
Dinos kill Bolitic special forces on Pulsin

Dino SS have prevented an attack by a Bolitic terrorist cell on the main space port on Pulsin. The Bolitic were caught setting up mortars in order to attack the Dinomarks parked on the tarmac. In the fight 3 of the Bolitic were killed. Two others were captured by the SS, their fate is unknown but it is not likely to be pleasant.

Another cell was successful in it's attack elsewhere on the planet however, killing an Army Centurion with a car bomb near the capital.

DDS braced for Bolitic attack?

The DDS along the Remedian border and near core space in DDS Centre have been put on the highest alert after word that a powerful Bolitic battle fleet which has been forming at Castarian has now begun moving towards the border.

The fleet which is said to include the cream of the Bolitic fleet, the most up-to-date Snarl battlecruisers and the 11 Reptoli Tuuls of the Emperor's Chosen Men, poses a serious threat to the DDS and the DDS in turn has sent further ships up to the border. A full-scale battle between the Bolitic and DDS fleets could have a major say in who wins this war.

DDS launch attack on Bolitic!

The DDS and Remedians have surprised the Bolitic by launching a major raid into their space. It is reported that 8 ships (6 DDS and 2 Remedian CPP) crossed the border between the Remedians and Bolitic a few days ago secretly and earlier today attacked the Bolitic planet of Rortra. An orbital station was destroyed and 3 ships in orbit attacked. One is reported destroyed, probably an older Helwin class cruiser.

No serious damage was caused to the DDS ships though some sustained hits and there were 3 fatalties. One of the Remedian ships lost main power and 4 crew were lost but 1 of the DDS ships was able to protect it long enough for them to restore main power. The DDS/Remedian fleet is now returning to Remedian space.

Update : The Remedian ship DR185 Lord Logan, which sustained serious damage in the battle, has had to have been abandoned following a reactor leak. The ship was evacuated and then destroyed.

Vosun / Bolitic fleet attacks Raegris

A combined fleet of Vosun and Bolitic warships (estimated at around 33 ships in total) has crossed the Vosun-Raegris border and is heading towards the Raegris Central District. The Raegris are assembling a fleet to meet it. It will take around 3-4 days for the invading fleet to reach the inner Raegris lines.

One DF-1 frigate was caught up in the initial attack and received serious damage but was able to escape the invaders. Twelve crewmen are reported to have been lost.

War Update 30/04/10

  • Two Dinomark XTs have been destroyed in a combat with a Bolitic Snarl battlecruiser near Pulsin. The Snarl was badly damaged in the battle which also involved 2 PTs which came along later and was later abandoned and destroyed. Six Dinos were killed in the battle with others badly wounded. It is thought the Snarl was trying to infiltrate the Pulsin system perhaps to deploy special forces when it's cloak was tripped by a neutrino flare from a passing comet.
  • The Aritans have encountered the ABBO near to Charlotte. An Intrepid destroyer was on patrol in that region in the Rim Worlds when it was attacked by 2 ABBO destroyers. The Intrepid returned fire and the ABBOs withdrew. The Intrepid sustained only minor damage and was able to continue it's patrol.
  • The Bolitic have displayed the bodies of 2 DDS Prowler special forces it says were captured on Castarian. The Bolitic said the men died after hours of interrogation and sustained sexual violence.


The Gathering Storm
The DDS enter ABBO space...

DDS buy 2 Tiamon TM2 assault carriers

The DDS have ordered 2 Tiamon TM2 assault carriers from the HCS which will form part of the DDS amphibious fleet. The Tiamons, a key type in the HCS fleet, are able to enter the upper atmosphere of planets and launch fighter jets, usually they are used in the initial attack in an invasion. The DDS want the Tiamons to fill the final gap in their amphibious portfolio. The HCS are keen to sell them as they are seeking funds to build some more themselves.

In DDS service they will be known as the Type 66A, a fleet name has yet to be assigned. As with the Pangaeas the HCS will provide a semi-completed hull to the DDS who will finish it off with DDS weapons and equipment. The cost of the 2 ships is unknown, the DDS said that they could be ready for service by early next year.

War Update 29/04/10

  • Two DDS offices on Terra have been hit by anthrax attacks, a third infected letter was intercepted en route by a new bio-signature system the DDS are rushing into service.
  • The DDS say exports are to continue of warships at the moment with existing ships to be completed including the third Isometric-EMM which is nearing completion for Molab. This may be reviewed if the war continues for some time and losses mount up. The DDS have been in contact with all their customers about the situation.
  • Two more Reptoli Tuuls are understood to now be in service with the Bolitic fleet taking the total up to 11, it is not thought the Utrek wish to provide any more though now the war has begun.

Aritans reveal details of major upgrade for Solaris frigates

New Arit will upgrade and refurbish it's fleet of 5 Solaris II frigates in order for them to serve into the early 2120s at least. The DDS will contribute to the upgrade programme with assistance by DDS Engineering and some "free" equipment though it is likely to still cost the Aritans some 300 million zarks to upgrade the ships (a large sum for them) but they consider it a price worth paying as the upgraded Solaris ships will be a key part of their fleet.

The upgrade will include:
  • Full refurbishment and replacement of worn parts
  • New life support system and improved environmental control
  • TPM-2 launcher and improved laser cannons
  • Extra auxiliary laser weapons
  • Passive sensors and 5036-A tactical suite (ex-DDS)
  • Improved docking bay able to support Coril, SROPS and Fulcrums
  • New databus and improved computer systems
  • Recored engine and upgraded engine management systems
  • New reactor cores and upgraded power system 
  • Combat Ware 2.0 support and improved internal security systems
  • Various minor updates and improvements
The upgrade programme is due to begin in a few weeks (the Aritans say they can't delay the upgrade because of the war because the ships are literally at the end of their fatigue lives). Each upgrade is scheduled to take around 5 months each ship.


Terrorist attack on Dino-Land kills 24

24 Dino Army troops have been killed by a massive car bomb which was driven into their camp near to the capital Dino-Town. The attack is being blamed on a Bolitic terror cell after fragments of Bolitic made explosives were found at the scene. The Dinos have earlier warned that Bolitic terror cells would soon be operating on Dino-Land as they have in the DDS.

Consul Cruggson has ordered security be tightened and berated the commander of the camp where the attack took place for slack procedures. The commander is to be reassigned to the ice world of Jeloka.

War Update 28/04/10

  • The DDS have scored their first notable victory of the war. The fleet heading into ABBO space commanded by Windscorpion was attacked by 14 ABBO destroyers which were destroyed. One Terran Sea frigate was slightly damaged in an earlier engagement but there were no injuries.
  • DDS Research's office on Solaris is the latest scene of an anthrax attack. Two personnel were infected but should be OK.


Bright Spark Test 2 successful

The second test of Bright Spark, the launcher stage of the future LRM-20 space missile has been successful. The rocket took a dummy payload into LEO from it's launch site on Proxima 5. The third test is planned for later in the year and is likely to be from the first LRM silo currently being built on Proxima 7.

The space stage of LRM could be mated to Bright Spark as early as next year if tests continue to successful though LRM-20 is unlikely to be deployed much earlier than 2114.

Arit activates first air wing, to integrate with DDSAF

New Arit has activated the first air wing of it's re-born air force which is being equipped with surplus HCSAF aircraft which were part of Arit's big purchase of surplus HCS weapons last year. The wing is currently working on interoperability protocols with the DDSAF and some squadrons may be deployed to DDS worlds.

The 1st Aritan Air Wing comprises 3 COIN squadrons equipped with the A-85 and 2 Communication squadrons equipped with O-43s.

