulberry 036A 
    • (2) Pentekonter 044M/T 
    • (3) Rome 046A 
    • (2) Corkscrew 051A 
    • (2) Proxima Centauri 042A 
    • (1) Mariner 056A 
    • (2) Emerald 116A 
    • (1) Provider 071A
    • (2) Extender 073A
    • (2) Depender 161A 
    • (3) Coril 086M
    The Ship Building Plan for 2116/2117 is below.
    • (4) Warrior 016A 
    • (2/0) Olympus Balista 023M 
    • (3/0) Kinetic 035C 
    • (3) Mulberry 036A 
    • (2/0) Pentekonter 044M/T (1 of each) 
    • (2/0) Falcon 047W 
    • (3/0) Corkscrew 051A 
    • (2/0) Proxima Centauri 042A  
    • (1/0) Triumph 066B 
    • (2/0) Provider 071A 
    • (1/0) Emerald 116A 
    • (0/2) Extender 073A
    The Ship Building Plan for 2115/2116 is below.
    • (4/0) Warrior 16A
    • (2/0) Olympus Balista 23M
    • (3/0) Kinetic 35C
    • (3/1) Mulberry 36A *
    • (4/0) Corkscrew 51A
    • (2/0) Pentekonter 44M
    • (2/0) Oceania 63A
    • (1/0) Triumph 66B (built by the Clones)
    • (5/0) Alpha 121A/B
    • (1/0) Provider 71A
    • (2/0) Extender 73A
    • (1/0) Zephyr 76A
    • (1/0) Friendship 75A
    • (1/0) Nightengale 88A
    * 4th ship added to SBP 2116/7

    The Ship Building Plan for 2114/2115 is below.
    • (3) Warrior 16A
    • (1) Kinetic 35C
    • (4) Corkscrew 51A
    • (3) Falcon 47A/W (built by the Dinos)
    • (1) Triumph 66B (built by the Clones)
    • (3) Alpha 121A
    • (1) Oceania 63A
    • (1) Provider 71A
    • (2) Extender 73A
    • (2) Zephyr 76A
    • (2) River 75B
    • (6) Coril 86B
    The Ship Building Plan for 2113/2114 was.
    • (1) Warrior 16A
    • (1) Missileer 21B
    • (2) Olympus 23A
    • (1) Indy 35B
    • (1) Infinity 35X
    • (1) Freedom 41B
    • (3) Falcon 47W (built by the Dinos)
    • (2) Corkscrew 51A
    • (2) Pangaea 62A (built by the Clones)
    • (1) Extender 73A
    • (3) Zephyr 76A
    • (2) Friendship 75A
    • (1) Provider 71A
    The DDS Ship Building Plan for 2112/2113 was.
    • (2) Olympus 23A 
    • (2) Indy 35B 
    • (3) Solaris 37C 
    • (4) Freedom 41B 
    • (2) Oceania 63A 
    • (1) Tethys Ocean 65A 
    • (2) Extender 73A
    • (1) Alpha Centauri 93X (bought in)
    • (2) Zephyr 76A
    First number is ship already built this year, other number is units to be built by April 2113.

    The DDS Ship Building Plan 2111/12 plan was :
    • (3) Olympus 23A
    • (3) Indy 35B
    • (3) Solaris 37C
    • (3) Freedom 41B
    • (2) Oceania 63A
    • (1) Tethys Ocean 65A
    • (2) Extender 73A
    • (1) Provider 71A
    • (1) River 75B
    The DDS Ship Building Plan 2110/11 plan was :
    • (2) Missileer 21B (completing the class)
    • (1) Olympus 23A (first of class)
    • (6) Panther 35A (completing the class)
    • (1) Indy 35B (first of class)
    • (4) Solaris 37C
    • (7) Freedom 41B (first of class, built by Raegris)
    • (2) Falcon 47A (built by Dinos)
    • (2) Pangaea 62A (part-built by Clones)
    • (1) Oceania 63A (part-built by commercial partner)
    • (2) Extender 73A

    Rumbles of discontent in Bolitic Confederacy?

