
Dinomark LM unveiled

Project GHT is the name of the long-awaited Dinomark XT replacement, today the Dinos unveiled how the new multi-role ship will look and also its name : Dinomark LM. The LM will be cylindrical and be of a similar size to the XT though because it is a cylinder and not a cuboid the internal space will be greater (some sources claim 40% greater though this has not been confirmed).

Although originally planned for 2118 (with the prototype being trials in 2116) this has been bought forward by Ronald who is keen to see the new type in service. Construction will begin early next year and if all goes well the first production examples will enter service by the end of 2116. A provisional order for 5 has been made.

The third new Dinomark (Project YZY/Dinomark AM is already flight testing and could enter service late next year) is Project ZWU. This is considered a lower priority though has been named as the Dinomark KK and is expected in 2117.


Windy reboots iP Services

Windscorpion has announced a reactivation of iP Services, his private security company which assists DDS in "specialist tasks". The company was dormant following the destruction of its ship SS Stoke City and Windy's disappearance to a Shaolin temple.

A replacement Freedom 75A transport has been ordered for 2115 which will be known as Windscorpion Power, it will include extensive prisoner holding and interrogation facilities. iP Services will work more closely with the DDS in future Windy said as he is now a DDS member too whereas before he was officially not.


Sea Urchin discusses upgrade targets for 2115

Director of Technology Sea Urchin has spoken to the media about 2115 and revealed that the upgrade budget will increase by 6% over 2114. "This is the biggest increase for sometime and is needed to help us accelerate upgrades and new technology into service."

The key upgrade in 2115 will be of the Quasar 15A fleet which will receive worm drive. However the Isometric 41A fleet will also be fully wormed by the end of 2115 and good progress will be made on the Freedom 41B and Rome 46A fleets. The DDS aim to have their entire Medium Combat Ship fleet wormed by the end of 2116.

EA-X is also going to see much wider use apart from the small number of ships currently updated. The energy absorbent layer will be part of the Quasar upgrade and will added to the Panther 35A as part of its yearly update.

A fleet wide upgrade in astral-navigation will also be made as the DDS switches to a new system standardising and improving on the several navigational systems currently in service. Communications will also be updated across all combat ships (and beyond budget depending) with a new data stack introduced with much improved data security and resilience built in.


Story #2104

Master and Commander
There is a surprise down the morgue.


Windy to form new support organisation

Despite the uncertainty about SFX Windy's official return to the DDS has gone ahead with a live televised signing at DDS GHQ. Windy then addressed the DDS and said it needed to be stronger than ever to face future threats.

He said he was forming a new support organisation to replace his now defunct Windy Massive. The Windy League of Fitness will promote healthy living and fitness by young DDS members.


SFX escapes from prison

SFX, under arrest for the murder of Quarz, has been broken out of the ISSF holding cell he was in at DDS City. He was due to be handed over to the Proximan authorities as he is still officially a civilian (his DDS reinstatement was delayed due to admin issues) and so was under the jurisdiction of the Proxima 7 Police as per the P7/DDS agreements over the use of DDS City.

However he was broken out by unknown individuals and his whereabouts is now unknown. ISSF Commander Torus admitted this was "embarrassing".

Story #2103

Shattered Dreams
Krusty is angry.


Clones perform multiple CSM strike

The Clones have launched a multiple CSM attack for the first time, 3 missiles (without active warheads) being launched from a mixture of silos and mobile launchers on Cloneworld and hitting targets on Daggaddon. Two of the missiles are said to have hit the target with an acceptable CEP though the third suffered a malfunction during the interstellar stage and was destroyed by a shadowing ship.

Up until now the Clones have only tested CSM with single missiles but they have been keen to demonstrate the ability of the weapon system to launch a mass attack on an off-world target.

The Clones have also announced that SeaGale, the SLBM version of the Gale ICBM, has been launched from the trials submarine CNSS Warhammer while submerged for the first time. A test of CSM using SeaGale is planned for 2115.


Quarz murdered

The DDS has announced that Quarz, currently captain of a Pentekonter and a long-time DDS member, has been murdered at DDS City. The circumstances of his death are still unclear though ISSF are said to have arrested SFX, who with Windy returned to DDS City that very day, for the crime.

ISSF Commander Torus has ordered a lockdown of DDS City and celebrations for Windy's return have been cancelled.

Story #2102

Hot Headed
The time bomb goes off.


Story #2101

Looking Across Hell
Quarz fails again.


UV209 : Return To Nirvana

  • Slow Boat To Krusty - Windy comes to a decision.
  • Perception Not Reality - Wolkapi plots to kill his brother.
  • Train Station - Windy enters the Terrasaur lair.
  • Final Round - Can the DDS save Windy?
  • Def To Dead Things - Wolkapi's plan to kill his half-brother begins.
  • Dictakors - The Tarbotians know.


