
Provider & Extender updates this Summer

The Provider transport and Extender oiler fleets will receive an update this Summer. Provider 2108 Update A (PRO2108UA) will include improved communication and computer systems with improved anti-cyber attack security. The ship security system will also be upgraded with improved camera coverage. The ships will also receive a new engine management module which will improve the efficiency of the engine by 12%.

Extender 2108 Update A (EXT2108UA) has the above plus improvements to the fuel handling system and improved radiation shielding. Each update should take around 3-4 days per ship and will be undertaken as the ships receive routine maintenance.

DDS go to court to get third Pangaea

Because of HCS/DDS tensions over Oscar the 3rd Pangaea class LPD, the shell of which is built by the Clones and then completed by the DDS, has been delayed due to unspecified "technical problems". The DDS however say it is because of the strategic situation but, they also say, the ship has been paid for and is DDS property.

The DDS, via the UNP embassy on Cloneworld, have gone to court to force the shipbuilders to release the ship however the chance of success they admit is slim. "The HCS are behind this and they are not bound by a civilian court." a spokeswoman said.


HCS Round-up (30/05/08)

The HCS has been awarded 210 million zarks to increase it's ammunition stocks. In a sign the HCS think war with the DDS could be near HCS ammunition factories (a mixture of private and government owned factories are used) are now producing ammunition from bullets and rockets and missiles at the fastest rate for 10 years.

A new battlefield rocket system has been cleared for production, the RBU-9000 uses the same chassis of the RBU-6000 series but has improved networking capabilities and uses the new R6J rocket with mid-course correction. The first models to be produced are the RBU-9010 and RBU-9011, the latter has different radios as specified by Benito.

200 A-85 COIN aircraft are to receive a rebuild/update. The aging A-85Cs will be given another 15-20 years of service in the new A-85C Enhanced Capabilities (CEC) model which features improved sensors, more armour and a new turbocharger to boost the engine.

25 more AH-50 Dragonfly anti-tank helicopters will be added to the fleet. These were built some years ago but placed into storage as the HCS could only afford to operate 250. The helicopters will be ready for service by the Autumn.


DDS seek battlefield helicopters

The DDSAF has formed a new Army Co-Operation Division to support ground troops and has received budget for 2 helicopters, one a combat anti-tank helicopter said to be similar to the HCS AH-50 Dragonfly and the other a general transport and support helicopter. These will support the DDS Army which is continuing it's expansion plans.

Currently Remedian aerocars are used for supporting the ground forces but these are old and need replacing badly.


HCS/DDS tensions threaten Pangaea and other projects

The tensions between the DDS and HCS over Oscar are putting at risk a significant arms trade between the two sides. The most important project is the Pangaea LPD class of ships that will form the backbone of the DDS amphibious warfare fleet. Pangaea is based on the HCS Intruder design and is supplied by the HCS in shell form for completing with DDS specific systems. One Pangaea is now near service with the second in test. However the third hull was supposed to be delivered to the DDS this week but has been delayed for "technical reasons".

If the supply of hulls ceased then the DDS would be in a tricky situation as the Pangaea is unlike any other DDS class, to complete the much needed requirement for 10 ships it is likely the DDS would either have to reverse engineer the HCS design or create a new design based on the SUP. Either option would greatly increase the cost of the project and delay completion of construction by years.

The second significant area where HCS technology is used by the DDS is in minesweeping. To urgently fill a gap in the DDS portfolio the DDS purchased SPECNES and Pave Yellow MCM systems from the HCS and fitted them to Pentekonter-M and Isometric-PYs. Although all systems are in service and there are enough spares to complete the planned expansion of the minesweeping fleet spare parts will run out without HCS supply and future development of systems would cease, at least from the HCS. The DDS have set up a working party to analyse options, they are looking at the possibility and cost of reverse-engineering the HCS system, adapting a Raegris system or creating their own from scratch.

The third area is the recent large sale of vitally needed transport aircraft for the DDSAF. If this sale falls through then there are few UNP based companies with the range of aircraft to replace the order though the DDS may bring this in-house if needed. Again this would greatly increase costs and delay the delivery of aircraft.

Rome Block 3 mooted

With the Rome Block 2 now in production (also known as Rome B) the DDS are considering, when the current order for 24 has been completed, producing a further batch of a further improved model. Rome Block 3 has been offered to the DDS Ship Procurement Committee and could see the Rome fleet expanded up to 36 examples.

