
Dr Forbidden : Formalising TPM development

Dr Forbidden, head of DDS Research

Over the last 6 months i have tried to reorganise many of the projects ongoing by DDS Research and DDS Engineering, bring things back under control after the (necessary) developmental chaos of the war. One has been the TPM development project.

The TPM project is now run along 3 branches, a current branch for bugfixes and improvements to the current in production model (the B family) - production branch, a branch for the next model (the C) - development branch and the model after that (currently known as the D) - research branch.

This allows us to better organise effort and information sharing by the various teams involved. For example the development branch team recently developed a new data filtration algorithm which we found could be easily included in the production missile's software. Real world experience of the production missile is also fed into both of the other teams.

All branches are underpinned by the Transphasic Unified Platform (TUP) which the TPM has now moved to (and MRM and LRM will also join). This is the core foundation of many of the technologies used by our transphasic projectile weapons, you can imagine TUP as the root of the transphasic tree perhaps? A unified database of transphasic technology and research is now in the process of being finished.

When development of the B family ends then the C family will become the production branch and the B will be hived off to a separate maintenance team for a period. The D will become the development branch and a new branch will be made for research. It is hoped this new formalised way of working can lead to greater efficiency, faster development and enhanced progress.