DDS near big deal with Solar Empire

The DDS are already about to begin an upgrade for the Solar Empire (a far off little known entity) of their ageing Helwin cruisers but it is now known that this is the tip of what could be a very lucrative ice berg for the DDS.

The Solar Empire also have some ex-Tarbotian Vortis frigates that need upgrades and this is likely to be done too by the DDS (or the Raegris to be more correct) however the Solar Empire want new ships by the end of the decade and are said to be considering up to 5 Pentekonter Protectors and the new Depender combat support ship. It was hoped to tie up the deal before Christmas but this looks more likely to be early in 2115 now.


DDS tweak export portfolio

The DDS has tweaked it's export portfolio for 2115, with improvements to the Pentekonter and SUP lines. The Pentekonter Protectors are now the only models available (and the recent Helinox and Castaris orders were the first for the upgraded - and rebranded - type). The Provider and Extender have also been improved with new generation navigation, security and cargo handling systems. The Corkscrew is also now on sale though specifications still have not been finalised.

Finally the DDS have also announced another sale. Molab have ordered a 6th minesweeper, which will be the first sale of the new Pentekonter Protector 150M model. As part of the deal their existing 5 Pentekonter-EMs will also be bought up to this improved standard.


DDS score export successes

After a lean 2114 in comparison to previous years for export sales of warships the DDS have scored a couple of successes before the end of the year. Helinox has placed a follow-on order for 2 Pentekonter Protectors and Castaris have also ordered 2 of the type.

The new Depender 750 combat support transport has been officially added to the DDS portfolio and is said to have seen interest from 3 potential customers.

Finally the DDS have facilitated the sale of the Remedians' Perimpaz 39As to Molab, the cost of the sale was low though will save the DDS and Remedians decommissioning and scrapping costs. Molab intends to rebuild and upgrade 4 of them to add to their fleet by 2116.


Other Fleet News (16/12/14)

  • The Dinos have completed a Dinomark XT for their fleet plus one for New Arit.
  • New Arit has also received the final 2 refurbished (by the DDS) Kalahati Tuuls on order.
  • Sirikwan have received an ex-Clone Fleet Nerval TYB transport ship.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have completed 2 Meltinans.
  • Helinox have received their first Yel'Tema YT-110.
  • Castaris have received their 4th and final Extender 120.


Story #2096

The Tarbotians know.


Northern Project ends, 2115 schedule announced

The final exercise of the year Northern Project has ended after a final mock combat between DDS and "enemy" ships (the role played by Raegris, Porquatian, Dino and DDS Departmental Service ships). The DDS has now begun winding down for the Christmas break.

The DDS have decided to add a 5th exercise for next year. Info Affairs 2115 will concentrate on special forces and cyber warfare. The full schedule for 2115 is below :
  • Ground Shock 2115 (March) - ground attack, amphibious assault
  • Info Affairs 2115 (May) - special forces, cyber warfare
  • Atomic Fist 2115 (July) - strategic attack
  • Civilian Partnership 2115 (September) - humanitarian relief
  • Northern Project 2115 (December) - full spectrum "mock war"


Story #2095

Def To Dead Things
Wolkapi's plan to kill his half-brother begins.


Windscorpion rejoins DDS

Windscorpion left the DDS to head iP Services after the ABBO-Bolitic War though he still played  a close role in DDS affairs. Now following his period away Windy has decided to return to the DDS full-time. DDS Commander Firefly was happy to bestow on his brother the title of "DDS Protector".

The exact meaning of the role which Windy has had before is not that clear but usually Windy will take charge of any combat operations and also be an inspiration to the young men and women of the DDS.


Windscorpion is alive!

The DDS and the known universe is in shock after DDS Commander Firefly announced that Windscorpion did not die last year after all. Instead he had faked his own death with DDS agreement so he could retire to a secluded temple to renew himself after having grown weary after two decades of being the apogee of man.

"Because he didn't want to be annoyed by journalists, groupies and prostitutes Windy thought it best if he was considered dead and with DDS help a "decline and fall" was engineered." Firefly said. SFX also faked his death so he could devote himself to guarding his father. Firefly said that Windy is now nearing the end of his time in the temple and will return to DDS and iP Services duties in the new year.

The news was greeted with riots and mass celebrations across the UNP and DDS.

Story #2094

Final Round
Can the DDS save Windy?


DDS put under lockdown ahead of major announcement

The DDS has raised its alert status to AMBER and put all major DDS sites like DDS City and DDS GHQ under lockdown. The reason is said to be a precaution ahead of a major announcement Firefly is expected to make either tomorrow or Monday.

The announcement could cause unrest according to ISSF who are deploying to key positions in the bases on lockdown. All DDS ships have also been ordered to cease operations and hold station by early tomorrow.


