
Ground Shock prepares for final operation

The Ground Shock deployment will conduct it's final exercise early next week following a couple of weeks of R&R. Firstly the fleet will travel to Ailiari (which will take a couple of days) and then stage an "invasion" of the planet which has a fairly hostile atmosphere so will make things more interesting. Remedian Army forces will act as the "defenders" though some Dino Army troops have also gone on ahead to Ailiari to provide armoured support to the defenders.

The Pulsar cruiser C109 Antarctic will conduct a simulated "missile strike" on the defenders and help support the landing with it's Z5g cannon. Aritan and DDS troops will be landed on the planet and will then attempt to hold a bridgehead. A DDS Prowler unit is supposedly already on Ailiari preparing the ground though this has not been confirmed by the DDS. However one of the special forces Corils was seen in the vicinity of Ailiari by a Remedian space ship spotter. This is an annoying break in operational security but is likely to be secretly welcomed by the DDS as it will show they need to tighten up their procedures and it will make the training more "interesting" for the special forces on the ground now that they are being hunted for.

A DDS spokesman has said that Ground Shock so far has proven invaluable in testing out new DDS equipment like the Pangaea class landing ships and DDS systems and protocols in amphibious operations.