War Update 27/04/10

  • The Bolitic are understood to have moved over 3 million slave soldiers to forward assembly areas and may be planning an invasion of either the DDS or Dinos.
  • A Bolitic terrorist was killed today when a bio-attack on DDS Engineering HQ on Solaris was foiled by alert guards. The other Bolitic escaped leaving behind sarin and other unpleasant materials.
  • A Dinomark XT came under fire from a Meltinan scout ship near the Bolitic-Dino border but managed to escape with only minor damage, one crewman was killed however.


Voth destroy Bolitic ship (with DDS help)

A Voth Kalahati Tuul has made a kill of a Bolitic Meltinan scout ship near Apassara though the DDS helped. The KT was on patrol near the border in conjunction with a Rome corvette when it detected the Meltinan. The Rome was cloaked but maintaining a short-range datalock with the KT. It's passive sensors detected the Bolitic ship which was using a "natural cloak" (using a local asteroid's gravitational field) to evade the KT's sensors.

The KT was able to get a missile lock using the Rome's targeting data and destroyed the Meltinan with a brace of TPMs. The Voth celebrated this great victory which is being seen as a great morale booster for the DDS' allies.

Eritrans to form joint fleet

The Free Eritran States, who are of course among the best customers for DDS warships, have signed an agreement to form a joint fleet. The Free Eritran Navy will comprise ships from Molab, Helinox, Sear N7, Oxsasx and Castaris 9065A and will co-ordinate the response to "external threats". Although ships in the fleet will remain owned and operated by their current operators the member states will co-ordinate future procurements to improve the shape and ability of the fleet.

Benito's CSE-E will be no doubt concerned about this as the Free Eritran States are their closest neighbours and the large military build-up of the Free Eritran States is seen, in part, as a response to the Clones (CSE-E was after all built out of the conquered Eritran Trade Federation).

The Free Eritran Navy is already a potent force but once current orders are fulfilled it will be able to field:
  • 6 Isometric-E/M frigates
  • 26 Kalahati Tuuls
  • 17 Pentekonter-E/M
  • 15 Provider/Extenders
  • 100 Ferret UCVs
Joint operations have already been taking place but the formal set-up of the joint force will be achieved by the end of the year sources say.

    New generation of IR sensors introduced

    The DDS have begun to introduce a new generation of infra-red sensors with much higher sensitivity and resolution to existing sensors which provide a useful part of a ship's sensor suite. Coupled to improvements in real-time image processing and targeting information the DDS say these new sensors will improve the detection of cloaked ships (many cloaks still leave a very slight IR signature) and improved accuracy in combat situations.

    Upgrades to IR sensors across the fleet have already begun and will be fitted to ships as they go through scheduled refits and repairs. The new sensors are plug compatible with the old ones so upgrading literally takes only a few hours per ship.

    Artensis 60 order HCS warplanes

    Artensis 60 has ordered DDS (and Dino) weapons over the last year though one worry for the DDS is that the war-time suspension of deliveries could cause some of it's customers to look elsewhere and Artensis have just placed an order with the Clones for warplanes. Artensis were quick to reassure the DDS that their orders for space ships are unaffected.

    Artensis have ordered 60 F-45A fighters, 100 A-84FEA attack aircraft, 170 A-85NT COIN aircraft, 20 E/TR-72 reconnaissance & EW aircraft and 25 C-440 transports. The size of the deal has yet to be announced. Training will be carried out by the HCSAF though its thought Artensis will want to buy it's own trainers once the new HCS basic trainer, the T-76, enters service.

    War Update 25-26/04/10

    • The Glowing Light force is now said to be approaching ABBO claimed space but as yet has not come into contact with the ABBOs.
    • DDS and UNP computer systems have come under renewed cyberattack. Two new Bolitic "info-war cells" are now said to be operating in the UNP. The impact of these attacks is less though because of improved security measures.


    DDS buy HCS tanks

    The DDS have ordered 250 T-55Z tanks off the HCS in an urgent operational requirement order to provide armour for the New DDS Army. Although there are development programmes in place to create a new DDS tank these will not see fruition until well into next year. As a stop gap the DDS are to buy 250 tanks from the HCS Reserve.

    Work has already begun in restoring them back to working order and doing some localisation and fitting DDS radios and datalinks. DDS Engineering and Aritan Army engineers (who already operate the T-55Z) are working around the clock on Cloneworld and hope to have at least half the tanks ready for combat training by June.

    The HCS are not prepared to sell any more of their tanks in reserve though would be willing to sell the DDS new build T-55ZDMs. The DDS have yet to say if they want to go ahead with this.

    HCS considering offensive against Xenon?

    There are unconfirmed reports that Oojok wants the Xenon faction of the 7 Sa Sao "totally destroyed" following a skirmish between a Xenon ship and a HCS Cosmos CS near Rendrial 4 last week. Current intelligence indicates the Xenon do not have a strong military and rely on deception and stealth. Indeed the location of their home planet remains a secret.

    Oojok rode back to power when he led the HCS to a victory over the Xenon last year and there are signs he thinks, if the Xenon home world can be discovered, the Xenon can be finished off once and for all.

    War Update 24/04/10

    • Quiet day reported so far, no skirmishes are known to have happened along any of the fronts though there were a number of sightings of Bolitic scout ships along the border.
    • The Dinos say they have received intelligence no fewer than 9 Bolitic terrorism cells are now operating on the various DDS worlds, some cyber warfare experts, some bio-chemical warfare and some general thugs.


    Who Stands For Glory
    The war begins...

    Bolitic fleet assembling near Castarian

    A powerful battlefleet is assembling near Castarian according to intelligence reports. The fleet of over 50 ships includes 30 Snarls, all 9 Reptoli Tuuls and the rest Meltinan lighter vessels. It is thought the smaller fleet that invaded Remedian space recently has now returned to Bolitic space and joined this new battle fleet.

    The DDS have gone to the highest alert. The Bolitic fleet likely includes older slower ships but can still be at Remedia Prime within a week. The first major set-piece battle of the war could be coming soon.

    War Update 23/04/10

    • There was an attempt to launch a gas attack on a DDS office in the town of Alfonse on Proxima 7 but DDS guards detected suspicious activity by 2 Saurians who then fled when challenged. The Saurians left behind a sarin gas grenade. Windy has relunctantly agreed to finally move 1000s of CCTV cameras from male toilets to other locations across the DDS.
    • Two Ferret-E UCVs have been destroyed by a Bolitic warship near to Solaris. The Snarl battlecruiser's cloak was tripped by a neutrino net detection scan and 2 Ferrets were nearby. They fired at least one TPM at the Snarl though it is not thought it hit the target. The Ferrets were destroyed by cannon fire before the Snarl recloaked and is thought to have left the system. Patrols in Solaris are being stepped up.
    • A Bolitic Meltinan patrol ship has been destroyed in a battle with the Raegris. Two DF-1 frigates detected the Meltinan near to the Raegris-Vosun border. The Meltinan tried to lure the Raegris ships over the border where Vosun warships were lying in cloak however the Raegris were cautious and instead hit the Meltinan with TPMs when it crossed over the border. The Vosun ships declined the battle and returned to their base.


    DDS to install extra CIWS to handle swarm attacks

    Both the ABBOs and Bolitic are known to employ swarm attacks of small sub-light ships (in the Bolitic case piloted by brain washed slaves). The DDS fear that they could be overwhelmed by these attacks and are looking into fitting extras close in weapon systems to their warships. Panther and Quasar warships will be receiving 8-10 auxiliary laser cannons each which will be fitted to the outside of the ships.

