
Clones confirm neutrality

Oojok has said that the Clone Star Empire will remain neutral in any war involving the DDS, Dinos, Bolitic and ABBOs. He said he had spoken to Benito and had his agreement to make a declaration on behalf of both halves of the empire which will maintain a strict neutrality. He said that anyone who violated the neutrality of the CSE would be punished.

In the Utrek War the Clones did not make any statements about neutrality and indeed did assist the DDS, the most notable help being in the form of minesweepers, but it seems in this conflict the most the Clones will do is sign non-aggression pacts as they did with the DDS lately. HCS Commander Admiral Anderson said that CSE space was not to be used by any power in the conflict as a "safe haven" and that HCS patrols would be "rigorous".