
Oojok urged to strike DDS?

Hawks in the Clone Star Empire and HCS are thought to have urged Oojok to declare war on the DDS. Their reasoning is thought to be the belief that unless the HCS take the DDS down now, while they have the advantage of CSM, they will be unable to do so later in the decade especially once the DDS closes the missile gap.

Oojok however has said there will be no such action and told the hawks to get out of the Clone War mindset. "The DDS are not our enemy anymore." he is thought to have said. Other senior officials have said that the HCS might not be able to win. One official who wished to remain anonymous said "Perhaps if we used the entire fleet and much of the army we could win, but we would lose so much in doing so it wouldn't be much of a victory."

The sabre rattling against the Eritrans has continued however with a HCS task force beginning a series of exercises on Molab's border next week.