
HCS/DDS tensions threaten Pangaea and other projects

The tensions between the DDS and HCS over Oscar are putting at risk a significant arms trade between the two sides. The most important project is the Pangaea LPD class of ships that will form the backbone of the DDS amphibious warfare fleet. Pangaea is based on the HCS Intruder design and is supplied by the HCS in shell form for completing with DDS specific systems. One Pangaea is now near service with the second in test. However the third hull was supposed to be delivered to the DDS this week but has been delayed for "technical reasons".

If the supply of hulls ceased then the DDS would be in a tricky situation as the Pangaea is unlike any other DDS class, to complete the much needed requirement for 10 ships it is likely the DDS would either have to reverse engineer the HCS design or create a new design based on the SUP. Either option would greatly increase the cost of the project and delay completion of construction by years.

The second significant area where HCS technology is used by the DDS is in minesweeping. To urgently fill a gap in the DDS portfolio the DDS purchased SPECNES and Pave Yellow MCM systems from the HCS and fitted them to Pentekonter-M and Isometric-PYs. Although all systems are in service and there are enough spares to complete the planned expansion of the minesweeping fleet spare parts will run out without HCS supply and future development of systems would cease, at least from the HCS. The DDS have set up a working party to analyse options, they are looking at the possibility and cost of reverse-engineering the HCS system, adapting a Raegris system or creating their own from scratch.

The third area is the recent large sale of vitally needed transport aircraft for the DDSAF. If this sale falls through then there are few UNP based companies with the range of aircraft to replace the order though the DDS may bring this in-house if needed. Again this would greatly increase costs and delay the delivery of aircraft.