    These can be targetted using the main tactical system or manually by crews. Each retrofit should take no more than a day or so per ship and can be performed in the field. Other warships will also receive extra CIWS at a later stage.

    War Update 22/04/10

    • The ABBOs have launched an attack on the Dinos near Xi. A Dino patrol of 3 Dinomark NGs were attacked by 9 ABBO destroyers. One NG was badly damaged and had to be abandoned and destroyed. 7 Dinos were killed in the battle, 4 ABBO ships were destroyed.
    • Two DDS personnel have died after a chemical attack at DDS Communications HQ on Proxima 5. The DDS are now actively searching for the Bolitic terrorist cell.
    • It is rumoured SS-D special forces units are now operating on Castarian and Ice-World in the Bolitic Confederacy.


    The war is on!

    General Redjec DSO MC BSc here, as we all know the war is on and i am excited about the chance to perform many great deeds. I am a hero as you know unlike Quarz whom i hate. He is a snivelling worm who is now under the tutelage of Windscorpion. I hope Windy is very strict with him and comes down very hard on him!

    Anyway enough of that worm, who i hate. Lets talk war! As i said i have some important and heroic duties to perform. For example i am currently doing an audit of fire safety appliances across GHQ. Very important and heroic duties indeed. There is the front line but the back line is even more important. What if a fire extinguisher runs out of puff during a battle, it could be the difference between success and failure. Victory and defeat. Indeed victory in this war may depend on me!

    I read that the Remedians have got involved in the war. They are now playing with the big boys. I bet their ships are having emergency latrine upgrades! Just as Quarz's ship would. How i hate him!

    HCSN show off latest update to SS-NS-3

    The HCSN have been demonstrating their newly updated cruise missile the SS-NS-3 which is equipping the submarine fleet. The latest model the SS-NS-3A has a 3200km range and improved guidance and control systems. It can also be fitted with a nuclear warhead which means it could be used to strike back against a Cloneworld invasion force (which is a core part of the HCSN's role). Although it could not reach an enemy deep on the main continent it could prove a very useful weapon striking against an enemy closer to coastal areas.

    The 3A will be rolled out across the fleet over the next few months, older missiles will be upgraded. This will be the principle weapon of the HCSN submarine fleet until the introduction into service of the SeaGale SLBM.

    F-10SEP production bought forward, TPM-A update

    The next major version of the main DDS fighter, the F-10SEP, is now in final testing. Production will begin within a few weeks with the first production examples expected by the late Summer. The SEP includes a new wing and improved systems with improved agility, efficiency and IR stealth.

    The SEP will also be compatible with all current DDS air weapons plus the forthcoming TPM-2A air launched version of the TPM-2. That is still some time off though but a new version of the air launched TPM-1, the TPM-A4, has just begun production. This has an improved motor and some software updates.

    The Orchid : "The Bolitic want us to react"

    Some have queried why the Bolitic have not launched an offensive against the DDS and have seemed content at irregular warfare and terrorism plus the off hit and run attack. DDS Commander The Orchid says she thinks the Bolitic want the DDS to take the initiative. "The Bolitic want us to react and attack them. They want us to give up our position of defensive strength and perhaps play into their hands. There will be a major battle in this war but i can't say when it will be. It will, however, be on our terms and when we are sure we can strike a decisive blow."

    The Orchid said that different strategies were being employed against the 2 enemies. "The ABBOs operate on a linear logical cost-benefit strategic model. We aim to make the war illogical to continue from their point of view by hitting them hard. Experience the Dinos have gained over the years indicates this is the best way rather than just get into a continuous fleet battle. The Bolitic however live for war but we must make sure we do not play into their strategic aims."

    War Update 21/04/10

    • There have been a resurgence of anthrax attacks on Proxima 7. DDS GHQ and DDS Communications were both hit by the biological weapon, which is thought to be transmitted via the postal service. The DDS have halted all mail apart from essential communications and Redjec's beast porn shipments. The DDS think there is a dedicated Bolitic bio-warfare team operating on the planet.
    • Two Bolitic Snarl battlecruisers crossed the border near Ailiari and attacked a Remedian Perimpaz 39A destroyer of the RCPP. Two Remedians were killed in the initial attack. One Snarl was hit by a TPM and suffered damage to an engine. The Bolitic retreated causing the Remedians to cheer thinking they had chased the enemy away though then they realised 4 DDS warships had been approaching at maximum speed. The Perimpaz has travelled to Loeuss for repairs.
    • The Aritans have detected ABBO activity near to Artic. A Pentekonter-E jointly operated by Arit and Artic scanned around 20 ABBO destroyers which then moved off and returned towards ABBO space.


    Pre-production NDAA delivered to DDSAF

    The first 3 of a planned run of 6 pre-production NDAAs have been delivered to the DDSAF ahead of final testing and initial operational training in the early Summer. The Next DDS Attack Aircraft (it's designation is A-12 though NDAA is what it is usually called) is a key type in the expansion of the DDSAF that is currently ongoing. The NDAA is a light attack fighter for COIN and CAS and will fill the gap between the F-10S and the various UCAVs under development.

    2111 was the planned entry into service though the war situation is likely to accelerate matters. If final testing goes as planned then the type could be cleared for production by the Fall.

    UV153 Unshakeable Self-Belief

    • Galvaston - Stinkyson resigns as SS Commander...
    • Spawn Of Incest - Trojan Warlord reveals a shocking secret from his past of endless sadness...
    • Don't Break My Heart - Solax goes to work on his latest mission...
    • This Is Really Cool - Are you ready for Quarz's stag night? Is he ready for the dangers lurking within?...
    • Ultra Sex - Its the day of Quarz's and Crystal Ribbon's wedding...
    • No Glitz Or Glamour - The ABBOs attack!

    Starbot calls up army, prepares for war

    Starbot has fully mobilised it's army which is a territorial force over 150,000 strong organised into 21 regiments. Starbotian leader S101 said the army would defend Starbot and assist in the defence of DDS South. It is possible some regiments could be sent to Liberation to bolster forces there. 

    S101 also said that the DDS is to establish a forward command base on the planet to coordinate the fight against the ABBOs.

    Operation Glowing Light

    A DDS fleet has left Liberation under the command of Windscorpion. It's mission is being kept a secret but it is suspected the fleet is to attack the ABBOs and perform a strategic strike on an ABBO world. Experience gained by the Dinos indicates the best way to end a war with the ABBOs is to hit one of their worlds hard.

    Geeky ship spotters noted the following in the fleet:

    F103 Carboniferous (flag)
    C101 North America
    C105 Central America
    C108 Europa
    R106 Bowman
    D101 Panther
    D111 Civet
    F138 Java Sea
    F144 Flores Sea
    F152 Aral Sea II
    A150 Refinery
    A225 Severn

    The fleet is a powerful one which includes a strategic attack flotilla. The River class transport is said to be carrying extra nuclear missiles.

    War Update 20/04/10

    • Training frigate T109 Richard Nixon has come under attack by the ABBOs near Charlotte in the Rim Worlds. Three ABBO destroyers attacked it, perhaps thinking a training ship would be lightly armed however of course the Starsystem 91Xs are equipped with TPMs and a Z-cannon! Two ABBO ships were destroyed. The Starsystem suffered some moderate damage with 4 crew injured though none life-threatening. Richard Nixon is now returning to Arit for repairs.
    • A Bolitic depot has been attacked on Castarian by Prowler special forces (we assume, we are going on Bolitic reports). A large bomb placed under a truck is said to have caused casualties at the depot. There is an unconfirmed report that SS-D Dino special forces are now linking up with the Prowler units.
    • Two ABBO ships have been detected near Malau (which is close to Palau of course where SS Galaxy was destroyed). A Starbotian ship gave chase but they headed back to ABBO space.