Rome Block 3 would have a 2m fuselage plug that would allow for a larger docking bay able to accommodate Feeder and Coril-B shuttles as well as extra storage space to allow for longer patrols. Crew accommodation would also be enhanced. The combat module system that differentiates the Rome would also be improved to allow for faster switching of combat modules (though would be compatible with existing modules). Rome Block 3 would have an improved version of the combat suite 5036-C, probably use passive sensors for primary tactical analysis and have improved data bandwidth and ship automation.

The DDS may decide whether to pursue this design later in the year.

Captain Clone accuses DDS of supplying Oscar humans

Captain Clone has accused the DDS of supplying the Oscar humans with illegal weapons just days after a HCS transport was stopped by a DDS patrol and found to be carrying weapons bound for the Oscar clones. Captain Clone told reporters that DDS warships were teleporting weapons to the humans from cloaked ships and said that clone blood was being spilt by the "criminal actions of the crypto-fascist anti-worker humans".

The DDS have rubbished the claims, saying that the HCS were just trying to smokescreen after being caught themselves doing it.


SS voted more powers and budget

In an extraordinary example of new Dino politics the SS Bill bought in by SS Commander Lakes has been passed by the Senate. It was expected that the bill would be easily defeated but the abstention of the 2 Liberal Party senators and the absence of Consul Ronald and Senator Zanus meant that the vote was 3:3 and M-B-H was able to use his Consul vote to carry the motion. Zanus was on Loeuss of course overseeing the joint operation with the DDS. Ronald is supposed to have been able to attend the senate vote but appears to have been locked in a toilet. The Liberal Party absented in return for M-B-H granting his party's 3 senate votes to pass their Social Housing Bill which was also passed with a 5:3 vote.

The SS Bill grants the SS a 20% increase in budget as well as increased powers in state surveillance and counter-terrorism. The 3rd SS Legion will be fully funded and the SS will receive a portion of the T-55ZDM tanks on order. Ronald had been against the bill and is thought to be furious at it being passed.

Operation Knight a great success

The joint-DDS/Remedian/Dino exercise, Operation Knight, has been successfully completed following simulated troop landings and orbital bombardment on Loeuss. The head of the Dino forces Senator Zanus said that the exercise had been invaluable in retaining skills and evaluating new troops and should be held every year.

DDS forces are now returning to their ports, following the end of this and Operation Crayfish the strain on DDS resources has been eased. The next exercise will be a joint with the Raegris which is planned to begin next month, some forces for that have already been assigned and are on the way.


Captain Clone launches broadside against DDS and Benito

Captain Clone, from his new office at HCS GHQ on Cloneworld, has launched a blistering attack against the DDS. On a speech broadcast throughout the Clone Star Empire (though shown on tape delay on Austini 55 because of Eurovision) Captain Clone called the DDS "imperialist aliens" for their stance on Oscar. He claimed the DDS wished to supply the Oscar humans so they could kill the Clone men on Oscar and dishonour the women. This is, of course, rather the opposite of the actual situation on Oscar where the Clones are poised to conquer the whole planet.

CC then turned his attention on Benito, referencing the recent contact between Benito and the DDS he called Benito a "lapdog of human xenophobic crypto-fascism". Benito, when asked later by Clone TV for his reactions, said he had not watched the speech as he had been playing golf.

Velocity 2108 Update A; Velocity-N name details

The Velocity destroyer fleet is to receive an update to be carried out over the next few weeks once the current Isometric updates are completed. Velocity 2108 Update A (V2108UA) will see updates to the communication sub-system and computer architecture as well as a new passive sensor array. Following analysis of the Bolitic cyber attacks on Windy's ship the DDS have beefed up their computer security and communication protocols with an improved encryption scheme as well as a separated auxiliary communications system to allow the ship to communicate even if the main system is compromised. Firewalls and databus architecture will also be improved to help stop virii spreading throughout a ship's systems. All combat ships will receive these improvements though the Velocity is first.

The passive sensor array is part of a general DDS shift to passive sensors where possible. The ships will also receive datalink updates so they can communicate with TPM-2 (though the Velocities will probably not receive TPM-2 launchers themselves until next year at the earliest) missiles. There are also around 27 other minor improvements and updates across the board.

The forthcoming "Velocity-N" class could have a totally different series of names. One name being mooted is the Bombardier class.


Carboniferous to receive ILU early

Windscorpion's flagship Isometric frigate F103 Carboniferous is currently returning to the DDS following the epic New Cross mission and is said to be a very worn and battered state following extended high-speed travel and several battles against the Bolitic. Although the ILU upgrade is planned for the Isometric next year it has been decided to carry it out on Carboniferous first starting this Summer.