    The Dinos say that several of the most powerful Barons in the Bolitic Confederacy are not happy with how the war has progressed especially since the very costly battle with the Dinos near Pulsin which cost the Bolitic the cream of it's fleet. Emperor Borca is now under pressure to achieve quick victories on Pulsin where the Bolitic have landed troops as it is thought the Bolitic fleet is not in a fit state to fight another major space battle and will not be for some time.

    To make matters worse 2 Barons were killed in the battle and a battle for succession is now raging in both of their houses with Bolitic warships seen shooting at each other even in Dino space. Borca is understood to have told the Bolitic to stand firm, new warships are now being built at full rate and the Bolitic have a good foothold in Dino territory. Borca is said to have told a Baron that the Bolitic aim was to seize Pulsin and add it to the Bolitic.

    War Update 10/05/10

    • Advance units of the 11th Legion are now in position near to the Bolitic bridgehead on Pulsin. Elements from the powerful SS Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade are also in position, at the moment this is the only armour in place though another armoured brigade is on the way.
    • An Aritan Intrepid destroyer has skirmished with an ABBO destroyer near to Sanger Alpha 6329. It is not known if the ABBO ship (which escaped) was a straggler from the withdrawing ABBO invading force or a scout ship.


    War Update 09/05/10

    • The Bolitic forces landed on Pulsin are digging in after repeated attacks by Dino attack planes and Dinomarks. Three K-18s of the Dino Army have been reported lost and a Dinomark XT sustained moderate damage killing 2 crewmen. The Dinos main focus is to bring up ground forces to launch a full attack on the Bolitic bridgehead but this will take some days.
    • A Quasar cruiser has arrived in Raegris space to assist the Raegris in finally defeating the Vosun-Bolitic invading force. The Raegris plan to attack within the next few days.


    Freedom joins fleet early

    The first Freedom 41B frigate F171 Freedom has joined the fleet ahead of schedule. It took part in the Battle of Solaris (bagging an ABBO destroyer) and all tests were positive so the DDS decided to activate the ship especially as the fleet is currently depleted.

    Freedom is the first of at least 7 Isometric-E150 based ships being built by the Raegris for the DDS. The original plan is for the ships to be sold on in a few years though they may now be kept in order to replace destroyed ships.

    Starbotian ships arrive at Solaris

    Two Panther 35A destroyers operated by the Starbotians have arrived at Solaris. The Starbotians sent them when the ABBO fleet was detected in DDS space though they were not able to get to Solaris in time for the battle.

    The ships will help fill gaps in the fleet for the next few weeks while repairs are made to a number of ships before returning to Starbot. Two Aritan Intrepids are due to arrive tomorrow and will perform a similar job.

    Vosun-Bolitic rally at border

    The Raegris thought the Vosun were a defeated force (and the Vosun probably thought that too) but the Bolitic have taken a new position inside the Raegris border and reinforced with some extra ships. The Bolitic attacked a Raegris mining colony and it is thought destroyed it.

    The Raegris are now assembling a force to make an attack against this new position. The DDS may send a couple of ships from DDS North to assist.

    Dinos send extra forces to Pulsin

    An extra legion of troops plus 26 more Dinomarks are being sent to Pulsin where the Dinos plan to repel the Bolitic landing force. Consul Cruggson has ordered 20 more Dinomark XTs reactivated from the reserve list too. 16 more XTs are being reassigned from non-army government agencies such as weather reconnaissance and science missions (these ships retain their armament so will be available immediately).

    MBH, the Governor of Pulsin, says that 2 legions he has sent up to the area of Pulsin where the Bolitic have landed will be in position to attack within 2 days. The Dinos have already begun attacks on the Bolitic bridgehead using K-18 attack planes and missiles.
    The Battle Of Solaris
    The DDS and ABBO fleets meet in battle.

