
HCS Round-up (07/05/08)

The HCSAF have introduced a new UAS to begin replacing the 1000s of manned observation and COIN aircraft needed for patrolling the vast Clone Star Empire. The UAS known as Remote Reach teams up quads of RQ-2 Patroller UAVs with a drone director version of the Mustang tactical reconnaissance platform, DR-72R. The 4 RQ-2s will monitor a pre-programmed area of territory sending video and data feeds to the Mustang. Image recognition software will filter the footage to alert an operator on the Mustang to a point of interest. The operator can then either send the RQ-2 to take a closer look or use the EO sensors on the Mustang. The Mustang, if needed, can then act as a command aircraft if any offensive operations are required.

The RQ-2 is a long endurance drone with a total flight time of 36 hours, it will be fitted with EO, SAR and atmospheric sniffers (for detecting combustion engine fumes et cetera). The director Mustang will have an endurance of 8 hours and will be replaced by another director every 8 hours to maintain a seamless operation. The HCSAF say that each set of drones can do the work of 18 manned aircraft. 180 RQ-2s and 36 DR-72Rs are on order for phase 1 of the Remote Reach programme. The HCSAF are aiming to whittle down their huge and aging fleet of A-85 Browning COIN aircraft down to 1200 by 2115. An armed version of the Patroller, the MQ-2B is currently under development.

The next version second-line tank for the HCS, the T-55ZDM, has entered proving and serving acceptance trials with the HCS and Dino Army. The first production tanks are hoped to reach regiments by the Fall. Some minor adjustments will be required but a spokesclone for the HCS said there were no notable problems with the tank which marries the proven T-55Z chassis with a new turret based on HCS and Dino specifications.

117 older F-40s will be refurbished and given a minor update though not the full F-40S rebuild treatment. The F-40s will receive new IFF, ECM and be cleared to fit the latest HCSAF AAMs. The F-40S programme itself is being cut back to just 170 rebuilds (originally it was to be 1000!) Only 24 have been completed to date though the results are very good.

The HCS Navy's fleet of Triona OPVs will be receiving improved ASW equipment including updates to it's sonar equipment and a redesigned ASW operations suite. It will also be fitted with the SS-N-8B missile which has an anti-submarine mode.