Jimmy is new Consul

The result was not in doubt after other main contenders withdrew but Jimmy scored an impressive 92.3% of the vote in the Dino Consul election held earlier this week and hence will not have to run-off against a runner-up having secured over 50%. The rest of the votes were shared fairly evenly between  the motley collection of busybodies and racists who stood for fringe parties.

Jimmy will take up the Consul reins at the start of 2115 replacing his Liberal Party colleague El Diablo.


Dinos to build 3 more Dinomark PTs

The Dinomark PT production line ended earlier this year but last month it was confirmed that 4 of the type had been lost against an unspecified enemy in deep space. Sufficient spares and parts remain on the production line to produce 3 new PTs fairly cheaply and Ronald has given the go-ahead for the line to re-open. The new ships will be built in the first quarter of 2115.

This may delay the first Dinomark AM ground-attack cruiser which was expected to use the PT jig though the Dinos say they still expect to have the prototype AM ready for testing by the end of next year.


Clone Navy launches anti-piracy operation

A Clone Navy fleet led by the aircraft carrier R02 Clone Empire (though still with K40Ns embarked, all 4 remaining carrier capable examples) has begun anti-piracy operations against the powerful Redrendrial Band pirate faction based on islands off the coast of the West Clone Republic.

The pirates have been attacking merchant shipping over the last few months and Oojok has declared the attacks must stop. Two suspected pirate vessels have been seized and a jetty attacked by helicopters though this was later found to have been abandoned.

The operation will last for up to 3 weeks and is expected to be the swan song of the K40N which will be withdrawn early next year as sufficient K45Ks are now in service to take over.


Story #2093

Train Station
Windy enters the Terrasaur lair.


Fleet News (01/12/14)

  • The first of the third batch of the Type 35 has entered service. H141 Kinetic is the leadship of the Kinetic 35C which is a kind of hybrid of the Panther 35A and Indy 35B. It was completed a few weeks early so type proving could begin before the DDS Christmas shut-down.
  • M205R Loeuss III is the latest Corkscrew 51A and joins the other ships in the Remedian flotilla.
  • A590 Zeppelin and A591 Caratore are the latest Coril 86B shuttles to enter service.
  • The Isometric 41As M105 Palaeocene and M117 Ordovician have been fitted with worm drive.


Operation Northern Project 2114

Northern Project is the 4th and last of the major exercises run by the DDS during the year and is a "full-spectrum mock war" that involves elements from as many parts of the DDS as possible. The exercise will be centred on Sanger Alpha and involve the DDS forces trying to "retake" DDS City on Proxima 7 which has been seized by an enemy power.

Remedian, Raegris, Porquatian and some guest Dino ships will be acting as the enemy. Porquatian troops are already at DDS City as an occupying force though its thought ISSF Prowler units are already in action against them observing and preparing for the arrival of the DDS relief forces. The ships involved are:

S107 Charm Quark (flag combat squadron)
S108 Tachyon
S209 Bombardier
S224 Fuji
H110 Puma
H129 Impregnable
H162 Polaris
H174 Evolution
M135 Fox
M179 North Sea

K108 Senaca (flag minesweeper squadron)
K205M Pindar
K214MX Hector
K112 Tactitus

L131 Tethys Ocean (flag amphibious/transport squadron)
L111 Pangaea
L116 Kenora
L156 North America
A109 Expeditor
A160 Heptane
A224 Rhone
A301E Marconi

The exercise officially begins tomorrow and will run for 8 days.


Quasar Update 2114

The Quasar 15A fleet is the corner stone of the DDS strategic fleet but is long overdue an update and fitting with worm drive. The reason for this is the small number of ships available (just 8) and the need to supply 6 to 2 strike squadrons.

The arrival of the Warrior 16A bomber means the pressure on the Quasar fleet has been lessened and Quasar Update 2114 will begin next month and continue into 2115.

Core to the update will be the fitting of worm drive, the Quasar is expected to have an equivalent speed of 5000ec like the Warrior. Quasar will also receive the Z7 cannon, a new ECM suite, improved internal security and an update to the SAS strike system.


DDS get T-62Y and T-55ZDM

The DDS have received the first production examples of its new T-62Y tank produced by its in-house company SMA. Full series production will begin next year after a thorough evaluation by DDS Terrestrial Forces' development unit.

The DDS have also received the first kits from the Dinos to upgrade around 150 of their existing T-55Z tanks to the improved T-55ZDM standard. The work will be carried out by SMA and mostly includes fitting a new turret. The DDS aim to standardise on the T-62Y but expect to keep the T-55Z in service until around 2120 hence the need for the upgrade.

The T-62Y will equip all 5 of the DDS' planned armoured regiments though only 3 are formed (a 4th is in training). The DDS expect to buy around 2000 T-62Ys.


Story #2092

Perception Not Reality
Wolkapi plots to kill his brother.