    Dinos battle Bolitic near Pulsin

    Earlier today the Dinos launched an attack on the Bolitic battlefleet approaching Pulsin. Both sides suffered heavy losses from the battle though the Bolitic were able to get into Pulsin orbit and land 4 divisions of heavy troops on the far side of the planet. The Dinos are sending 2 legions across the planet to battle them though have a shortage of transport equipment because of the losses in the battle (and the dual role of most Dinomarks).

    The Bolitic employed most of their Reptoli Tuuls in the battle and this caused the Dinos some serious problems including badly damaging the Dinomark RS MBH was conducting the battle from which had to withdraw. The Dinos, once they were able to work out how to counter the RT's energy weapons, were able to counterattack after initially being pushed back. However the Bolitic were able to get into orbit, a brief attack was made on the capital Pulsinopolis but this was a feint as most Bolitic efforts were involved in building a bridgehead elsewhere.

    35 Bolitic warships are reported to have been lost: 19 Snarl, 6 Reptoli Tuul, 2 Helwin and the rest Meltinan. Some troop carrying ships were also destroyed. 52 Dinomarks have been reported lost: 12 PT, 4 NG and 36 XT. A number on both sides have also been damaged.

    The war has only just started though as the Bolitic are maintaining forces in orbit over their landing troops and it is understood by the Dinos that 6 more divisions are waiting to be bought in. The Dinos will be aiming to prevent that.


    Third Experiment ship really a special forces vessel?

    There are unconfirmed reports that the DDS have added a third reconditioned Kalahati Tuul to it's Experiment 96X trials and research class of ships though unlike the other 2 ships X152 X-Ray is actually in service. However it is thought the ship's research status is really a cover story and that it is really part of the Prowler special forces flotilla of ships.

    It is thought X-Ray has been used to transport Prowler units to planets in the Rim Worlds using the guise of a Utrekian war ship. These Prowler units have been monitoring ABBO activity and placing remote sensor platforms. The DDS refuse to comment on the ship or even confirm if it even exists.

    War Update 07/05/10

    • The Dinos launched a hit and run attack on the Bolitic fleet approaching Pulsin earlier today, 2 Snarls were damaged and 3 supply ships possibly knocked out of action as a group of elite Dinomark PTs attacked part of the Bolitic fleet while it was refuelling. It is thought the raid was intended to delay the Bolitic attack until extra reinforcements arrive. No Dinomarks were lost.
    • Two ABBO ships were destroyed by Starbotian ship I-1A Iona on a patrol near Starbot earlier today.


    Bolitic fleet approaches Pulsin

    The next big battle of the war could be soon upon us. The Bolitic fleet that has invaded Dino space has been detected a light year from Pulsin and looks to be preparing to attack the "second planet" in the Dino Republic.

    Governor MBH has taken personal command of the Dino fleet based at Pulsin which is now listed at 79 Dinomarks of various types including an RS. Around 24 more ships are en route to Pulsin but won't arrive before the weekend. The Dinos are likely to try and delay the battle until they can get these extra reinforcements.

    One problem for the Dinos is that MBH's military pedigree is not exactly stellar but he has insisted in taking full-command of the forces.

    AP : Will take a month to get fleet "back on it's fleet"

    Action Painting has told reporters that it will likely take the DDS a month to get the core fleet back to anything resembling full strength. "We do have a couple of new ships coming soon including SS Freedom and the return of the Glowing Light deployment but a lot of ships are needing repairs before they can be fit to fight again."

    He added though that DDS Engineering was working as fast as it could and would complete the bulk of repairs within a month, however a couple of ships with more serious damage would take longer. "We are prioritising ships that can be fixed quickly, a few ships which need more extensive repair are having to wait but we will get to them!"

    Action Painting was asked if this meant the DDS would not be pursuing war with the ABBOs in the short-term, he replied, "We will avoid large scale fleet battles for now, but of course if the ABBOs come then we will meet them and defeat them again. We will however be employing other methods in continuing the fight."