Though not all systems for the ILU are available such as the Z5i cannon so it could be the Carboniferous ILU will not be complete however it is needed as the ship is said to be "near fatigue collapse". It has been reported some emergency work to the main loading beams was required to allow the ship to return to Solaris under it's own steam (Windy is now using Neptune as his ship). Some have noted that Carboniferous was also used on Windy's mission against the Rectoids which was an even longer mission. A DDS Engineering source said the ship's "mileage" was much higher than the rest of the fleet!

The ILU programme will involve a total rebuild and refurbishment as well as updates to many systems including a new engine, integrated iSAS, TPM-2 launchers, OA 2.0 and an improved docking bay. Raegris CIWS 2.0 and Z5i are also intended for ILU but will not be ready until next year. Carboniferous is likely to be retrofitted with these at a later stage.

Pangaea nears service

The first DDS built version of the HCS Intruder LPD L111 Pangaea has received modifications following initial trials and is now receiving final testing and trials before an expected entry into service next month. A full C3 suite, as fitted to the Pulsar, has been added which will allow the Pangaea class to act as command ships. Docking systems have also been improved to allow newer DDS shuttles like Feeder and New Coril to dock with the Pangaea.

The landing pods have also been improved with a self-defense ECM suite and improved communication equipment. The landing pods will receive improved engines next year and stronger floors and ramps though at the moment all are sufficient for current DDS AFVs.


Windy visits the Raegris

Windy has reached the Raegris after his meeting with the Vosun Voth and has inspected the production lines for export DDS ships. He also held discussions with the Raegris military about the forthcoming joint exercise and future co-operation. It has been suggested that the Raegris have been offered associate membership of the DDS (a la Starbot) though they have turned down the invitation, at least for the moment.

Windy and his crew will stay on Raegris for a few days before making the long journey back to the DDS. On the way Windy will stop off on Remedia Prime for talks with the Remedians. He will also visit DDS forces on Loeuss, the young men there are awaiting him.

Windy and company are due to return to Proxima 7 in August. Then Windy says he will enjoy a holiday, in Wales for example.

Benito puts out feelers to DDS; Captain Clone enraged

Benito Clone, head of the eastern half of the Clone Star Empire, has sent an embassy to the DDS and has suggested the DDS may be able to use HCS facilities on planets under his control. The DDS have not yet commented on the offer which it is said has been made without strings.

Captain Clone is not pleased of course and reports say he has sent a strong message to Benito condemning his actions.


Fleet news (20/05/08)

The 3 Panther destroyers have been returned to service following modifications to the cooling systems. The modifications needed after automated monitoring systems indicated higher heat in parts of the ship than desired. The 4th Panther D104 Leopard has also received the modifications and has been accepted into service. D104 is the last Panther Block 1. D105 and further ships will be to Block 2 standard though the differences have not yet been announced yet.

Two more Feeder transports have entered service, A502 Thomas and A503 Robert. This has allowed Coril class shuttle A554 Isabelle to be withdrawn due to fatigued load bearers. The ship will be broken up for spares though the 10 remaining Corils are expected to be withdrawn by next year. (Some Corils are in service with the Aritans of course).

2 more Friendship utility transports have been delivered. The DDS are still undecided as to whether they will name these ships though the crews of the first 2 have unofficially named their ships "Lord Rotarios" and "The Shiner".

The final Solaris class ship in DDS service T121 Solaris II is due to be sold to the Aritans in the Summer and has left Proxima 5 on it's final mission for the DDS. A mapping mission near Loeuss and other Remedian planets. The ship has received some modifications to it's shielding and received a new sensor array. The array is a new type which Solaris II will test.


DDS spy ship intercepted by HCS

E103 Braun, a Marconi class EW ship of the DDS fleet, has been "intercepted" travelling close to Lomar in the Clone Star Empire. The mining world is being used as a staging post for HCS ships being deployed to watch Oscar and it thought the DDS ship was monitoring them using it's extensive array of Sigint and Comint equipment.

Two HCS Cosmos cruisers "encouraged" the DDS ship to leave HCS space. The DDS captain later said they had had an "navigational system error".

Captain Clone relocates HQ to Cloneworld

When the Clone Star Empire reverted to rule by a triumvirate The Friar chose Cloneworld as his capital, Captain Clone chose Aquaworld and Benito Austini 55. However now Captain Clone has announced he shall be moving the HQ of his HCS staff and administrative offices to Cloneworld, to HCS GHQ in fact.

The Friar was caught unaware by this announcement when asked by reporters when he was opening a new water treatment works in eastern Ailier. He said it would break the agreement of the triumvirate. However in reality there is little The Friar can do about it. His share of the HCS is small, largely consisting of Army Group Reserve and some category B regiments in the west of Cloneworld. The core of HCS on Cloneworld including Army Group Centre and the 1st Legion are already under the control of Captain Clone as is the HCS Space Fleet in that region. Benito is too far away to really make any move and in any event if he did it would lead to civil war.

