
Explaining the Civilian Reserve Fleet

The fact the Dinos can draw on a reserve fleet of scores of extra ships which can rejoin their fleet in days has raised some DDS eyebrows. The Civilian Reserve Fleet is a highly useful resource that came about almost by accident. In order to keep the XT production line open the Dinos began to sell older XTs to a selected list of commercial companies and owners. These ships were sold off cheap in return for the new owners keeping the ships in a good condition which is checked once a year.

Initially the sold XTs have to be ready for military use within a few days. Although weaponry and other military equipment is removed the electrical systems and other infrastructure are kept in place which makes "re-militarisation" a very simple process. As these sold-off XTs become older (and thus more obsolete) the owners are allowed to gradually de-militarise them. Older ships in the reserve fleet are kept on a few-months readiness instead of a few days because of the extra time required in preparing them (though they may be bought in quicker than that but restricted to non-combat roles). Eventually the oldest ships leave the Civilian Reserve Fleet though at the moment only a few ships have reached that point.

Whether older PTs may join the reserve fleet one day is unknown.