    He, when asked if the DDS would launch nuclear attacks on other ABBO worlds, said that nothing was ruled out.

    War Update 06/05/10

    • Two Panther destroyers are shadowing the remnants ABBO fleet as it returns to it's own space. The DDS are warning however that the war is not over as the ABBOs are thought to have a total fleet of over 1000 ships so have many more left!
    • Two Bolitic terrorists have been captured on Proxima 5 with a quantity of ricin.


    Other Fleet News (05/05/10)


    The Dinos have increased Dinomark PT and XT production rates to maximum however it will take a few months to crank things up. Dinomark MX and Provider-EDA production is to continue at existing rates as they are on separate production lines. Of these transports 2 more MXs and a new Provider have joined the fleet.

    As for the PT some technology from the forthcoming PT/3 variant is to be bought to the fleet earlier and will retrofit existing and new build PT/2s. The PT/2a includes tactical and weapon updates.


    The Raegris have said that all lost ships will be replaced, production of DF-1s and PC-1s is being stepped up for both the Raegris and DDS (as the Freedom 41B class).

    New Arit

    The Aritans have received 10 more Ferret MQ-5AA UCVs but the remaining 20 of their order has been cancelled. Instead the Aritans will revert to Ferret-G like the DDS. The MQ-5BAG is expected to start arriving next year. The Aritans are continuing work to turn their Kalahati Tuuls into motherships for their 70 Ferrets.


    The second donated ex-DDS Pentekonter has entered service with the Sirikwan fleet. They have 7 new build Pentekonter-Es on order though may have to wait for these now.

    DDS release details of lost ships

    The DDS have released the identities of the 6 ships which were destroyed in the Battle of Solaris. The DDS were fearing heavier losses though a number of ships were seriously damaged and will take months to repair. Recent improvements in damage control and emergency procedures probably saved at least 2 ships which would have been lost in earlier conflicts. The lost ships are:
    • R103 Pikeman
    • C106 Africa (ironically this ship was due to be withdrawn within the next few months)
    • D103 Puma
    • F146 Bohol Sea
    • K106 Brutus
    • K111 Ovid
    73 Ferrets were also destroyed in the battle. The DDS are also reporting that 4 Snarls and 2 Meltinans were destroyed on the Bolitic side.

    The battle of Solaris

    Earlier today the DDS and ABBO fleets met in battle near to Solaris and the result was a great victory for the DDS! It was the biggest battle the DDS fleet has ever been involved in (though a greater number of DDS ships have been in a single battle before). The ABBOs had a 10:1 advantage however the DDS negated that with superior technology and innovative tactics.

    As the two fleets lined up against each other everything seemed like it would be a standard space battle. The DDS deployed a classic overbalanced line with a stronger right flank. However before the battle began 4 Missileers decloaked in between the two fleets and then proceeded to launch a broadside of TPMs into the massed ranks of ABBO ships destroying scores of them. The Missileers quickly recloaked and departed except for one ship which suffered a main power failure thought to be due to a Bolitic virus and was destroyed (the DDS will release the names of destroyed ships later).

    The battle then began in earnest with a brutal exchange of fire between the 2 fleets and scores of Ferrets harrying the ABBO flanks. The DDS then employed their second tactical surprise. 2 Pulsar cruisers behind the front rank fired 4 MRMs into the ABBO fleet and the large nuclear detonations disrupted the ABBO lines (and destroyed a lot of ships).

    The sheer weight of numbers began to tell however especially when the battle began to break up and ABBO destroyers could get in close. Some ABBO ships were used in suicide ramming tactics, a Pulsar and a Panther were both destroyed in this manner. A Terran Sea was also destroyed when it was pounced upon by the ABBO battlecruiser. One tactic the DDS used seemed to have been to keep smaller ABBO warships between themselves and the battlecruiser which meant it could not use it's massive firepower to it's full potential.

