
Other Fleet News (06/04/10)


The Dinos have restored 25 Dinomark XTs from it's civilian reserve register and these will take over secondary and non-combat duties thus releasing more modern ships for the front lines. Consul Jimmy has also ordered Dinomark PT and XT production to increase rate though this will take a few months to take effect.


The second PC-1 patrol ship (a Pentekonter-E in other words) has joined the fleet and will be used for local defence duties. The RC-2B upgrade programme was due to begin this Summer but has now been delayed until a later date because of the war situation.

Porquat 640

The first new generation Xian 508 cruiser has entered service following trials and has taken over duties as the flagship. An 8th Quagan 665 frigate has also entered service. The Porquatians are to upgrade their 658 and 665 Quagans for interoperability with Ferret-E MQ-5AP UCVs which are on order.


Molab have received the first 3 Coril-Es of the 6 they have on order.