
The Historian : A brief history of the Dinos (3)

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

In 2052CE Ronald rose to power in the Dino Empire replacing the drug-addled Juliawaki (who retired to a country home, before later re-emerging decades later as the head of a vile paedophile gang who seduced young males using abstract art and hard drugs, but thats another story for another time...)

Skirmishes and conflicts

The next few decades were fairly uneventful for the Dinos before the arrival of the Terrasaurs in 2069 who sought to replace Ronald and his ruling party. For the next couple of decades the war between the Dinos and the Terrasaurs rumbled on, though it never was more than a local conflict. As time went on Ronald's grip on power tightened, especially once he reformed the SS and fostered a religious cult at its heart, with himself as the object of veneration (it is said he did this both for control and ego purposes) and the Terrasaur threat diminished (although did not officially end until 2104).

In 2073 the Dinos encountered the ABBOs for the first time and frequent wars against these robot foes then continued until the present day and their final destruction by the Tarbotians in 2111. Like the Terrasaurs however the ABBOs, while a threat, were never able to threaten the safety and integrity of the Dino Empire.

Ronald's greatest test came in 2078 with the arrival of the powerful Acheron occult faction. The Acheron nearly managed to defeat Ronald and overthrow his ruling party but in the end he prevailed but he and some of his colleagues were left totally exhausted by it. Who the Acheron were is still unclear, they were Saurians from an unidentified planet beyond Utrek space, it is rumoured that they could have been yet another lost colony from the first Dino space faring civilisation (see part 1) but this has never been confirmed.

The Dino Death Squad

As the astral-politic situation was fairly quiet (though things were starting to bubble up on Cloneworld with human settlers oppressing the native Clones) Ronald and GBH, his best friend and deputy, took a sabbatical in 2079 leaving Jimmy in charge. While on Proxima 7 Ronald's drunken antics disrupted the Mr Universe contest robbing a Dino competitor of a certain victory. Little did anyone know this would lead to some of the most deadly wars in the galaxy's history...

Of course we all know that competitor was Oojok and a few years later he landed on Cloneworld, found himself the object of veneration by the Clones, and formed an army. When he attacked Ronald seeking revenge Ronald formed his own faction, the Heavy Attack Squad later to be renamed the Dino Death Squad...

We won't go into the history of the DDS here, just mention that Ronald was soon usurped by Windscorpion and he decided it was time that he went home and resumed his day job as Emperor of the Dinos!

The final days of the Dino Empire

Ronald returned just in time (2089) to lead the Dinos to victory over the ABBOs. Although the ABBOs continued a threat this second ABBO war is seen as being the key one. The ABBOs were utterly defeated and never again had a technological edge over the Dinos. While the attention of the galaxy was transfixed on the bitter battle between the DDS and HCS in the Clone Wars the Dinos adopted a policy of isolation but soon Ronald faced his greatest challenge yet.

Up until the 2090s MBH had been a fairly minor player in Dino politics. The son of GBH, the Deputy Emperor, MBH had led a fairly undistinguished career in the army but then in 2095 he attempted to seize power in a coup. His attempt failed but he evaded capture.

With MBH still on the run attention suddenly turned to the Tarbotians who launched a full scale attack on the Remedians. Ronald agreed to join the fight with the DDS and Starbotians and an epic war ensued. The Tarbotians were defeated though Ronald was badly injured in the final battle. He stood down in favour of El Diablo in 2097.

El Diablo might one day make a good leader but this was not his day. He was soon usurped by the power crazed One-Horn who then launched an attack on the DDS. Ronald returned from his retirement to defeat One-Horn and became Emperor for the second time in 2099.

Ronald however did not want to be Emperor again and soon began to look for ways to pass on the crown to someone else. MBH appeared to have killed Ronald in a terrorist attack and seized the crown but when Ronald returned the empire was forced to accept having 2 Emperors (as has happened so many years ago, see part 1). MBH, although co-Emperor, still sought sole power for himself and began to try and get rid of Ronald. MBH was defeated eventually but Ronald was becoming weary. He at first tried to appoint Jimmy as co-Emperor to share the burden but when Jimmy was badly wounded in an assassination attempt Ronald saw that the only way he could avoid being Emperor was by there being no empire.

The Dino Republic

Thus in 2106 Ronald disbanded the Dino Empire and formed the Dino Republic with power held by a Senate led by 2 Consuls who are elected for 2 year long terms. Will this be a long term answer to the problem of who to lead the Dinos? We'll just have to see. If one looks back over the history of the Dinos then long periods of stable and quiet rule have been punctuated by briefer periods of chaos. We don't know yet which of these we are in...