    The ship losses, damaged ships and reports some ships were running out of TPMs caused the DDS to withdraw back to form a new line however then The Orchid employed her third and final strategy. She employed some ramming tactics of her own. 40 Ferret UCVs, thought to have been fitted with a nuclear warhead, attacked the ABBOs literally head on. 32 ABBO ships were destroyed by ramming tactics. The battlecruiser was also damaged by a ramming attack.

    Finally the reserve flotilla led by Von Kane attacked the ABBO's flank. Two Rome corvettes were destroyed in this attack and a Starsystem badly damaged and abandoned (though recovered later) but this was enough to finally disrupt the ABBO fleet. The returning Missileers resumed their bombardment and the ABBOs, having lost some 296 ships (out of 347) withdrew. Von Kane's attack also managed to destroy 6 of the Bolitic ships accompanying the ABBOs.

    The ABBO fleet is now returning to it's own space. The battle of Solaris is over and has been costly but the DDS have won. Whether this means the war is over remains to be seen. Reinforcements from Arit, Starbot and the Glowing Light deployment will arrive within the next few days.

    Fleets line up near Solaris

    The DDS and ABBO fleets are understood to be lining up near Solaris in what could be the key battle in this war. Obviously this news agency will try and find out what has happened as soon as possible but please be warned that our office is on Solaris so if there are no more updates to this site after this one things may not have gone so well...

    The Orchid said that defeat was not an option and the DDS would fight to the last man and the last TPM. The ABBOs have an overwhelming numerical advantage with around 350 ships plus 20 Bolitic ships. The DDS fleet is less than a tenth of that.

    War Update 05/05/10

    • A fleet of 42 Bolitic warships has arrived at the Remedian border. Although the fleet contains mostly second-line assets it still means the DDS cannot weaken their forces in DDS North in order to send them to bolster DDS Centre. It is now becoming clear that the Bolitic strategy is to occupy the DDS' allies so they can't help the DDS in it's fight against the ABBOs.
    • An intense wave of cyber and bio terrorism attacks has hit Proxima 7 and Solaris hindering preparations for the imminent battle near Solaris. Two Bolitic terrorists were shot near a DDS office on the outskirts of Hexian City however a Dino tourist was also accidentally shot near a dam in western Baikalia province, P7. The Dino and Sirikwanese governments have told it's citizens on UNP worlds to keep a low profile and to show common sense.

    Raegris counterattack against Vosun-Bolitic

    The Raegris have launched a counter attack against the invading force of Vosun and Bolitic warships in it's space. The invaders made a stand near to an asteroid and were not thought to have been expecting an attack by the Raegris so soon after the last battle. 5 Vosun ships and 2 Bolitic (both Meltinan) were destroyed in the battle. No Raegris ships are reported to have been lost though a DF-1 was badly damaged and had to be abandoned, it however was recovered later on and should be repairable.

    The Vosun-Bolitic force is now retreating back to the border. A Raegris force is giving chase but it is thought will not attack again unless the invaders stop in Raegris space. The Vosun fleet has now been wrecked but it has done it's job intended for it by the Bolitic, the Raegris were kept occupied and could not help the DDS and even if they send some ships now (which is unlikely for the moment) they would not reach the DDS in time to help them against the ABBOs.


    Starbot sending 2 ships to help DDS

    Starbot's 2 Panther 35A destroyers I-20 Cougar and I-21 Tiger are understood to be travelling to join the DDS forces being assembled to face the ABBOs near Solaris. Even at the great speeds the Panther (the fastest traditionally propelled ship in the known galaxy of course) can reach though it is unlikely they will arrive in time to help. They are estimated to reach Solaris by Friday.

    It could be though that the DDS are holding onto a second line or have withdrawn to Proxima 7 (only a few hours more away) so their arrival will no doubt be welcome. Ships from the Glowing Light deployment are also racing back but they are over a week away at least.

    The Aritans have also sent 2 Intrepid destroyers to help though as they are much slower they are unlikely to arrive in time either.

