
The Historian : A brief history of the Dinos (2)

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

Thanks to the Starbotians, who became the first allies of the Dinos, the Dinos were now able to properly travel the stars at faster than light speeds (though early Dinomarks could barely exceed 1-2c). Here I will describe the development of the Dino state through to the rise of Ronald to the throne...

Encounter with the Bolitic

The Dinos built a fleet of space exploration Dinomarks, the first target being to investigate mysterious TV and radio transmissions from a planet a number of light years away. The images on the TV showed the beings of that planet were Dinos too (at the time even less was known of the earlier Dino civilisation, including the fact it had established colonies on other planets).

In 1822CE a Dinomark entered the Castarian atmosphere where it was intercepted by a primitive yet war line air vessel. After the Dinomark landed on Castarian it was quickly confirmed that the creatures on the planet (who called themselves the Bolitic) were Dinos too, though more primitive than the Dinos and very warlike though they appeared welcoming.

However as the Dinos began to learn the Bolitic dialect they also discovered that the Bolitic harboured a deadly secret. They knew of the earlier space voyages and indeed knew they were originally from Dino-Land. However over the centuries a deep seated hatred of the Dinos had become central to Bolitic culture as the Dinos were said to have abandoned the Bolitic to Castarian, a habitable but harsh world. The Dinos barely managed to get off the planet before the Bolitic turned on them, intent on stealing Dino technology.

Although the Dinos did escape it is thought Bolitic scientists and cyberwarriors were able to glean many secrets. Indeed ten years later the Bolitic were able to reach space themselves. Endless conflict has existed between the Dinos and Bolitic ever since, the Bolitic at first at a disadvantage but in 1895 they captured a working hyperspace drive and by the early 1900s were also able to build a star empire as the Dinos were in the process of doing.

The Dino Star Empire

In 1830 Ecto III died and was replaced by his chief lieutenant Juliawaki. The new emperor instigated a much more militaristic feel to the Dino Empire and ordered the establishment of colonies on other worlds. The first colony on Pulsin was established in 1837 and others followed though the Dinos found the planets near to Dino-Land (Pulsin apart) rather poor and so the Dinos have never really established the kind of large star empire such as the Bolitic and later the Clones built.

The first wars between the Dinos and the Bolitic Confederacy (as now existed) also took up a lot of the Dinos time. Until the heavy defeat of the Bolitic in 1940 (in which Tribune Ronald first came to the attention of the Emperor with his heroic leading of a Dinomark squadron against a Bolitic battlecruiser) the Dinos spent several decades in almost endless war.

Contact with Earth

Exploration continued however, in 1910 a Dino ship first entered the Sol system following a navigational error though at the time the Dinos did not decide to make contact with the humans (it is thought the Dinos made a mistake in identifying the prominent life form on Earth, thinking the crocodiles were in charge and not yet evolved enough to bother with). A second expedition to Earth, this time intentional, was made in 1947. No contact was made but it is thought the Dinomarks helped spark the UFO sighting craze.

First contact was to wait, Juliawaki decided that only when the humans were out in space themselves, should the Dinos make contact. Ronald meanwhile had left the army, weary of war, to form a shoe repair business. When this failed in 1991 he returned to the army, once again made a Tribune.

As humanity began its early steps into space, and in the early 2020s developed hypserspace drives of their own, Juliawaki decided it was time to make contact (the humans were by now aware of Dino TV and radio signals, unfortunately the first Dino TV that was seen was a reality TV show involving spraying girls in vests with water so their nipples showed. Showing this footage on Earth sparked world wide panic).

Ronald won a competition to lead the expedition to Earth and in 2051 a fleet of Dinomarks entered the Sol system and established relations with mankind.

Takola becomes Ronald and Emperor

Of course we have referred to Ronald by his later humanised name, up until now he was called Takola but the early automatic translation tool rendered his name as "Ronald" in human language and he, like a number of Dinos, adopted these names for interaction with humans and some later stuck. (Ronald later stated that he never liked his original name mainly because in his wife's native dialect it sounds like the word for a sex toy).

Ronald returned to Dino-Land in triumph but in the months he was away (these are the days when travelling even between near stars took weeks and months) the Emperor Juliwaki had become increasingly irrational. Juliawaki was being fed drugs by the SS Commander Telavason who took advantage of Juliawaki's drug-boosted paranoia to rule the empire. This included making Juliawaki see Ronald as a potential usurper as Telavason feared Ronald's popularity.

When Juliawaki sent the SS to arrest and execute Ronald (now a Legate) the army (who beloved Ronald) revolted and battled the SS on the streets of Dino-Land. Ronald stormed the royal palace and killed Telavason in battle. Juliawaki was forced to stand down, the army proclaimed Ronald their new emperor...