DDS test LRM launcher

The DDS have finally successfully tested the launcher stage of its much troubled and delayed Long Range Missile (LRM) project, the counter to the Clones' CSM. The launcher stage is a development of the commercial Bright Spark rocket and was tested from a launchpad on Proxima 7 yesterday.

Development of the space stage is continuing and the DDS say they are close to begin tests of the vehicle, which is basically a one shot space drone fitted with a warhead. A mated test of the space stage and the launcher is set for next year and LRM-20 (the first 20 light year ranged version) is still planned for 2116 though some sources say this is a bit ambitious and any setbacks or delays will push it into 2117 or beyond.


DDS firm up new Pentekonter and Rome orders

The DDS have confirmed that 4 Pentekonter 44M minesweeper/utility patrol ships will be built from next year. These will help add capacity to the minesweeping fleet and also provide more ships available for secondary duties.

A surprise is that the DDS will also built 3 more Rome 46A patrol ships. This is also to add capacity to the fleet (which is slightly depleted as 2 ships are reserved to act as flagships for the DDS Commander). They are expected in 2116.


Walrus SSBN launched

The first of 6 Walrus ballistic missile submarines has been launched by the Clone Navy. The submarines are expected to enter service from 2117 (it may now slip to 2118) and will be equipped with SeaGale missiles, some of which will be fitted for CSM.

This is intended as a key part of the Clone's astral missile deterrent along with the land mobile CSM now entering service.


Dinos believe Long Shot follow-up is lost

The Dinos have declared the Long Shot follow-up expedition as lost and think all 4 Dinomark PTs have been destroyed. It is thought they used telemetry from a drone Provider XMA transport (which is now returning to the DTA) and intelligence from undisclosed allies and third-parties to piece together the final movements of their ships and the suspected loss to the Terrasaurs.

Consul El Diablo has declared the Dinos will mourn and avenge the lost including the respected deployment commander Legate Hyperbole. What the Dinos will do next is likely to be decided after the Consul election in a few days.

Story #2091

Slow Boat To Krusty
Windy comes to a decision.


UV208 : Rise Of Terra

  • 3 Changes - Windy and SFX's ship starts to break down.
  • Call The Kops! - Debris fields interest our heroes.
  • That Would Be Uncool - Changes are a-foot in the Argon faction.
  • Needs To Be Done Quick - Windy comes under attack by the Terib-Kan.
  • Start Cooking! - Stinkyson's mission takes on a strange turn.
  • He's Been In You - Windy and SFX are prisoners of the Terib-Kan/Terrasaurs.


Clone Space Navy get funds for new ships

After a blank few months of no new construction (with several ships held up and crews laid off) the Clone Space Navy has been granted 190 million zarks to restart construction this year and will get 410 million to continue it throughout 2115.

Despite a number of combat types being on order priority is likely to be given to new transports. Several Nerval TYBs dating from the Clone Wars remain in service and are struggling along despite being fatigue life expired. The Clones also need to boost their Freighter TYA fleet up to 70 ships to cope with the amount of traffic generated by the sprawling Clone Star Empire. Money will also be used to set up the production line for the new build Molentic Tuul MTM2 which is expected to be built from 2116, though with anything Clone space related this is depending on funding which is sometimes in short supply.


Story #2086

He's Been In You
Windy and SFX are prisoners of the Terib-Kan/Terrasaurs.

Windy remembered

Windscorpion died during a pursuit by Dino SS in October 2113, the DDS have seldom mentioned their former commander and icon since though the forthcoming monitor ship will be named after him as well as the main tower in the new DDS GHQ.

Today however his brother and current DDS Commander Firefly said in an interview with Proximan TV how every day he thought of his brother. He also said that Windy's demise had been quick and sad, driven into a rage by his son SFX's taste for Dino men, he had finally become unhinged and nearly started a war with the Dinos. "I think the time has come to remember his greatness. Over the last year we have been in a collective shock but the time has come to move forward."


Dinos voicing serious doubts about Long Shot follow-up

A few months ago a small Dino Army expedition headed off to follow-up on some of the planets and peoples discovered by Ronald on his epic "Long Shot" mission from last year. Contact was lost with the expedition though this was expected due to the extreme distances involved. However the expedition have now failed to make 2 scheduled communications with a Sirikwan ship stationed at the edge of DTA space.

It could be the expedition has been unable to double back to make the communication for innocent reasons though it is feared the reasons are serious. It is rumoured the ships were sent to investigate the Terrasaurs and in that case the ships could be lost considering how dangerous the old Dino foes are.

Other Fleet News (15/11/14)

  • The Dinos have built a Dinomark XT and a Provider MX for their fleet.
  • New Arit have received 2 more Shark SKH-EA frigates.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have built another Furl (though this is unconfirmed and may be just the prototype entering full service).
  • Porquat 640 have received their 6th and final (though are thought to want more) Pentekonter 632.