    The ABBO war machine

    The ABBO war machine is little known to the DDS but thanks to intelligence from the Dinos the picture is slightly clearer now. The bulk of the ABBO combat fleet seems to consist of just 3 types.
    The new battlecruiser has not been encountered very often but is a large and obviously very powerful warship. It is not known how many of these the ABBO have, they may only have the 1. Very little is known about these ships but as they are larger than Pulsar cruisers their crew must be large. They are equipped with a number of high-power cannons.
    The bulk of the ABBO fleet are their destroyers (the actual ABBO name for these and all of their ships is unknown). These ships are small but powerful warships with an observed speed of over 700c and are equipped with a powerful energy cannon and some auxiliary weapons. They carry a crew of at least 2. Some have a pressurised compartment for carrying organic prisoners. The ABBOs have 100s if not 1000s of these ships.
    Smaller than a destroyer, the ABBO fighters are often used in atmospheric situations though are also capable of space combat. Unlike the destroyers which have a crew the fighters have their own built-in AI unit. In other ways they are similiar to a destroyer in configuration but smaller.

    DDS confirm Galaxy destroyed 3 ABBO ships

    The DDS have confirmed, after analysis of the wreckage of the transport SS Galaxy that the Provider 71A fired all 3 of it's fitted Canister TPMs and destroyed 3 ABBO ships. The DDS are looking into fitting more weapons to it's transports but admitted that they can't cover ships in Canister TPM.

    A cut down missile launcher with a 20-30 magazine load is being looked at in a crash programme for fitting to the Providers and Extenders.

    Bolitic cyber warfare unit captured

    A group of 5 Saurians posing as Sirikwanese students have been captured by the DDS on Proxima 7 after they were really found to be Bolitic info-war operators who have been responsible for a string of cyber attacks across the DDS and UNP over the last few days.

    Following initial questioning the Bolitic will be transferred to SS Stoke City for further interrogation. The DDS said they think the Bolitic may have landed another unit in the UNP over the last few days but they haven't become operational yet.

    Dinos move to state of war

    The Dinos have moved to a state of war with the Bolitic and ABBOs following a meeting of the Senate. Martial law has been imposed on Dino-Land, Pulsin and Xi and the SS have been mobilised to secure the streets. SS Deputy Commander Solax said that young men had best keep off the streets as the SS patrols sometimes get "excited".

    No more XTs have been returned to the military yet, Cruggson said to reporters that they will see how the war progresses before reassessing their force levels.

    War Update 19/04/10

    This site will be starting a daily war update from today to collect together all the smaller events which do not warrent a full scale article. There will still be full articles for "major" events of course.
    • Two Snarl battlecruisers crossed over the Remedian border and attacked an Isometric frigate on patrol. Fire was exchanged but it is not thought either side suffered any notable damage. The Snarls retreated and cloaked.
    • The Raegris have detected a fleet of Vosun and Bolitic warships massing near Melsan 90510. As yet there is no indication as to what the fleet is doing but the Raegris suspect the Vosun may attack. They said they have received intelligence that the Bolitic want the Vosun to keep the Raegris tied up so they can't assist the DDS.
    • A Dinomark NG came under fire from a Bolitic warship near Pulsin but was able to escape.


    DDS draw first blood against Bolitic

    The DDS have drawn first blood since declaring war with the Bolitic. A Bolitic scout ship was encountered near the Remedian border by a Quasar cruiser and destroyed when it failed to surrender.

    Windscorpion has left GHQ to link up with a force being assembled at Liberation which is rumoured will strike against the ABBOs. The force will include an attack flotilla of nuclear armed Pulsars. Windy is said to have told his crew that he didn't know if the ABBOs believed in a God but when the DDS was finished with them they certainly would discover religion.

    Fleet News (18/04/10)

    The DDS carrier fleet has received a timely boost on the eve of a conflict which could feature the type heavily. R111 Fusilier is the penultimate Missileer 21B carrier and is expected to join the fleet immediately.

    R151 Olympus Mons is the first Olympus 23A support carrier. This smaller carrier is based on the Friendship platform and it's primary role will be maintenance and repair of Ferret UCVs and other small craft though they will be fully combat capable. Olympus Mons will be used for new type training for the time being.

    Two Falcon 47A ships have been received from the Dinos, P142 Caracara and P143 Raptor are expected to be tasked with patrol duties for the time being replacing Romes which are wanted to support the combat fleets.

    F115 Cainozoic and F112 Holocene have completed their Isometric ILU and have rejoined the fleet. F117 Proterzoic and F119 Precambrian have begun their updates.
    No Glitz Or Glamour
    The ABBOs attack!

    DDS allies support war decision

    DDS allies New Arit, Remedia, Raegris, Voth and Sirikwan have all joined the DDS in declaring war on the Bolitic Confederacy and the ABBOs. The Dinos have yet to make any decision, though they tend to not bother declaring war. In a speech to the DDS The Orchid said that a letter would be sent to both enemies confirming the war declaration "And they had best be thankful we don't deliver the letter taped to the side of a nuclear missile!"

    As yet there are no signs that either the Bolitic or ABBOs are going to make a full scale attack, the DDS think that they are waiting for the DDS to make the first move.


    The DDS declare war on the ABBOs and Bolitic

    The DDS have officially declared war on the ABBOs and Bolitic following the recent attacks on DDS facilities and the destruction of SS Galaxy. The Orchid said that the ABBOs would be punished and the crew of the Galaxy would be avenged. She also revealed that all 3 Canister TPM carried by Galaxy had been used, "They went down fighting but probably faced overwhelming odds. We are looking at further increasing the available firepower of DDS transports."

    In further news the DDS say they have isolated a Bolitic hacking cell to a small region on Proxima 7 and hope to soon capture the hackers. "We will bring them a dose of reality." the DDS said.

    Chrysalis bought forward, to be known as Black Prince class?

    The future cruiser Project Chrysalis was planned to enter service in around 2119 but The Orchid has ordered development be bought forward to "2116 at least". Although it is unlikely these cruisers would have any bearing on the current pending conflict with the Bolitic and ABBO The Orchid is concerned that after the Pulsars leave service by 2112 there will be too long a gap before the DDS can increase it's cruiser force which will be comprised of just the Quasar ships until the arrival of the Chrysalis.

    The name of the cruiser may have been leaked after "Black Prince" was listed on a register of DDS ships in the cruiser column before being removed.

    Starbotians confirm Galaxy loss to ABBOs

    Starbotian warship I-1A has reached the last known telemetry tracked point of the Provider 71A transport SS Galaxy and found a debris field instead. The debris was quickly confirmed to be the remains of the Galaxy and no survivors were found. All 35 listed crew are assumed to be dead.

    Residual energy analysis indicates the Galaxy was destroyed by ABBO energy weapons. The Orchid has ordered all unescorted DDS and UNP transport ships in the DDS South region should make to a safe port as soon as possible.


    Pulsar attack flotilla being prepared for ABBO attack?

    One flotilla of 3 Pulsar 12A bombers has already been sent to Remedian space ready to attack the Bolitic but now it seems a second flotilla is being readied to be sent to Liberation. From there it is likely the bombers would be intended to attack the ABBO if it does turn out to them them who destroyed SS Galaxy.

    A strategic strike on the ABBOs is likely to be the best way to combat them as the Dinos are likely to have advised the DDS. The ABBOs are willing to lose 99% of their fleet if it means they can achieve their objective however the devastation caused by the nuking of a few ABBO planets is likely to change the logical balance of their strategy and cause them to cease hostilities.

