
Operation Crayfish a great success

The DDS' large exercise, Operation Crayfish, has ended and has been proclaimed a great success. The exercise is the first of what will be a pretty extensive schedule of exercises and training missions to alleviate the low standard of DDS combat training that was evident in the early part of the Zone/Utrek War. The DDS now admit that the combat readiness and sharpness of many of their crews had been left to slacken during the Rotarios regime and it is likely at least 1 ship was lost because crews were not as well trained as they could have been.

Regular exercises will help fix that. Crayfish ended at New Arit, the latter part of the exercise being joint maneuvers with the Aritan fleet. The end of the exercise has come just in time because of the Rome grounding with several ships from Crayfish going straight onto patrol missions.

The next big exercise is due for next month and will be a joint-exercise with the Raegris. Operation Knight is current ongoing though has been put on hold because of the Rome situation.