Dinos aim to "man-rate" interstellar teleport by 2117, have network by 2120

Despite a recent test of an inorganic item being destroyed in a recent test of a Deep Sub-space Burrowing Teleport (DSBT) interstellar teleport between Jeloka and Dino-Land the Dinos still think the new technology which uses deep sub-space tunnelling to enable instantaneous teleports over 3-5 light year distances will be "man-rated" for use by living creatures by 2117.

Chief Scientist Dougson revealed the Dinos have ambitious plans for the new technology which could one day be a real competitor to spaceflight. "A DSBT network between Dino-Land, Jeloka and other planets in the Dino Republic will be set up by 2120, we will aim to fully mature the technology and add the rest of the DTA in the 2120s."

Trips over 5 light years will need a relay and it is thought the failed test was a result of the first relay transmission with the item beamed via a Dinomark mid-way between the 2 planets.


Story #2085

Start Cooking!
Stinkyson's mission takes on a strange turn.


DDS to have talks with Repicans

The DDS has sent a mid-level diplomatic team to Repic to begin diplomatic relations with the Saurian planet. The Repicans are known to be a highly mercantilist society and therefore perhaps see profit in relations with the DDS. However as the Repicans are enemies of the Dinos (the Repicans joined the Bolitic during the ABBO-Bolitic War and remain Bolitic allies) a meeting with the DDS is not going down too well in Dino circles.

The DDS have stressed that this is just low-level "talks about talks" and that any alliances with the Repicans are unlikely.


Starbotians withdraw 2 ships from Aldebra

The Starbotians have recalled 2 of the 3 ships they have stationed in the Aldebra system to help shore up their home defences after the Argon appeared in the Starbotian system. A DDS ship has reached Aldebra and is helping out with patrolling the UNP planet's system.

The DDS have requested the Free Eritran States contribute to guarding Aldebra as they are well placed to provide ships. Molab is preparing a ship to head out to the system where it will relieve the DDS ship later this month.

The DDS has reduced its alert status to GREEN reflecting the lessening of tensions.


DDS announce plans for "Strategic Transport Arm"

Following on from the successful tests of worm drive on a Provider 71A the DDS has announced it will create sub-classes of the Provider and Extender 73A oiler which will form a "Strategic Transport Arm". It is expected that around 8 ships in total will be upgraded and will also receive improved communications and self-protection.

The ships will support the DDS' Rapid Reaction Squadron and form a pool of transports available for highly sensitive and important missions.


Story #2084

Needs To Be Done Quick
Windy comes under attack by the Terib-Kan.

Clones amenable to DDS weapons-helicopter deal

The Clones have said they are interested in the DDS' proposed deal exchanging surplus Clone Army vehicles for UNP militaries and equipment for Cherrybee helicopters. The Shiner, who has masterminded the deal, has met with Deputy Emperor Sleeze on Cloneworld though the Clones are pushing for more locally made content in the helicopters.

The Shiner says the plan has been carefully costed and would cost the DDS just over a billion zarks over a 5 year period but in return they would have strong military forces on 6 key planets.


Provider fitted with worm drive

Provider 71A transport A102 Skytrain has been fitted with a boosted version of the Electron worm drive. The ship has carried out a number of unmanned tests and has now begun a series of manned proving flights. Next year the DDS will begin worming a small number of Providers and Extender 73A oilers to form specialist strategic sub-classes.

Skytrain has been limited to 4000ec because of the longer time between charges of the worm drive though this is a substantial increase in speed over the usual cruise speed of less than 600c!


DDS to perform upgrades for Solar Empire

The Solar Empire is a mysteriously named political entity on the Western Rim beyond DTA space. Little known it has though become in reach thanks to worm drive and now is a DDS customer too. The Solar Empire (which comprises of 3 inhabited planets in 1 system plus some mining colonies in nearby asteroid fields and a research base on a brown dwarf) has a small space fleet the core of which are 8 ex-Bolitic Helwins and the DDS are to upgrade and life-extend these in a 227 million zark deal.

The 8 ships will be extensively refurbished and modernised with new communications systems, new computers and internal security systems. They will also receive a new main databus and improved navigational systems. No weaponry will be upgraded though they will have sensor and shield improvements thanks to implanted UNP civilian grade components. The ships will also be standardised as they have various vintages and a number of equipment and system differences which has caused the Solar Empire maintenance headaches in the past.

The upgrades will be carried out by the Raegris next year.


Fleet News (03/11/14)

  • L157 Central America is the latest Oceania 63A assault ship to enter service.
  • A231 Tame is the final River 75B transport to enter service.
  • M114 Phanerzoic has been fitted with worm drive.