    The Orchid orders emergency meeting of DDS council

    The Orchid has raised the DDS alert status to red which means the DDS is now in a state of war, though that has yet to be declared. She has ordered a meeting of the DDS council which will be held within a couple of hours. Any decisions may be held off until Starbotian ships reach the site of SS Galaxy and see if they can work out what has happened to it.

    If the ship has been destroyed by the ABBOs this will be very serious for the DDS which has maintained a policy of only concentrating on the Bolitic threat, gambling on the ABBOs not attacking. How risky the gamble remains to be seen.

    Riots on Proxima 7 as population demand action

    There have been a number of riots on Proxima 7 as a frightened population demand the authorities stop the attacks which are causing chaos to the planet's infrastructure. In Alfonse rioters attacked the DDS recruitment office and in Hexian City the motorcade of The Orchid (who was travelling to a meeting with the Proximan authorities) was attacked by angry mobs. The Orchid got away unharmed.

    The Orchid has called for calm saying the DDS is doing everything in it's power to stop the attacks. It is now thought the attacks are originating from a Bolitic cell on Proxima 7 itself. The DDS are hoping they can at least isolate the cell and then find them soon.

    DDS ship destroyed by ABBOs?

    There are reports coming in that a telemetry link has been lost with the DDS Provider 71A transport A108 Galaxy. Efforts to contact the ship which was travelling between Liberation and Starbot (and was a lightyear from Palau when the link was lost) have so far failed. A technical problem is a possibility but DDS ships have back-up communication systems if the primary fails so should have been able to make an emergency call.

    Two ships have been sent out from Starbot to investigate. If foul play is a factor then it is not likely to be caused by the Bolitic but could be the ABBOs who have been active in the area recently.


    Chemical weapon explodes at DDS GHQ, dozens of deaths

    The Bolitic attacks may have just got much more serious, a chemical weapon has exploded at DDS GHQ killing dozens of DDS personnel. It is thought a highly toxic chemical like ricin was in the bomb which was detonated near a depot on the outskirts of GHQ. Chemical hazard teams are currently sealing the area off and beginning decontamination.

    The DDS have no evidence the Bolitic planted the bomb, which appears to have been hidden in some containers. The worry is that there are more bombs already planted. The Orchid has ordered the entire base be checked.

    Bolitic warship hit during skirmish

    The Bolitic fleet that is causing a nuisance in Remedian space has been successful in evading the DDS but the net may be closing. In a recent encounter a Snarl battlecruiser was caught by 3 DDS ships and a ship from the Remedian CPP. It is thought the ship had technical problems with it's cloaking device.

    The DDS opened fire after the Bolitic refused to surrender and managed to get 2 hits in though the Bolitic managed to raise it's cloak and get away. The DDS now think they have bottled the Bolitic up in a region of space near Remedia Prime.

    Explosion at chemical depot on Terra speads poison gas across Europe

    An explosion at a chemical depot on Terra has released a vast cloud of poison gas across Europe. The incident is being put down to sabotage after a computer went haywire following a cyberattack. Sixteen workers were killed and dozens affected by the cloud of gas, some fatally. The UNP is under pressure to cut it's communication links with other powers though DDS Communications say this will not prevent the attacks.

    "The Bolitic likely have hacker teams already in the UNP or tap into the communication links from ships in our space." a spokesman said. DDS Research's Info-Warfare Team is currently working on "interceptor viruses" which will combat Bolitic cyberattacks however Dr Forbidden says the DDS are years behind the Bolitic in this kind of warfare "If we have the Sopwith Camels then the Bolitic have the F-45Cs." he said to reporters.

    HCS reveal "orbital stealth" for navy

    The HCS Navy's key role is intended to be the major way the HCS can fight back against a land invasion of Cloneworld if HCSAF facilties have been badly degraded by orbital bombardment. The focus of the navy is to maintain the ability to strike back against an invader and it is doing this by developing submarine launched cruise and ballistic missiles and airpower from it's carriers.

    At the moment ships are hard to hit from orbit especially when mobile but it is feared that advances in technology could negate that. The HCS are thus working on "orbital stealth", measures to hide ships from detection by orbital based weapons. One way is to reduce the wake created by ships and a "top side cloaking field" which will use cloaking technology to hide signatures from prying eyes.

    The HCSN hope to have these measures in place by the end of this decade.

    Explosion reported on Castarian, DDS special forces operating?

    An explsion has been reported on the Bolitic capital world of Castarian by the Dinos. It is thought a military base was hit by a large car bomb which killed a number of troops and allowed the escape of several thousand pre-programmed drone soldiers whom the Bolitic are now trying to round-up.

    The Bolitic are blaming the "aggression" on DDS special forces. It could be possible that Prowler units are operating on Castarian and perhaps since the spate of attacks on the DDS have been ordered to begin to hit back.

    Hexian City suffers black-outs after explosion at main substation

    An explosion at the main electricity substation serving the centre of Hexian City has claimed 3 lives and plunged the capital of Proxima 7 (and the UNP) into darkness. The DDS (who have their own separate power station and substation at their neighbouring GHQ) were unaffected and were able to restore power to the capital within an hour. The explosion is said to have been caused by sabotage, possibly after a Bolitic cyber attack.

    Much tighter bio-security measures across the DDS are restricting new cases of anthrax or gas attacks though there was a contamination reported at a DDS office on Solaris.


    Dinos warn DDS to resist rash action

    Ronald has warned the DDS to not fall into the Bolitic trap and surrender a position of strength by being goaded into an attack. "The Dinos are well used to Bolitic tactics and these annoyances and attacks are designed to goad the DDS into an attack. In doing so they would give up their position of strength with a planned defence."

    Ronald's words may be hard to heed though as the attacks on the DDS and UNP are continuing. Water supplies to the capital of Proxima 7 and GHQ are still off and the shut down of a nuclear power station has caused brown outs across Hexian City. Three more anthrax contaminations have been discovered, the DDS now think the spores are being transported through the mail.

    Pulsars prepared for attack?

    There are unconfirmed reports that 3 Pulsar bombers have been loaded with nuclear tipped MRM and shorter range missiles and have departed for Remedian space. It is rumoured that the DDS may be considering a pre-emptive strike on the Bolitic. The military bases on the border planet of Iceworld are a possibility as there would be little civilian collatoral damage compared to say an attack on Castarian.

    The DDS are probably hoping the knowledge that nuclear armed bombers are ready to launch a strike could deter the Bolitic from their current actions.

    Three suspected Bolitic agents arrested near nuclear power station

    Three Saurians have been arrested by Proximan Police near a nuclear power station south of Hexian City. The Saurians claim to be Dinos and working for a Dino TV news channel but police said their movements and actions were suspicious.

    Attacks are continuing across the planet however, a major Proximan bank has been the latest to be hacked as have several Proxima ministries by possible Bolitic cyber attacks. Anthrax has also turned up at a DDS barracks near the city of Alfonse.

    Update : the 3 Dinos had their identity confirmed as TV crew and have been released. The media have been asked to be responsible by the DDS and Proximan authorities.

    Poison gas attack at DDS Communications HQ

    DDS Communications HQ on Proxima 5 has been attacked in a suspected poison gas attack which has left 3 guards dead and other injured. Luckily the tightest bio-security measures were in place because of the anthrax attacks elsewhere which prevented the gas entering the main complex and affecting the vital communications of the DDS. The nature of the gas is as yet unknown.

    The Orchid has demanded the Bolitic cease all of their attacks (though it is unknown if they are behind this and the anthrax attacks) and withdraw their forces from Remedian space. The Bolitic have yet to reply.

