
DDS to improve communications architecture; re-locate comms HQ

DDS Communications Command has completed it's 3 billion zark move to Proxima 5 away from GHQ (though 2.4 billion was paid for by the P5 government and the UNP). DDS-COMMCAM is a vital part of the DDS (some might say the most vital these days) being the hub of the DDS communications network and co-ordinating and maintaining all of the DDS communications backbone. The move began last September and was originally intended to take a whole year to complete but a smooth procedure has seen it finish well ahead of schedule. DDS-COMMCAM has been located to 7 different sites across the planet, 5 overground and 2 underground in secret locations.

Phase 2 of the new DDS-COMMCAM base on P5 is now under construction this is a data centre for Open Architecture telemetry and sensor data from all DDS ships. Holographic storage able to hold many petabytes of data will enable the DDS to collect years of data and perform deep data-mining looking for trends, opportunities for optimisation and potential problems with all DDS ships. A similar facility for Elint and Comint data will be also built but possibly on Solaris.

Phase 3 starting in 2109 will be the relocation of the DDS Research Networking Centre (RNC) to Proxima 5 also. Work is currently underway on the next generation DDS network Ultranet planned for the next decade.

In the meantime the existing Hypernet will receive a 1.6 billion zark upgrade over the next 3 years improving bandwidth and security at major hubs on the DDS network. The upgrades are necessary because of the extra demand being placed on Hypernet by technologies like Open Architecture and FIDO. These will be the final major updates before the introduction of Ultranet. However the pricetag for that project, currently estimated at 34.5 billion zarks for a 10 year period after 2113 have raised a few eyebrows!