Captain Clone said that his move did not impinge on The Friar's important duties. "He can open dress shops and continue to plant trees." he quipped. However this puts The Friar under extra pressure, he has already become largely powerless because of Captain Clone's political maneuvers.


DDS Air Force get budget boost

The DDS Air Force, DDSAF, have received a 270 million zark budget boost on top of their existing budget to help improve the quality and quantity of the arm. The NDAA A-12 attack aircraft prototype is now being built and a first flight is expected before the Winter. The DDS hope to field the A-12 before the end of 2109.

The F-10S is now in serial production and the DDSAF are to step up production rate as well as develop an improved version which will take over from the current block next year. F-10S Enhanced Performance (F-10SEP) features modified winglets improving agility and fuel economy, improvements to the avionics including extra bandwidth on the main databus and some improvements to the stealth charactistics of the F-10S including reducing infrared signature through modified engine exhausts.

An improved version of the RQ-10A Osprey surveillance drone has been funded. The RQ-10B will have extra range and improved sensors including SAR and laser radar. Production should start in 2110. Existing RQ-10As will be rebuilt to B standard at a later date.

The attack drone designed under the LLAD programme, the MQ-14, has been delayed to 2112 due to complications with the intended powerplant and system integration.


Operation Knight resumes

Operation Knight, a joint exercise by DDS, Remedian and Dino forces, had been put on hold following the problems with the Rome corvette. The problems have now been fixed and the operation has resumed. F116 Cryptozoic and it's minesweeping force of M108 Hesiod and M113 Nicias left the force following completion of the minesweeping part of the exercise. Provider transport A109 Flying Boxcar has also left the fleet following problems with it's engine after transferring it's remaining stores to the other 2 Providers present. Arafura class frigate F146 Bohol Sea joined the fleet.

Next week major space & ground operations will take place on Loeuss including an attack by ground attack configured Romes and a landing of a section of the Dino 3rd Legion.

Tense standoff near Oscar nearly comes to blows

Earlier CSS Mekkara, a Type C1 transport of the HCS Space Navy approached Oscar on a schedules stop carrying non-military supplies to the Oscar Clones. Isometric frigate F125 Pliocene approached the transport and demanded it allow a DDS boarding part to inspect it's holds. Within minutes a HCS Soulaki and 2 Cosmos cruisers arrived on the scene and demanded the DDS ship let the HCS transport continue.

A tense standoff, in which 2 more DDS ships joined Pliocene, then ensued for the next hour. The HCS transport resumed it's progress but was forced to stop after Pulsar cruiser C109 Antarctic blocked it's way. The HCS ships powered up weapons as did the DDS but the HCS stood down after urgent messages from their regional HQ. A joint-DDS/HCS boarding party was finally allowed to inspect Mekkara's holds but found nothing illegal.

A HCS delegation has left Cloneworld to travel to DDS GHQ to protest the DDS actions and to try and reduce tensions.


HCS Round-up (16/05/08)

The HCSAF have announced a 273 million zark improvement programme for it's transport arm. An improved version of the standard C-440 airlifter, the C-440C, will be developed which will include stronger floors and undercarriage and new engines. The HCSAF are also to investigate the C-460 twin-engine version of the 440 created by CAC for the civilian market to possibly replace the VC-370 VIP airliner (though interestingly the DDS recently ordered the VC-370 not the C-460!). Micom Aviation have also been given a contract to explore refurbishment and improvement options for the fleet of C-485 transports.

The A-84 production line is to cease, making it the 2nd of the "Big 3" aircraft created by the Clones at the height of the Clone Wars to be phased out of service. The F-40 ended production a few years ago though the factory is still operating rebuilding older F-40s to F-40S. Its possible the A-84 factory may revert to rebuilding older A-84s. The last of the Big 3 the A-85 COIN aircraft remains in production and is likely to be so for the foreseeable future.

The HCSAF has ordered 120 of the new ER-72ACR Airborne Communications Relay. This new type is part of the HCS' strategic shift towards survivability in the face of an invasion. The ACR would provide a mobile emergency communications system should ground based networks be destroyed by orbital bombardment. The ACR would be dispersed to rough field airstrips in the event of an emergency. The ACR will also be used to provide communications networks in more remote parts of the empire however. Recently there have been times where HCS units have needed to resort to satellite telephones to relay messages via ships in orbit because of a lack of coverage of a radio and data network.

The HCS Navy have ordered an extra Power class oiler for it's Cloneworld fleet. It's fleet of Triona OPVs will also receive new 20mm cannons this Summer in a minor refit. The new guns have improved rate of fire and are lighter and more compact than the old guns, an important consideration as the Triona has been criticised for being too cluttered and heavy.