    Cyber attack cuts off water supply to Hexian City & DDS GHQ

    A suspected Bolitic cyber attack has cut off the water supply to Hexian City, the capital of Proxima 7 and the neighbouring DDS GHQ which has switched to it's limited reserve supply. A nuclear reactor north of the capital also had to be switched off as a precaution after an unexpected temperature rise.

    The Proximan authorities are hoping to restore water supplies by the end of the day. DDS Engineering is assisting them.

    Bolitic fleet continues to evade DDS in Remedian space

    The Bolitic fleet that entered Remedian space is playing an expert game of cat and mouse with the DDS and is so far tying up over 20 DDS and Remedian ships in guarding against the threat and trying to confront the Bolitic fleet which is using cloaking tactics, deception and trickery to confound DDS attempts to repel them.

    DDS insiders think this, along with the on-going cyber and now biological attacks are part of a concerted Bolitic campaign to unsettle the DDS before the war proper.

    Its VQ day!

    General Redjec here, and i am in a very good mood. Not just because that soothing cream i bought is working a treat on ...a certain part of my anatomy... but because i am happy to report FINAL VICTORY over Quarz, whom i hate. His wedding day to the vile creature Crystal Ribbon did not go to plan.

    As the ceremony was going ahead Windy turned up and took Quarz away, then i understand Quarz was "made a man". Well i know... i mean i have been told... what that entails! Quarz has now entered a new world. A Windy world. This i am glad about as i hate Quarz as you may know. So it is Victory over Quarz day or VQ day! The greatest day in the history of mankind.

    Now i think i need some more cream, and another cushion.

    Further anthrax outbreaks on DDS facilities

    There are been 3 more anthrax contaminations of DDS facilities on Solaris, at a DDS Communications office and at DDS Engineering, plus at Central Airbase on Proxima 7. The DDS have ruled out it being an accident saying they do not have any anthrax spores and a natural outbreak is now looking unlikely.

    The Orchid has ordered a lock-down of all facilities and is restricting the movement of personnel to all essential movements. This will cause trouble for the DDS in preparing for the war but the risk of a major biological attack could be catastrophic.


    Bio attack on DDS Engineering?

    Seven members of staff at DDS Engineering HQ on Solaris have been infected with anthrax. The facility has been sealed and a full bio-hazard sweep of the facility is being made. The DDS do not know yet if this was a deliberate biological weapon attack or naturally occurring anthrax. The Bolitic are heavy users of biological weapons (they are heavy users of all weapons to be honest) though there is no evidence this was caused by them.

    The Orchid has ordered a review of all bio-hazard prevention protocols. All DDS facilities are already on the highest alert status.
    Ultra Sex
    Its the day of Quarz's and Crystal Ribbon's wedding...

    HCS begin testing SRSM

    The HCS has begun testing a new(ish) weapon called SRSM (Short Range Space Missile), this is based on the existing missiles used by HCS spacecraft but are designed for ground attack. In the longer run the HCS will develop a space launched version of CSM to give them a true stand-off attack capability but SRSM will be used on the Kelsan KS attack fleet until then.

    The first Kelsan KS bomber will be used to test SRSM over the next few weeks. It can be fitted with a nuclear or conventional warhead and has terminal phase penaids though has to be fired from LEO which will leave the bombers vulnerable to weapons like TPM-A or G. SRSM could enter service before the end of the year.

    Oojok and Benito meet

    Oojok and Benito, the leaders of the 2 halves of the Clone Star Empire have finally met at a summit on Paragon. Their summit was delayed because of the impending DDS-Bolitic War but because conflict now looks to be a few weeks off the summit has gone ahead. The two leaders agreed a mutual non-interference pact into each other's affairs. Benito will lift his restrictions on Oojok Madness in the CSE-E though Oojok in turn will not encourage worship in that part of the empire.

    Oojok and Benito, confirming their neutrality in the DDS-Bolitic War, said that a joint working party of HCS from both sides would work on maintaining a strong defence and protecting the empire's neutrality in the war.

    As yet Benito will not recognise Oojok as overall Emperor of the CSE though it is thought he will relent if the HCS-E gets an increase in funding. He would remain defacto ruler of CSE-E of course.

    Attack Osprey enters service

    The MQ-16C Attack Osprey attack drone has entered service with the DDSAF. This is a variant of the RQ-10B reconnaissance drone and has 4 hardpoints and improved sensors. It has a long endurance though is intended as a stop-gap before the introduction of the LLAD.

    The reconnaissance version has also been upgraded to allow interoperability with the Ferret-G drone and space-based weapon platforms allowing it's sensor data to be used for targeting purposes.


    HCS Fleet News (12/04/10)

    Two Molentic Tuul MTM conversions have been completed from the A model of the cruiser taking the number of Ms up to 11. Now the majority of the Molentic Tuul fleet has been modernised, the final 9 As will be upgraded within 12 months it is reported.

    2 more Kelsan KS bombers have entered service though as with the lead ship are being used as general patrol assets at present as the attack missile they are to use is not ready yet. The HCS are reported to be very happy with the type.

    The prototype Thresher ST heavy frigate has begun proving trials though details of the new type are at present being kept quite secret. The first Thresher ST could enter service by the end of the Summer.

    A new transport type is in development, the Type H will be a variant of the Type A/J transport ship and will be used for weapon transport. It is rumoured it may also include missile launchers which indicate it could be a HCS analogue of the DDS Missileer though some sources report it's primary role would be transport.

    2 Type As have been withdrawn due to fatigue issues.

    CNS Cloneworld works up to service; Submarines

    The first new aircraft carrier of the HCS Navy, CNS Cloneworld, is beginning it's work-up to service and if it passes it's acceptance trials in the early Summer then by around July the HCSN will have it's carrier. The carrier, accompanied by an Olana destroyer and a support ship, is conducting a series of training exercises with the 4 F-40Ns and 3 SH-26 helicopters.

    The HCSN are celebrating the entry into service of 2 new submarines CNSS Porpoise and CNSS Warhammer the SSB missile test submarine. Warhammer will not begin trials with SeaGale until next year at the earliest so until then will be used for patrol missions. With the new submarines entering service the legacy submarine CNSS Tinfish has left service to begin a life-extension refit and upgrade. Although original plans were for Tinfish to be withdrawn when the Seawolf submarines entered service the HCSN now plan to keep Tinfish for training/trials/reserve until the 2120s.

    DDS ready to unleash "full-spectrum warfare"

    DDS Commander The Orchid has given a speech to the DDS Academy where she warned the Bolitic not to attack. She said the DDS had learned greatly from it's last major war with the Utrek (which it had won) and was a much more complete fighting force able to unleash a "full-spectrum response" which would encompass a "wide range of vectors".

    "UCVs, carriers, deep strike, stand-off missiles. These are weapons the DDS have bought in since the Utrek War." The Orchid said, "Our fleet is much bigger and more powerful, our allies are more numerous and well-equipped and our resolve is unbreakable. To the people of the UNP i tell you, your military is ready."

    Rome 2110 Update A

    The DDS have been considering postponing this update to it's Rome corvette fleet along with other planned updates but because the Rome is a second-line ship have decided it is best to carry out the update now. Rome 2110 Update A will be carried out during scheduled maintenance over the next month and will take 4-5 days per ship.

