
War Update 23/04/10

  • There was an attempt to launch a gas attack on a DDS office in the town of Alfonse on Proxima 7 but DDS guards detected suspicious activity by 2 Saurians who then fled when challenged. The Saurians left behind a sarin gas grenade. Windy has relunctantly agreed to finally move 1000s of CCTV cameras from male toilets to other locations across the DDS.
  • Two Ferret-E UCVs have been destroyed by a Bolitic warship near to Solaris. The Snarl battlecruiser's cloak was tripped by a neutrino net detection scan and 2 Ferrets were nearby. They fired at least one TPM at the Snarl though it is not thought it hit the target. The Ferrets were destroyed by cannon fire before the Snarl recloaked and is thought to have left the system. Patrols in Solaris are being stepped up.
  • A Bolitic Meltinan patrol ship has been destroyed in a battle with the Raegris. Two DF-1 frigates detected the Meltinan near to the Raegris-Vosun border. The Meltinan tried to lure the Raegris ships over the border where Vosun warships were lying in cloak however the Raegris were cautious and instead hit the Meltinan with TPMs when it crossed over the border. The Vosun ships declined the battle and returned to their base.