The HCS Space Fleet has decided to keep it's Tiamon and Intruder amphibious warfare ship production line open for a while longer with an extra Tiamon and 4 Intruders ordered.


Panther fleet "grounded" following anomolies

The Panther destroyer fleet has been "grounded" following anomalous readings from the Automated Ship Monitoring System (ASMS). This system monitors a huge number of ship measures including vibration of components, stress levels, heat et cetera and automatically transmits the telemetry data to DDS Engineering on Solaris via Open Architecture. It is thought that on two ships heat levels near the hyperspace generator and main engine harness were regularly passing DDS safety margins.

The Panther fleet (which at the moment is only 3 examples though 1 more is currently on proving trials) will have extra coolant systems installed as well as more temperature sensors in modifications which will take a few days to complete per ship. However this does raise eyebrows as to current DDS designs as the Rome class has also recently had problems which have needed emergency modifications.


MRM milestone 3

Milestone 3 of the Medium Range Missile version of the TPM has entered testing and is expected to be the final major revision of the weapon before it's expected entry into service next year. MRM-1M3 will be tested by the DDS' Pulsar fleet of bombers, some of which are already able to deploy the MRM (as part of Pulsar Update 2107) and the rest of the fleet will gain the compatibility when they receive an update this year (MULE3).

Milestone 3 has a cloak fitted and has the definitive engine fitted giving it a top speed of 250c and a range of 2.3 light years. The DDS intend to boost this range up to 5 light years in later revisions. Improved datalinking and passive sensor equipment has also been fitted to the missile which should form a key part of the DDS arsenal in future.

The 20 light year missile, LRM, will enter Milestone 0 stage next year too. This will be a static test rig for virtual flight testing. Milestone 1 will follow in 2110.

Windy holds talks with Vosun-Voth; Bolitic weapon procurement

Windscorpion is visiting the Vosun-Voth Star Empire leadership on Vosun and has signed the strategic partnership agreement between the DDS and the VVSE. The partnership includes a huge export order for DDS ships, technology transfer, military cooperation and the establishment of a DDS liaison office.

Windy has also sent Isometric and it's tanker to a friendly Bolitic House to procure some Bolitic weapons, it is thought to include a war zeppelin. When asked what the DDS would do with a large slow moving bag of hydrogen Windy said he would sent it on missions of ultra danger. When asked whom he had in mind for such a suicide mission Windy said he had someone in mind...

Rome fleet returns to service

Following the fatal accident on K101 Cicero earlier in the month after a rupturing conduit the fleet were "grounded" for modifications to safety systems and also strengthening some parts of the conduits. Most of the fleet has now returned to service and the rest should be back by early next week.

New Romes will have further strengthening to the conduits, modifications are currently being made to the 2 ships now nearing completion and the ship that is on test. The modifications will delay the acceptance of the next Rome by a few weeks.


DDS accuse Clones of supplying Oscar

The DDS say they have proof the HCS is supplying the Oscar Clone Nation with armaments. A HCS freighter CSS Tormendol Jones was scanned by a DDS warship on a routine patrol and detected rifles and ammunition in the hold. A boarding party found a large quality of weapons on the Type A Transport and also sensor spoofing fields which would have hidden the weapons from scans and given a false reading of non-military supplies. For some unknown reason the sensor spoofing had failed.

The HCS have denied they are supplying the Oscar Clones, sating the freighter was operating under a rogue captain against orders and promised to investigate and punish the crew. However they also said that the DDS were in the wrong for boarding the transport. They should have called a HCS ship to board the freighter and investigate they said.


UV129 : Performing Under Pressure

  • Where Do You Think You Are Going Spaceman? - The 7 Sa Sao investigate Quarz...
  • Way Of Getting It On - Redjec is recruited by the Hoods 2.0...
  • Vanishing Point - Lakes decides to betray his deputy Pircasa...
  • Round And Round - Windy closes in on the New Cross...
  • 9:44 - Ronald hunts some pirates in a submarine...
  • The New Cross - Windy finally finds the New Cross but is too late to save them...
Stay tuned for UV130 Penetration Is The Name Of The Game next month.


