
SS voted more powers and budget

In an extraordinary example of new Dino politics the SS Bill bought in by SS Commander Lakes has been passed by the Senate. It was expected that the bill would be easily defeated but the abstention of the 2 Liberal Party senators and the absence of Consul Ronald and Senator Zanus meant that the vote was 3:3 and M-B-H was able to use his Consul vote to carry the motion. Zanus was on Loeuss of course overseeing the joint operation with the DDS. Ronald is supposed to have been able to attend the senate vote but appears to have been locked in a toilet. The Liberal Party absented in return for M-B-H granting his party's 3 senate votes to pass their Social Housing Bill which was also passed with a 5:3 vote.

The SS Bill grants the SS a 20% increase in budget as well as increased powers in state surveillance and counter-terrorism. The 3rd SS Legion will be fully funded and the SS will receive a portion of the T-55ZDM tanks on order. Ronald had been against the bill and is thought to be furious at it being passed.