
Dino View : Interview with Consul Zanus

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

Now into the second year of his term as Consul of the Dino Republic (and hence in theory the senior Consul though as the other one is Ronald that will remain theory) Zanus was kind enough to grant me the following interview as he flew back to Dino-Town following a trip to Yavilanda earlier in the week.

Dralson : Consul, has the job of being Consul been as you expected?
Zanus : In a some ways yes but not in others. The complexity of running the Republic was of course apparent to me as i was a Senator before but as Consul there are a whole load of other factors, mostly external, you have to take into account too.

DR : Can you let me know what some of these factors are?
ZA : Well of course i mean our rival powers like the DDS, Clones and Tarbotians. The recent spat between the Clones and DDS over Molab for example has meant we have had to reassess some of our strategic alliances and links. We are commercial allies of the Clones, with our highly successful partnership in terms of military vehicles vital to the development of the DTA's armies, thus of course we have to be mindful of that.

DR : So the DTA would take the Clones side in any conflict?
ZA : No the DTA would remain neutral and we hope we can achieve a peaceful resolution. We have offered to be a neutral venue though unfortunately the Clones rebuffed us.

DR : But if the worst happens and the Clones invade Molab and the DDS become involved what happens then?
ZA : I don't think it will come to that personally but if it did we would break off economic ties with the Clones as we are opposed to acts of imperialism like this. Of course this would effect our AFV development but we do have the plans to everything we have co-developed with the Clones and setting up factories to make tanks and armoured vehicles ourselves could be achieved within a year or so. I hope the Clones will show sense however and not attack Molab.

DR : It is rumoured that Ronald is to visit the DDS soon, are better relations with the DDS being sought?
ZA : Yes Ronald and myself want better relations with the DDS. Ronald is hoping to visit soon and AP will make a return visit later in the year. We are rivals but it will hopefully never get any more than that.

DR : Lets move on from potential friends to potential enemies. Who worries you more : the Bolitic or Tarbot?
ZA : The Tarbotians are a looming threat on the far horizon, of course in practice they are the greatest threat to the DTA but we beat them before they arn't invincible. The Bolitic Confederacy are now very unstable and that is when they are at their most dangerous.

DR : If the Bolitic break up would you seek to make an alliance with Erinthorn's faction?
ZA : We are all Dinos, we all share the same DNA. Away from politics you know that relations between the Dinos and Bolitic are often fine. My wife is half-Bolitic for example and she hasn't tried to kill me for ages [laughs]. We are always keen on new allies, i would hope that all Bolitic can one day put aside differences and look upon us as friends and not dinner. That day will probably be a long way off...