
DDS divert Provider to Dinos

A recent coup for the DDS was the sale of 8 Provider EDA transports to the Dinos. Originally the plan was for the Raegris to build the first 3 starting next year with the Dinos taking on production of the other 5 and any other subsequent orders. However the Dinos have requested the first ship be delivered this year to help fill an acute transport problem and also to allow for the training of crews and maintenance teams.

Therefore the DDS have decided to divert the 80% completed next Provider for their own fleet, which was to be A118 Crate, and send it to the Dinos where it will be completed to EDA standard which includes a docking bay able to accept Dinomark XTs and Dino communication and defensive systems. The ship will move to Dino-Land next week and it is hoped the ship will be ready to enter trials by the Fall.

This incidentally gives the DDS the chance to modify their final 3 planned Providers. The Dinomark XT is joining the DDS fleet in the form of the Fighting Falcon class and the DDS want the Provider to be able to host it in it's docking bay. The final 3 Providers are likely to have these modifications with the rest of the fleet modified later on when they receive major refits.