TPM-3 test phase completed, cleared for service in early 2115

The 3rd generation Trans-Phasic Missile (or TPM-3) has completed its final round of testing and has been cleared for production. The DDS will begin this in Q1 2115 once engineering and training needs have been met and for the main TPM-2 production line to be modified. The DDS expected to have phased in TPM-3 production to all of its 5 production lines by 2116.

TPM-3 has a new triple-warhead option (though single warheads will be carried normally) and greatly improved stealth features including a signal management suite and a new low-emission ion engine. TPM-3 is also smaller (82% of the size of a TPM-2) though will be compatible with existing launchers. Dedicated launchers will be able to take advantage of the smaller size to increase weapon load in future years.

The DDS does not intend withdrawing TPM-2s which will continue software and component updates until 2119 when natural wastage is likely to have reduced stocks to a minimum. The two types will continue in service side by side (TPM-1 is still in service in any case though mostly in Canister TPM form).


DDS plan for military equipment for UNP militias

The DDS have devised a plan to "flood" outlying UNP worlds (whether in DDS space or outside like Miliaris and Aldebra) with military equipment such as tanks and IFVs. The equipment would be kept in a working order scattered about the planets in secure locations and would be used by locally raised militias and UNP security forces in the event of an alien attack.

The equipment would also be available in theory to DDS Terrestrial Forces troops who would be rapidly deployed to trouble spots in days (bringing all their toys along later) though maintaining parallel training could be problematical. Naturally ex-Clone Army stocks would be the source of the equipment and the DDS have already enquired about around 1000 tanks, IFVs and other military vehicles as well as spares and supporting equipment.

Paying for it would be a problem as there is little funding for this at the moment however the DDS have come up with the idea for a "swap". Its known the Clones want a smaller helicopter than their iconic but rather large Halogen platform for patrol, policing and communications. Designing and building a new helicopter platform would take millions of zarks the Clone Air Force doesn't have at the moment. However the Cherrybee CBH-90 which is in DDS service could fit the bill. The DDS have proposed exchanging the ex-HCS arms for a number of new CBH-90s which the DDS would underwrite. It would be first non-indigenous aircraft operated by the Clones since the ancient second hand F-39 Gripens they operated in the early Clone Wars as a stop gap before the K40 Ford was available so would be controversial.


Clones deploy mobile CSM launchers to Taragargi

Taragargi is not the best known planet in the Clone Star Empire though it is notable by being the administrative capital of the cluster of CSE worlds near the Rim Worlds (known as CSE South West). It is now also known for having a deployment of Clone Space Missiles.

A previously unknown mobile launcher for the CSM (though based on an existing Gale-III mobile launcher) has appeared on the planet. CDF sources say 20 mobile launchers and a total of 30 missiles have been deployed to the planet. Based on Taragargi they can only really target Liberation (just) though can reach the other planets in the CSE's South West cluster. It is thought the deployment is being run mainly as a test for the viability of CSM being a counter-strike weapon.


Clone Air Force to get new and refurbished helicopters

After announcing the half a million cut in the Clone Army's manpower yesterday today the Clone Defence Forces set out how they will spend the 3 billion zarks saved by this and some other changes. They were keen to emphasise the fact the defence budget was not being cut but any increases are currently below inflation and the only way the armed forces can raise funds is by cutting one area and sending the savings to somewhere else.

As well as an increase in new tank production the Z26 Halogen production line is to be stepped up with 100 new Z26WNM multi-mission helicopters ordered as well as refurbishments for 250 older Z26M series. The helicopters will be used for rapid reaction and special forces.

Three hundred million zarks has also been earmarked for a new generation of surveillance satellites and 3 new communication hubs.

Story #2083

That Would Be Uncool
Changes are a-foot in the Argon faction.

Story #2082

Call The Kops!
Debris fields interest our heroes.


Clone Army to cut another half a million troops

The Clone Army at the height of the Clone Wars (then known as the HCS of course) had over 6 million men, nowadays despite having a large empire to guard the army has been reduced to just over half of that but today the Clone Defence Forces announced another half a million men are to be cut from the army as part of a 3 billion zark series of savings.

Although saving money is the primary concern the truth is that changing needs and technology such as the widespread use of drones means that the Clones need less soldiers anyway. Most of the troops to be cut will be in Category B2 and C units which guard the less strategically vital parts of the empire. No Category A units will be cut and these indeed will get a boost in increased production of new tanks.

The cuts will mean that the more minor planets in the Clone Star Empire will maintain small concentrations of troops at the capitals and key infrastructure points but most of the rest of the planets will be patrolled by drones. For example Gonas will lose 5 of the 7 infantry regiments currently based on the planet. It will retain a 4 regiment brigade (including an armoured regiment and a combined fire support / communications regiment) only though will get extra surveillance and rapid reaction assets. The cuts have already begun and will be carried out over a 2 year period.


