
Rome fleet "grounded"

Following the fatal accident on K101 Cicero all Rome class corvettes have been instructed to stand down from their current operations following analysis of the accident from telemetry and CCTV at Solaris DDS Engineering HQ. It is thought there are flaws in the safety systems preventing too much power from flowing through the plasma conduits, one of which exploded on Cicero killing 3 crewmen (1 more man died of injuries).

A revised safety system is currently being developed, the DDS also want to strengthen the walls of the conduits and revise training of engineering crews. Until then all ships have been instructed to cease their current operations and hold station. It is hoped to roll out further revised software to the fleet in a day or 2 to allow them to safely return to port, then modifications will be carried out to the fleet. The DDS estimate the changes will take no more than a day to complete.

This however puts the already under strain DDS Patrol Pool under critical stretch. Three frigates from the 1st Fleet have been reassigned to Patrol Pool as have a Starsystem and an Aritan Intrepid. Operation Knight which was to include Romes using their ground attack modules has been put on hold.