    Solaris on full alert

    The DDS have rushed extra warplanes and TPM-A missiles to Solaris to bolster it's last-ditch defences. Non-essential personnel have also been evacuated from the ground and orbital facilities. As for the latter they have been urgently fitted with extra auxiliary laser cannons (as of the type recently fitted to warships) and are on full security lockdowns.

    The head of the DDS on Solaris said that the DDS facilities were as ready as they would ever be if the fleet was defeated and the ABBOs could attack the planet from orbit though he admitted that the ABBOs would be able to destroy the DDS fairly quickly if they did get into orbit.

    War Update 04/05/10

    • Among the ships being assembled at a defence line near Solaris is reported to be the first of the Freedom 41B frigates which was coming to the end of it's proving trials near Solaris. The DDS say the ship is ready to fight though will form part of the reserve group.
    • With some recent Bolitic re-inforcements coming up the combined Vosun-Bolitic force in Raegris space is said to be 22 ships strong. The Raegris fleet is holding off from making a move against their invaders yet.
    • A Dinomark XT was destroyed by a Bolitic raid near Pulsin earlier today.
    • The Bolitic invasion fleet in Dino space is said to be heading for Pulsin. The Dinos are sending up extra ships from Dino-Land and Xi.


    HCS preparing for DDS defeat?

    Oojok is understood to have ordered the HCS to full alert and for all ships to be bought up to operational status (where possible) within 36 hours. It is thought HCS strategists have analysed the situation and think the defeat of the DDS is possible. One source says that the HCS think the DDS could totally collapse if the fleet is destroyed near Solaris and the ABBOs go on to destroy the Solaris facilities (including much of the DDS' shipbuilding of course).

    While the prospect of the DDS being destroyed bought some cheers in HCS circles there is also the fear that a rampant ABBO and Bolitic force could go on to attack the HCS too.

    DDS assemble fleet to tackle ABBO invasion

    The Orchid has taken personal command of a fleet to engage and defeat the ABBO/Bolitic invasion fleet that is approaching Solaris (and is due to be within range of the "engine room" of the DDS by late tomorrow). Unfortunately DDS Centre's fleet is quite depleted because of the Glowing Light deployment. That deployment has now been recalled but even the fastest ships in the deployment are weeks away from being back at DDS Centre.

    The DDS still can muster a powerful fleet however and will fill in the gaps with Romes and leave Starsystems as a last ditch defence of Solaris and DDS GHQ. The Orchid is said to have ordered the fleet to a position half a light year from Solaris where the DDS will seek to do battle with the enemy thus leaving the option of withdrawing to Solaris if needs be.

    ABBOs & Bolitic attack DDS

    The DDS has been caught unawares by a major attack by the ABBOs supported by some Bolitic ships. Expecting a Bolitic attack into Remedian space the DDS placed most of their forces there but it seems DDS intelligence was lacking and the Bolitic fleet here has instead attacked the Dinos. A large ABBO fleet has instead attacked the DDS near Sanger Alpha 6329 which is of course on the edge of core DDS space and only a few light years from Proxima Centauri.

    Isometric 41A frigate F104 Triassic was destroyed when it was surprised by a large ABBO fleet. It managed to send scanner data to GHQ before it was destroyed. The ABBO fleet is estimated at around 350 ships including one of the new battlecruisers. There are also around 20 Bolitic ships present. It is thought Triassic managed to destroy 4 ABBO ships before it was lost.

    The DDS are now desperately trying to bolster defences at Proxima 7 and Solaris. The ABBO fleet could be at Solaris (the home of DDS Engineering of course) by tomorrow.

    Vosun & Bolitic attack Raegris

    The combined Vosun & Bolitic fleet which invaded Raegris space has been met by a powerful Raegris fleet near to the edge of the Raegris Central District (the core systems in their territory). A fierce battle raged for some time it is reported in which a Raegris RC-2 cruiser and DF-1 frigate were destroyed and a number of other ships damaged.