Argon ship spotted in Starbot system

With Aldebra now seemingly quiet the Argon may have turned their attention closer to home. An Argon ship momentarily decloaked in the Starbot system. A Starbotian warship quickly arrived on the scene and began neutrino dosing space to try and disrupt the Argon cloak though its thought the 7 Sa Sao ship had long gone.

If the Argon are now going to target Starbot for intimidation in their own system then this could cause a real problem for Starbot as their small fleet means they would not be able to properly patrol Aldebra and Starbot.


Dinos skirmish with Bolitic Furl

The Dinos have encountered the new Bolitic cruiser the Furl for the first time. A small task force led by a Furl crossed the border near Pulsin and destroyed a navigational beacon. The Dinos sent ships to intercept and there was a brief skirmish before the Bolitic withdraw. No injuries were reported on the Dino side and none are thought on the Bolitic side.

The Bolitic are thought to have wanted to show off their new ship to the Dinos, a public statement later revealed that the Furl was much more nimble than previous Bolitic cruisers, maybe even superior to the Meltinan escorts it was with.


Story #2081

3 Changes
Windy and SFX's ship starts to break down.


DDS South to be strengthened

DDS South which encompasses UNP planets between Liberation and Starbot is to be strengthened with the addition of an extra squadron of patrol ships and the moving of the 3rd Heavy Attack Squadron to Liberation. The extra ships will come from DDS Centre which is considered safe and secure territory these days.

The DDS are also considering a new command to include the Rim Worlds which has been identified as the key route for Tarbotian operations.


Imperial Order make way for Jimmy

This year's Consul election now looks set to be a formality for Senator Jimmy, the Liberal Party leader and candidate to replace El Diablo, after Ronald said his Imperial Order party would not stand a candidate this time. MBH has already said he is not interested in standing too. The election will be in late November.

Current Consul El Diablo meanwhile says he wishes to return to a more active role in the Dino Army after he leaves office at the end of the year. Senior Dinos often have quite fluid careers, El Diablo's colleague Stinkyson for example is SS-Commander but also a Tribune in the army and it is thought he is currently on a mission for the army.


Ice-Ranger bought back home

The DDS flagship SS Cicero has returned from Aldebra with the bodies of Ice-Ranger and two other Prowler soldiers killed by the Argon. Ice-Ranger will receive a state funeral in his native Norway where he was a national hero.

As for Aldebra no more Argon sightings of ships or ground troops have been made for a week now since the DDS detachment arrived to reinforce the Starbotian ships already there. The DDS say that their deployment will continue until 2115 though Starbot will reduce their 3 ship deployment to 2 ships by next week due to the small size of their overall fleet they are having difficulties maintaining their commitments.


Jimmy to stand in Consul election

Jimmy, the leader of the Liberal Party, has said he will be the candidate in next month's election to decide who replaces El Diablo as Consul. This year's election is rather low-key thanks to the recent power grabs by Ronald and MBH. One joke popular on Dino-Land is that the ruling triumvirate all have a key role in running the state: Ronald looks after home affairs, MBH looks after foreign affairs and the Consul makes the tea.

However the reality is the Consul still has a lot of power and prestige. Jimmy is likely to win by a walk over as no other serious candidates seem to be standing. Imperial Order are considering not running a candidate this time and MBH's party has also decided to miss this election out.

In other Dino political news Gibson was formally removed from the Dino Senate following a vote, Malanson has been promoted to full Senator and will take up Gibson's minister role. Cruggson has now officially returned to duty and resumes his minister role.


Dinos admit they have lost contact with Long Shot follow-up

A few weeks ago a Dino expedition following up Ronald's epic "Long Shot" voyage last year left DTA space. The expedition is said to have consisted of 5 Dinomark PTs and an unmanned oiler which also acted as a communications relay. The expedition headed off to explore Terrasaur and Terib-Kan space and assess the threat to the Dinos.

However contact appears to have been lost with the expedition. The Dinos say it could just be due to the extreme distances involved or a technical problem.


Dinos form "Praetorian Guard"

Ronald and MBH have instigated a reorganisation of several key military units to form the Dino Defensive Co-operation Group (DDCG). The name is innocuous but DDS observers say the group which brings together units like the 6th Legion and the SS Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade under a unified command is retrenching of the fascist forces at the heart of the Dino Republic.

Ronald and MBH have quietly seized back much of the power which was released under the Dino's limited foray into democracy. The elected Consul (currently El Diablo though he is near the end of his term in office) is at best a peer of Ronald and MBH in the Dino hierarchy though some say the Consul is a junior party in the Dino triumvirate. The new group is said to cement the triumvirate's power and acts as a kind of Praetorian Guard providing direct protection services to the triumvirate but also supporting Ronald and MBH's powerbases and enforcing their rule.