DDS working on "3 next generation warships"

A DDS Research source has revealed that the DDS are currently working on 3 designs for future warships that could start being built from the mid-2110s onwards. These designs, known as "DDS Space Next Generation (DSNG)" are all at the early stage and may not become actual proper ship designs though design work and concepts are likely to form the basis of the next generation of DDS warship. The 3 designs in DSNG are :
  • "Chrysalis" - a Pulsar replacement. Already rumoured is this cruiser design to be the spearhead of DDS offensive operations in the late 2110s. The design would have a large missile load and be able to operate UCVs. Current thinking is a developed Missileer design.
  • "Corkscrew" - the next frigate. The Isometric platform is likely to reach it's final stage with the SOT / Terran Sea D class. The next frigate is likely to be a totally new design, perhaps based on Panther. The frigate could enter service at the end of the 2110s.
  • "Crankcase" - the Pentekonter replacement. This is the most long-term project, perhaps replacing Pentekonter in DDS service in the 2120s. As yet there is very little known on the design, a DDS Research team is currently studying in depth a Pentekonter on it's everyday service for a year. The findings will feed into the project.
Although not part of DSNG a future transport based on SUP-III (the currently in development third version of SUP) is also in early design. Much of these designs will depend on the progress with next generation technologies especially w-drive and Zip.

DDS to buy Clone aircraft

In a surprise deal the Clone Aviation Corporation has won a competition for new airlifters and VIP aircraft for the DDS Air Force. In a 1.2 billion zark deal CAC will build 35 C-440 airlifters, 10 C-491 STOL transports and 12 VC-370 VIP transports as the DDS seek to replace their aging transport fleet which dates from the late 21st century.

The deal will be partly offset by some updates to the HCS Space Fleet's transport ships including engine management modules and communications equipment (though commercial UNP systems not DDS military).


Operation Crayfish a great success

The DDS' large exercise, Operation Crayfish, has ended and has been proclaimed a great success. The exercise is the first of what will be a pretty extensive schedule of exercises and training missions to alleviate the low standard of DDS combat training that was evident in the early part of the Zone/Utrek War. The DDS now admit that the combat readiness and sharpness of many of their crews had been left to slacken during the Rotarios regime and it is likely at least 1 ship was lost because crews were not as well trained as they could have been.

Regular exercises will help fix that. Crayfish ended at New Arit, the latter part of the exercise being joint maneuvers with the Aritan fleet. The end of the exercise has come just in time because of the Rome grounding with several ships from Crayfish going straight onto patrol missions.

The next big exercise is due for next month and will be a joint-exercise with the Raegris. Operation Knight is current ongoing though has been put on hold because of the Rome situation.

UCVs drive re-assessment of DDS close in weapon systems

Exercises with the DDS' new UCV the Ferret-E has shown shortcomings in the ability of DDS warships to handle multiple small fast targets at very close range. 360 Degree CIWS has been fitted to a growing number of ships and helps with actual weapons fire but the DDS lack weapons to attack UCVs that come in close.

The DDS have begun a re-assessment of the auxiliary weapons carried by DDS ships though more recent classes like the Panther and Rome have forgone much of these. Close in laser guns controlled automatically by the combat control suite is being considered. The 3rd Developmental Flight operating 6 Ferret-Es will work closely with SS Isometric to improve these close in weapons. The DDS are also going to work with the Raegris to see if 360 Degree CIWS can be enhanced to handle the UCV threat.

At present the UCV threat is minimal, the HCS have an active project though their Nybble is more an unmanned small warship than a Ferret-E type UCV, and the Tarbotians heavily use UCVs but are not considered a realistic threat at least in the short term. The success of the Ferret-E may spur other enemies like the Utrek to develop their own UCV technology so the DDS needs to get these new defensive systems in place for then.

Oscar Clones to vote to join Clone Empire

The Clone Oscar Nation has announced it will hold a referendum on whether to request joining the Clone Star Empire. The Clones now hold a decisive advantage over the Humans on the planet though have ceased military operations following pressure by the HCS and UNP. The Humans are in a chaotic state, if the Clones wish to complete the military conquest it is likely they would be successful.

The Clones themselves have not commented on the Oscar move though it is likely they would accept a democratic vote. It is thought they are sure the DDS would not go to war over Oscar.

HCS Round-up (07/05/08)

The HCSAF have introduced a new UAS to begin replacing the 1000s of manned observation and COIN aircraft needed for patrolling the vast Clone Star Empire. The UAS known as Remote Reach teams up quads of RQ-2 Patroller UAVs with a drone director version of the Mustang tactical reconnaissance platform, DR-72R. The 4 RQ-2s will monitor a pre-programmed area of territory sending video and data feeds to the Mustang. Image recognition software will filter the footage to alert an operator on the Mustang to a point of interest. The operator can then either send the RQ-2 to take a closer look or use the EO sensors on the Mustang. The Mustang, if needed, can then act as a command aircraft if any offensive operations are required.