    The Vosun fleet suffered heavy losses, the Raegris estimate 11 of their ships were destroyed or knocked out of action (3 were captured by the Raegris), 4 Bolitic ships were also destroyed (a Snarl and 3 Meltinan). It is thought the Vosun & Bolitic fleet is now regrouping. The Raegris say the next battle will be on their terms.

    DDS attack ABBOs

    Operation Glowing Light has launched a major attack on the ABBO world at Delta Alpha 43193C-4. The DDS fleet commanded by Windscorpion engaged an ABBO fleet near the planet and punched a hole in the ABBO lines allowing in the Pulsar attack wing which launched 16 missiles (MRMs and shorter range missiles). 15 detonated on the planet, the nuclear warheads causing extensive damage to the ABBO facilities on the planet.

    No DDS ships were destroyed though a number reported slight to moderate damage and there were a few casualties. 7 Ferret UCVs were destroyed and 2 more lost. The DDS estimate 35 ABBO ships were destroyed.

    Bolitic attack Dinos

    Late yesterday a Dino patrol near the border with the Bolitic Confederacy was attacked by the Bolitic and the ship, a Dinomark NG, destroyed. Thinking it was a raid the Dinos sent a larger patrol to investigate, this one of 5 ships.

    This soon discovered it was not a mere Bolitic raid but a major Bolitic attack! Two of the ships (a PT and an XT) were destroyed by a major Bolitic battlefleet said to comprise over 48 ships including Reptoli Tuuls and Upgraded Snarls. It is not known if the Bolitic are headed towards Pulsin or are going deeper into the Dino Republic towards Dino-Land. The Dinos are assembling fleets at both planets.
    The Year We Make Contact
    The war just got hotter!


    El Diablo will stand for Consul

    Senator El Diablo has been confirmed as Imperial Order's candidate in the next election for Consul, which will replace Cruggson who will step down as his 2 year term in office ends. It is thought likely that whoever the Imperial Order candidate is will win though this election will be open to all parties.

    The Liberals have yet to decide who they will have as their candidate. Only ZBH has a high enough profile though Crickson says as a former Big Brother contestant he has massive popularity (he doesn't). Unaligned senator Zanus has recently hinted that he may stand as an independent.

    Remedians want own fleet again

    A recent change of government in the Remedian Belt has now seen a change of policy, the Remedians say they want to have their own separate fleet again and not be just part of the DDS fleet anymore. Following the Utrek War the remains of the Remedian fleet became the Remedian Customs & Police Patrol (RCPP) and just consisted of Kalahati Tuul 2s. Many Remedians joined the DDS fleet and indeed 3 ships in the DDS fleet are now commanded by Remedians.

    However now the Remedian government wants a new fleet and for it to exist "allied to but independent from" the DDS as the Aritan fleet is. The Remedians say they would remain Tier 1 allies and would buy DDS built ships (Isometric-Es and Rome-Es have been mentioned) and operate them themselves. The DDS are likely to be secretly pleased as it will help release DDS ships from guarding Remedia's borders (and will bring in some cash!) This may all have to wait a while though as the Remedians say they will wait until the end of the war before beginning the process.

    War Update 02/05/10

    • The Dino intelligence service says they could also be the target of any Bolitic attack. The Dino Senate is to decide on whether to send further ships to Pulsin later today.
    • The Orchid has ordered full-rate production of Ferret-E UCVs and TPM-1 and 2 missiles. Production of MRM attack missiles is also to be stepped up.
    • A Quasar cruiser in Remedian space near Loeuss had a near miss with a recently laid Bolitic mine, swift action by the crew managed to get the cruiser far enough away when the mine exploded causing only superficial damage to the ship. The minesweeper flotilla currently based in Remedian space will conduct a full sweep of the area around Loeuss.


    War Update 01/05/10

    • The Dinos have called up 10,000 reservists to bolster security across the Dino Republic.
    • Operation Glowing Light is said to be preparing to attack an ABBO planet. A Ferret patrol was engaged in a battle with ABBO ships, 3 Ferrets and 1 ABBO ship are reported to have been destroyed.