    The update includes :
    • 5036-B combat suite which will greatly improve the overall combat capabilities of the Rome
    • Z5g-EA enhanced attack cannon for ground attack modules
    • Improved communications multiplex with enhanced security and bandwidth
    • Enhanced Combat Ware 2.0 support
    • IWC 2.0 with offensive info-weapon capability
    • One store room will be remodelled which will allow for a 4 missile increase in TPM-1 load though the ship's porn archive will have to be sacrified
    • Various other minor updates

    5th Light Brigade formed

    The 5th Light Brigade (Terra) has been declared operational and is the first operational brigade in the New DDS Army made up from ex-UNP and DDS ground force troops. Their operational status now means the Central Battlegroup, the main formation in the New DDS Army, is nearly fully operational.

    The tanks of the 1st Armoured Brigade (Arit) are being upgraded over the next few weeks with the latest fire control software release from the Clones (provided free of charge interestingly despite the declared neutrality of the CSE) for the brigade's mixture of T-89s and T-55Zs. Communication systems are also being upgraded because of the fear they could become prey to Bolitic info-weapons. An unconfirmed report states that some spare parts have also been given to the Aritans by the Clones for free.


    Clones confirm neutrality

    Oojok has said that the Clone Star Empire will remain neutral in any war involving the DDS, Dinos, Bolitic and ABBOs. He said he had spoken to Benito and had his agreement to make a declaration on behalf of both halves of the empire which will maintain a strict neutrality. He said that anyone who violated the neutrality of the CSE would be punished.

    In the Utrek War the Clones did not make any statements about neutrality and indeed did assist the DDS, the most notable help being in the form of minesweepers, but it seems in this conflict the most the Clones will do is sign non-aggression pacts as they did with the DDS lately. HCS Commander Admiral Anderson said that CSE space was not to be used by any power in the conflict as a "safe haven" and that HCS patrols would be "rigorous".

    Bolitic fleet update

    The DDS are reporting that the Bolitic fleet that has entered Remedian space is deliberately trying to avoid combat. The fleet is using cloaks and also frequent course changes to evade DDS patrols. The DDS are wondering if this is merely a diversion. The force itself is not strong enough to take on the DDS battlefleet and defences at Remedia Prime unless they are on a suicide run.

    DDS Commander The Orchid has ordered that DDS ships at the border be maintained and no ships be taken off to engage the Bolitic.

    Bolitic fleet crosses Remedian border

    A Bolitic fleet has crossed the Remedian border near Ailiari and is said to be heading towards Remedia Prime. The fleet was spotted by an Isometric frigate on patrol and it detected 7 Snarl battlecruisers before coming under a sustained info-attack and was forced to turn off even it's passive sensors as the Bolitic had managed to infiltrate a virus into the Isometric's sensor array.

    The DDS are now assembling a battlefleet near Remedia Prime, the Bolitic are expected there in 2 days if they maintain their current speed. A patch is being developed to guard against this kind of Bolitic info-attack and will be rolled out to the fleet within days. The DDS have raised their alert status to red and the Dinos to Level 1.


    Raegris destroy Vosun ship

    The Raegris have skirmished with the Vosun again after they crossed the border and attacked a Raegris listening post. Two Redhull ships, given to the Vosun by the Bolitic (and rather obsolete to be honest) made the attack but were intercepted by a DC-1 cruiser of the Raegris fleet. One Redhull was destroyed after it failed to heed warning shots. The other fled.

    The Raegris have repeated their warnings to the Vosun to cease their incursions but said "If they keep coming over the border we'll keep destroying them. Sooner or later they'll either lose the stomach for the fight or run out of ships. Either suits us."

    Cruggson will lead Dino war effort

    Following a meeting of the Dino senate it was decided that Consul Cruggson will lead the Dino war effort if there is a war with the Bolitic and/or the ABBOs as it now highly likely. Consul Jimmy will look after all other business though will also attend the war senate committee and is currently setting up a forward command post on Pulsin.

    Cruggson is likely to remain on Dino-Land in the first instance after the war starts but will move to either Pulsin or Xi depending on how the conflict pans out.

    Main DDS database hacked?

    The DDS earlier today performed an emergency shut down of it's main computer system and closed all communication ports. For a while the DDS was cut off from the rest of the galaxy but limited access was later restored. It is rumoured that the main DDS database was being hacked into by an unknown power but suspected as being the Bolitic.

    Its not known how much data the Bolitic managed to get access to but the levels of protection put in by the DDS which were supposed to be "unhackable" obviously were not. A DDS officer off the record said that some data may have been taken such as ship locations, crew allocations and code ciphers. The DDS are said to be changing their ciphers at the moment.

    Technical data on weapons such as TPM is not in this database rather the DDS Technical Database maintained by DDS Research, though this is known to have been a target by a number of foreign powers.


    DDS test biogenic weapons

    The DDS have conducted a test of it's biogenic weapons, the first use of these weapons which are directed at causing ecological damage to a target planet since the war with the Rectoids. In the test a specific plant species was wiped out on WEXU990171, an uninhabited planet in the Rim Worlds which is in the same system as Charlotte.

    The test is thought to be intended to warn the Bolitic of the power of these weapons in the DDS armoury. In a suspiciously convenient leak to the media the DDS claim they know the DNA codes of all the major food crops on Castarian the Bolitic homeworld.

    Explaining the Civilian Reserve Fleet

    The fact the Dinos can draw on a reserve fleet of scores of extra ships which can rejoin their fleet in days has raised some DDS eyebrows. The Civilian Reserve Fleet is a highly useful resource that came about almost by accident. In order to keep the XT production line open the Dinos began to sell older XTs to a selected list of commercial companies and owners. These ships were sold off cheap in return for the new owners keeping the ships in a good condition which is checked once a year.

    Initially the sold XTs have to be ready for military use within a few days. Although weaponry and other military equipment is removed the electrical systems and other infrastructure are kept in place which makes "re-militarisation" a very simple process. As these sold-off XTs become older (and thus more obsolete) the owners are allowed to gradually de-militarise them. Older ships in the reserve fleet are kept on a few-months readiness instead of a few days because of the extra time required in preparing them (though they may be bought in quicker than that but restricted to non-combat roles). Eventually the oldest ships leave the Civilian Reserve Fleet though at the moment only a few ships have reached that point.

    Whether older PTs may join the reserve fleet one day is unknown.


    3 more ships join Voth fleet, TPM upgrades

    3 more ex-Utrek Kalahati Tuuls have joined the Voth Space Navy which is being relaunched with DDS help. The Voth now have 5 KTs and all have received an upgrade to improve their combat performance. The missile launcher has been modified to be able to fire TPM-1 missiles, the laser cannons have been improved and the sensor array upgraded. The communications system has also been upgraded to help defend against Bolitic info-weapons.

    A 6th Kalahati Tuul is expected to be reactivated by the end of the year and there are 6 others to come at a later date. Currently the ships operate with the help of DDS and Aritan officers though the first cohort of Voth graduates from a DDS Space Academy are expected in the Summer.

    Dinos to deploy forces to New Arit and Artic

    The Dinos are to send fleet detachments to New Arit and Artic where they will carry out patrols to warn against a possible ABBO attack. Unlike the DDS the Dinos think the ABBOs could attack as well and thus the Dinos are strengthening their forces on Xi (which would be the front line in any ABBO attack) and well as Pulsin near the Bolitic border.

    DDS allies the Aritans and their neighbours Artic will allow the Dinos to use orbital facilities in return for assisting both planets if they come under any attacks themselves. Porquat 640 were also approached but said they wished to remain neutral.

    10 more Dinomark XTs restored to service, others on standby

    The Dino Army has announced 10 more Dinomark XTs from the Civilian Reserve Fleet have been restored to military service. All the XTs in the reserves still with full military equipment specification have now been restored though there are estimated at 125 others in various states of military readiness and quality that can also be called up though some may not be suitable. 40 of these will be bought up to military specification though will remain in the reserve fleet for now.