The RQ-2 is a long endurance drone with a total flight time of 36 hours, it will be fitted with EO, SAR and atmospheric sniffers (for detecting combustion engine fumes et cetera). The director Mustang will have an endurance of 8 hours and will be replaced by another director every 8 hours to maintain a seamless operation. The HCSAF say that each set of drones can do the work of 18 manned aircraft. 180 RQ-2s and 36 DR-72Rs are on order for phase 1 of the Remote Reach programme. The HCSAF are aiming to whittle down their huge and aging fleet of A-85 Browning COIN aircraft down to 1200 by 2115. An armed version of the Patroller, the MQ-2B is currently under development.

The next version second-line tank for the HCS, the T-55ZDM, has entered proving and serving acceptance trials with the HCS and Dino Army. The first production tanks are hoped to reach regiments by the Fall. Some minor adjustments will be required but a spokesclone for the HCS said there were no notable problems with the tank which marries the proven T-55Z chassis with a new turret based on HCS and Dino specifications.

117 older F-40s will be refurbished and given a minor update though not the full F-40S rebuild treatment. The F-40s will receive new IFF, ECM and be cleared to fit the latest HCSAF AAMs. The F-40S programme itself is being cut back to just 170 rebuilds (originally it was to be 1000!) Only 24 have been completed to date though the results are very good.

The HCS Navy's fleet of Triona OPVs will be receiving improved ASW equipment including updates to it's sonar equipment and a redesigned ASW operations suite. It will also be fitted with the SS-N-8B missile which has an anti-submarine mode.


HCS invite DDS for joint operation

The HCS have surprised the DDS by asking if they would be interested in a joint exercise later in the year. The HCS offer states they would be interested in a large amphibious operation with HCS landing ships being protected by DDS escorts.

The DDS have politely declined the offer saying they already have a major joint exercise planned for the Summer with the Raegris with 2 more exercises planned for later in the year. A DDS source who wished to not be named said the DDS suspected the HCS wanted to gain intelligence on the latest DDS weapons as they are becoming increasingly worried about the technology gap between the DDS and themselves.


Rome fleet "grounded"

Following the fatal accident on K101 Cicero all Rome class corvettes have been instructed to stand down from their current operations following analysis of the accident from telemetry and CCTV at Solaris DDS Engineering HQ. It is thought there are flaws in the safety systems preventing too much power from flowing through the plasma conduits, one of which exploded on Cicero killing 3 crewmen (1 more man died of injuries).

A revised safety system is currently being developed, the DDS also want to strengthen the walls of the conduits and revise training of engineering crews. Until then all ships have been instructed to cease their current operations and hold station. It is hoped to roll out further revised software to the fleet in a day or 2 to allow them to safely return to port, then modifications will be carried out to the fleet. The DDS estimate the changes will take no more than a day to complete.

This however puts the already under strain DDS Patrol Pool under critical stretch. Three frigates from the 1st Fleet have been reassigned to Patrol Pool as have a Starsystem and an Aritan Intrepid. Operation Knight which was to include Romes using their ground attack modules has been put on hold.

DDS divert Provider to Dinos

A recent coup for the DDS was the sale of 8 Provider EDA transports to the Dinos. Originally the plan was for the Raegris to build the first 3 starting next year with the Dinos taking on production of the other 5 and any other subsequent orders. However the Dinos have requested the first ship be delivered this year to help fill an acute transport problem and also to allow for the training of crews and maintenance teams.

Therefore the DDS have decided to divert the 80% completed next Provider for their own fleet, which was to be A118 Crate, and send it to the Dinos where it will be completed to EDA standard which includes a docking bay able to accept Dinomark XTs and Dino communication and defensive systems. The ship will move to Dino-Land next week and it is hoped the ship will be ready to enter trials by the Fall.

This incidentally gives the DDS the chance to modify their final 3 planned Providers. The Dinomark XT is joining the DDS fleet in the form of the Fighting Falcon class and the DDS want the Provider to be able to host it in it's docking bay. The final 3 Providers are likely to have these modifications with the rest of the fleet modified later on when they receive major refits.


Windy finds New Cross

Windy has finally managed to track down the human colonists known as the New Cross. Unfortunately they are now all dead. They had been enslaved by the Bolitic and turned into drug-crazed cannon fodder for the endless wars of the Bolitic Confederacy. Windy was just too late to save the last few survivors.

Task Force Windy is now heading for the Vosun Voth Star Empire, Windy will personally sign the strategic partnership on Vosun before heading onto the Raegris. SS Carboniferous is said to be in a bad way mechanically so will go on direct to the Raegris for urgent repairs while Windy uses SS Neptune.


