

The 5036-A combat suite debuted with the Rome and has been added to other recent ships. Many people do not know what it actually is. According to a DDS source it is a pre-processor of combat data, it filters out unnecessary data and overlays information from various sources along with some predictive data. It then sends this much improved data set to the ship's tactical system.

Ships with 5036-A have been found (in simulations) to perform better in multi-threat multi-aspect combat situations. With modern space warfare becoming ever more frenetic and complicated with multiple threats ranging from enemy ships to missiles to UCVs to electronic attacks it is becoming increasingly difficult for crews to know what exactly is going on. 5036-A helps the crews manage the vast amount of tactical data incoming.

5036-B is now in development and will make it's debut next year (probably when the Rome production line re-opens). It has a much faster processor array and rewritten software. It will likely be at least 40% faster than the A and be handle over 450% more data. As the modern space battlefield gets more complicated by the day these extra capabilities will soon be needed. It is likely to be fitted to other combat ships across the fleet during upgrades.