    12 XTs used for specialist duties such as weather reconnaissance and research have also been restored to full military specification and will ready for immediate use as combat ships though will remain in their other roles unless required. This now gives the Dino Army a potential fleet of 209 XTs though if all the reserve XTs are bought back in this number could rise to over 300 of course.

    First A-85NTK flight, NTN into service

    The first flight of the carrier-capable A-85NTK has been made from a CAC airfield. The NTK has an arrester hook, strengthened undercarriage and some avionic changes and will probably make it's first carrier landings (and take-offs) later in the year from "CNS Plank" the HCSNAS test runway which simulates carrier operations with a proper carrier test on CNS Cloneworld after that. The NTK is mostly intended for use by Austini 55's future carrier force though some are to be bought by Cloneworld's fleet.

    The non-carrier "naval" version of the COIN aircraft the NTN has entered service with the HCSNAS and will perform COIN and patrols over coastal areas.

    Dinos increase alert status to Level 2

    Consul Cruggson has announced the Dino Republic has moved to Alert Level 2. This means the entire Dino Army must be bought ready for immediate mobiliation within 7 days. A special War Senate has also been set up which will include both Consuls, Ronald and El Diablo the minister of defence. This will take direct control of the armed forces in the event of a war.

    Consul Jimmy is likely to depart for Pulsin where he will set up a forward command base in conjunction with Governor MBH (which no doubt will be nice and cosy). Analysts say the Dinos have received information that a Bolitic attack is now likely within weeks.


    Zoneland added to Clone Star Empire

    Zoneland, a toxic wasteland courtesy of a DDS nuclear attack, has been formally included in the Clone Star Empire. Most Zones who fled their destroyed homeland found refuge in the Clone empire but until now the HCS have not shown an interest in the planet itself.

    However the strategic location of Zoneland in the Rim Worlds means it is an excellent location for an orbital base and one will be constructed by the HCS to act as a refuelling point for HCS patrols in the area. It is thought the planet will also be a dumping ground for toxic waste from the empire.

    It poses an interesting strategic problem for the DDS. CSE-W is moving closer and closer to the key DDS ally New Arit with Oscar, Lornaca Melnig and now Zoneland being bought into the empire and HCS bases being established on them. Construction of the orbital base will begin later this year though a temporary orbital presence (using a Kalahati Tuul) has already begun.
    This Is Really Cool
    Are you ready for Quarz's stag night? Is he ready for the dangers lurking within?

    Lakes elected SS Commander

    Lakes has been elected as SS Commander for the second time. Other candidates mysteriously pulled out leaving it a straight fight between Lakes and Crickson (who as a Liberal is almost universally loathed by the SS). Lakes won 97.6% of the vote. Those who voted for Crickson are understood to have been quickly hunted down and raped as punishment.

    Lakes has surprised observers by naming Tribune Solax his deputy of the SS with the head of the SS on Pulsin Henry named his chief of staff.

    Sea Urchin to visit Cloneworld

    Sea Urchin is to visit Cloneworld later this week where he will hold meetings with Admiral Anderson the new head of the HCS and Sleeze, the chief executive in Oojok's new administration. What Sea Urchin will discuss with the Clones is being kept a secret but it expected the DDS and HCS will sign a non-aggression and peace fact for the duration of hostilities between the DDS and Bolitic.

    This will allow the DDS to cease patrols along the DDS-CSE borders (and release up to 17 ships for other duties). A similar treaty was enforced during the Utrek War. For both sides there is mutual benefit, not running patrols along the borders will save the Clones a lot of money and enable them to focus strength in other areas.

    Other Fleet News (06/04/10)


    The Dinos have restored 25 Dinomark XTs from it's civilian reserve register and these will take over secondary and non-combat duties thus releasing more modern ships for the front lines. Consul Jimmy has also ordered Dinomark PT and XT production to increase rate though this will take a few months to take effect.


    The second PC-1 patrol ship (a Pentekonter-E in other words) has joined the fleet and will be used for local defence duties. The RC-2B upgrade programme was due to begin this Summer but has now been delayed until a later date because of the war situation.

    Porquat 640

    The first new generation Xian 508 cruiser has entered service following trials and has taken over duties as the flagship. An 8th Quagan 665 frigate has also entered service. The Porquatians are to upgrade their 658 and 665 Quagans for interoperability with Ferret-E MQ-5AP UCVs which are on order.


    Molab have received the first 3 Coril-Es of the 6 they have on order.

    Amphibious fleet moves to Solaris

    The amphibious warfare fleet has returned from the Ground Shock 2110 deployment and is currently being kept at Solaris. In the event of a war with the Bolitic the amphibious fleet would not immedately be used because of the yet small and unready status of the New DDS Army however in a protracted campaign that might change.

    In the event of a war it is likely the Pangaea 62A landing ships at least will be used for patrols in areas of the DDS away from the fighting (such as on the Remedian-Utrek or Clone borders) to release warships for the front. The Pangaeas are fitted with a TPM launcher and 32 missiles so have enough firepower to protect themselves. It is likely the Oceania 63A ships will be kept in reserve as they only have Canister TPM.

    Quarz prepares to get married

    In a welcome diversion from the looming war Commander Quarz is set to marry his sweetheart Lieutenant Crystal Ribbon later this week. The question of who is to be the "best man" has yet to be finalised though. Trojan Warlord is an obvious candidate as he is one of Quarz's few friends (that he doesn't have to pay) but as several have pointed out calling Trojan Warlord the "best man" would be the greatest lie in the history of the universe.

    Whether Windy will attend the ceremony is unknown. It is thought Windy will prefer to be on his personal ship SS Stoke City busying himself attending to the needs of his guests which some say include royalty. "There is a King aboard." one insider said, "And he gets very special treatment from Windy and his staff."


    The Orchid : "DDS prepared to play the waiting game"

    With preparations continuing for a possible war with the Bolitic the DDS Commander The Orchid has said that the DDS is "patient" and is "prepared to play the waiting game". She said that the Bolitic might try to unnerve the DDS and prompt a rash action which the Bolitic could then exploit. However she said, "The DDS has firm resolve and will not shoot its bolt, not with me around anyway."

    Dino intelligence has been shared with the DDS and Raegris and it indicates a high possibility of a Bolitic attack within the next month however these scares have occurred before with no resulting war an analyst noted.


    Starbotians skirmish with ABBO ships

    Two ABBO ships approached a civilian Starbot registered freighter near Starbot earlier today and scanned it. Panther destroyer I-21 Tiger was in the vicinity and warned the ABBO fighters off with several rounds of it's Z cannon. The ABBOs returned fire but missed (probably purposely) and then retreated. I-21 followed them for an hour before withdrawing.

    This incident fuels calls for the DDS to not concentrate too much on the Bolitic and consider the possibility of an ABBO attack too. Action Painting has said that DDS forces in DDS South and Starbot are sufficient and that the ABBOs are unlikely to attack the DDS.

    DDS to raise money through corporate sponsorship

    The Orchid has announced that the DDS are to try a new revenue stream and raise funds through corporate sponsorship and other commercial tie-ups. Central to the new initiative will be the renaming of ships in return for sponsorship money. A DDS spokesman said that D101 Panther was to be renamed D101 Euro Telecom. The Terran communications company paying 320 million zarks for the priviledge. D102 Jaguar is set to be renamed D102 Televisions Direct and a number of other ships have already been renamed.

    From the bridge of her flagship C126 Femfresh The Orchid said that corporate sponsorship could raise the DDS billions. "We are also selling naming rights to future conflicts. The first example will be the forthcoming war which from now on shall be known as the Kraft Foods Bolitic War."