Fleet news (03/05/08)

The third Panther class destroyer D103 Puma has passed it's acceptance trials and entered into service. It has a number of detail changes from the first 2 ships though nothing major. From D105 onwards Panther will move to Panther Block 2 standard with a number of improvements to systems and some internal changes. The previous 4 ships will be bought up to Block 2 when they have their first intermediate refits.

After a lengthy delay the third Missileer carrier R103 Pikeman has entered service. There has been a noticable gap between ship 2 and 3 this was due to an accident on the Missileer production jig that delayed production for a number of weeks. R103 also has been modified with the changes already added to the first 2 ships.

F131 Caspian Sea has left service for modification to Terran Sea B standard and it will be re-classified a Barents Sea class frigate. F132 Black Sea has already undertaken this conversion and is now on test before returning to service. The remaining 2 Caspian Sea frigates will be converted in the next couple of months after they return from their current patrols.

Rome class corvette K101 Cicero has been forced to leave the Operation Crayfish deployment early (though the deployment is nearly complete) because of an accident on board. A plasma conduit ruptured killing 2 crewmen and injuring 6, it is thought the conduit ruptured because of operator error and the failure of safety procedures. The ship was forced to make for New Arit where it will offload the injured crew and effect repair. Extender class oiler A149 Octane accompanied Cicero and will help carry out the repairs. The rest of the Rome fleet will receive inspection of their safety equipment as soon as possible though a software update to the system that failed has already been rolled out.

Finally the tactical reconnaissance module for the Panther has been accepted into service following trials on D102 Jaguar. The Panther Tactical Reconnaissance Module (PTRM) includes SAR, laser radar and passive modes. The module is belly mounted replacing the Z5 cannon on recce missions. The DDS have ordered 4 PTRMs for their Panther fleet. The module can be fitted to a ship in just 17 hours.


DDS to improve communications architecture; re-locate comms HQ

DDS Communications Command has completed it's 3 billion zark move to Proxima 5 away from GHQ (though 2.4 billion was paid for by the P5 government and the UNP). DDS-COMMCAM is a vital part of the DDS (some might say the most vital these days) being the hub of the DDS communications network and co-ordinating and maintaining all of the DDS communications backbone. The move began last September and was originally intended to take a whole year to complete but a smooth procedure has seen it finish well ahead of schedule. DDS-COMMCAM has been located to 7 different sites across the planet, 5 overground and 2 underground in secret locations.

Phase 2 of the new DDS-COMMCAM base on P5 is now under construction this is a data centre for Open Architecture telemetry and sensor data from all DDS ships. Holographic storage able to hold many petabytes of data will enable the DDS to collect years of data and perform deep data-mining looking for trends, opportunities for optimisation and potential problems with all DDS ships. A similar facility for Elint and Comint data will be also built but possibly on Solaris.

Phase 3 starting in 2109 will be the relocation of the DDS Research Networking Centre (RNC) to Proxima 5 also. Work is currently underway on the next generation DDS network Ultranet planned for the next decade.

In the meantime the existing Hypernet will receive a 1.6 billion zark upgrade over the next 3 years improving bandwidth and security at major hubs on the DDS network. The upgrades are necessary because of the extra demand being placed on Hypernet by technologies like Open Architecture and FIDO. These will be the final major updates before the introduction of Ultranet. However the pricetag for that project, currently estimated at 34.5 billion zarks for a 10 year period after 2113 have raised a few eyebrows!

DDS forge strategic partnership with Vosun-Voth Star Empire; big export order

Last year the Vosun-Voth Star Empire surprised the DDS by requesting that a Provider transport visit so they could evaluate the type. Last month A101 Provider visited Vosun with a team of DDS officials and technical experts. The Vosun-Voth were delighted with the type and have signed for a huge order for 10 Provider-Es and 10 Extender-Es. The deal also includes a transfer of engine technology based on the HS-740B engine used on the SUP family.

The order is worth 7.2 billion zarks and is easily the biggest DDS export order to date. As part of the technology transfer the Vosun-Voth will also share some details of their anti-matter weapon technology (which has proven to be able to defeat DDS shields when a hijacked VV warship nearly destroyed a Quasar a while ago). The Vosun-Voth will help the DDS improve their shield technology to handle the weapon. Its possible the DDS will also add the weapon to their arsenal, though further discussion will be required for this.

The Vosun-Voth and DDS will sign a strategic partnership agreement later in the year, possibly Windscorpion will visit Vosun after his New Cross mission to sign the agreement. This agreement will include military co-operation, the establishment of a liaison office on Vosun and Voth, use of shore facilities and possibly officer exchange.

The Vosun-Voth are also interested in the Pentekonter-E and the DDS will send a Pentekonter for evaluation later in the year.