
Jimmy confirmed as Head of the Senate

When Jimmy stood down as Consul at the end of 2111 in favour of Ronald the question remained as to what Jimmy's new role would be. Usually an ex-Consul takes a Ministerial role and the Dino Senate is reshuffled as the new Consul gives up his previous role. However as the new Consul was Ronald, the Head of the Senate the question was would Ronald give this role up to Jimmy?

The answer was yes but Jimmy insisted his appointment be permanent and not on "extended loan" (i.e. returned to Ronald in two years at the end of his term as Consul). Ronald, to the surprise of some observers, agreed to this. Although Head of the Senate is a largely ceremonial role it was thought Ronald would want to keep it, among the powers the Head has is to instigate a resuffle of ministerial posts (although over the last year the decision has been made by the Senate as a whole and not just Ronald's whim). It is thought Jimmy will formalise the role which will include leading debates in the Senate.

The new Consul Ronald meanwhile has begun his first trip away from Dino-Land, he is to visit the Dino planet Xi and then go on to visit Porquat 640.