
First 2 Voth Space Navy ships begin operations

Last year the DDS donated 12 ex-Utrek Kalahati Tuuls to the Voth to form their own navy, the Voth Space Navy. The ships were given refurbishment and minor updates so they could operate in DDS deployments though the problem was the Voth had little space infrastructure and few trained personnel. A year later that has changed to an extent. The Voth now have their own space dock in orbit over Voth, around 300 Vothites are currently at the DDS Space Academy and now the first 2 KTs have been declared operational.

Both ships are operating in "training mode" at the moment and are crewed mainly by Vothites though some DDS personnel are present to assist. The two ships have been fitted with Canister TPM and will receive full TPM upgrades next year. By the end of the year the 2 ships will join Force Voth patrols alongside DDS ships. By the end of 2110 the Voth hope to have 3 more KTs operational.