The units included in the Dino Defensive Co-operation Group are:

6th Legion
SS Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade
Diplomatic Protection Group
1st SS-D Battalion


UV207 : Gibson : The Final Disgrace

  • Darker Than Night - Krusty is tasked to bring down Gibson.
  • Keep Creating Chances - Has Gibson been caught in the act?
  • I Am Your God! - The DDS and Argon come to blows.
  • Whatever Happened To The Heroes - The hunt is on for Gibson.
  • Techno Thug! - SS-CINT are searching for Gibson.
  • Over Pressure - Has Krusty been broken?
  • Side By Side - The Utrek agent is revealed.

Gibson sectioned!

The Dinos are reporting that Senator Gibson has been sectioned and has been placed in a top security mental hospital. Gibson has been the subject of many rumours lately of eccentric and extreme behaviour and involvement in several sex crimes. It is reported by insiders that he kidnapped a prominent member of the Dino Army's 6th Legion and finally broke down when his hide out was raided by the SS. It is rumoured that he was also involved in Cruggson's shooting though this is not being commented on by the SS.

Gibson has been formally suspended from the Dino Senate. His role of Minister of Culture and Education will likely go to Malanson who has been standing in for Cruggson but with Cruggson due to report to work in a few weeks Imperial Order are likely to simply move Malanson across. Malanson may also get a permanent promotion to Senator.


Story #2077

Side By Side
The Utrek agent is revealed.

Other Fleet News (15/10/14)

  • The Dinos have built their final Dinomark PT and a Dinomark XT.
  • The Aritans have agreed a sale of their single Pentekonter to fellow DTA member Sirikwan for an undisclosed fee. The ship has already been transferred but needs localisation and standardisation before it can join the other Sirikwanese Pentekonters in service.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have added a Furl to their fleet.
  • Putri 500 have taken delivery of 2 Pentekonter E2P1s completing their order for 10 of the type.


Remedian Corkscrews begin combat patrols alone

Although the Corkscrew 51A has been in service with the Remedians for a number of months it has not run any solo patrols. The Remedians generally run their patrol circuits with a pair of ships, and until now one of those ships has been the legacy Perimpaz 39A. However yesterday a new patrol was begun with 2 Corkscrews.

The patrol was their monthly full circuit of the Remedian-Utrek border and they were shadowed by a Utrek warship for as number of hours.


Story #2076

Over Pressure
Has Krusty been broken?

Argon harass Starbotians

Two Argon cruisers are reported to have decloaked and fired on a Starbotian warship in the Aldebra system. However the shots fired were light only (no heat) laser bolts which caused no damage (the equivalent of firing blanks). The Argon ships recloaked afterwards.

The Starbotians have 3 ships in the Aldebra system, a DDS task force is en route to support them.
  • The DDS are looking into purchasing an EW/data support ship to support operations and conduct data / intelligence gathering. The ship would likely be based on the River 75A platform which the DDS is also using for a number of other types. A decision on whether to go forward with such a type, provisionally known as the Type 83A will be made later in the year.


Story #2075

Techno Thug!
SS-CINT are searching for Gibson.

Classic Story #0663

Killers Invisible
Windy forces Gibson to do his bidding.


DDS reduce alert status

The DDS have reduced their alert status to AMBER, however have placed DDS South on a higher alert. The DDS say they do not think the Argon will launch an attack on the DDS or UNP "at this stage". An AMBER alert status also means that the DDS can resume normal maintenance cycles.

The DDS Politburo met again this morning, a stated priority from the meeting is said to be greater intelligence on the Argon and the 7 Sa Sao in general. ISSF are to meet with the Clone Defence Forces to share information on the 7SS, a few years ago the Clones having being involved in a short but bloody war with the Xeon faction.


Clones deploy SS-10 to 5 other planets

The Clones have deployed mobile launchers of its new SS-10 IRBM to 5 other planets after a successful introduction into service on Cloneworld last years. The planets are Sandworld, Lomar, Randalf 74, Austini 55 and Woloron 12. The SS-10 is an advanced new missile designed to strike back against a landed invasion force. It is highly accurate and fitted with a range of stealth technologies including a "cold flame" rocket with very low infra red and heat emissions. It is rumoured that the Clones are also working on visual stealth.

The Gale-III ICBM on Cloneworld has also been tested recently with the new cold flame technology. A new version of this missile, which is also the booster for the Clone Space Missile, is due to enter service in 2118.


Story #2074

Whatever Happened To The Heroes
The hunt is on for Gibson.


Task Force Aldebra

A small but powerful task force has just left Proxima 7 bound for Aldebra where it will "help defend UNP space and support Starbot". The DDS have gone for maximum publicity to intimidate the Argon though its thought that a least one other ship is already secretly en route. All ships being sent are worm drive equipped so will be there in about 8 or 9 days. The Starbotians have 3 ships already at Aldebra. The DDS say their ships will operate under a joint-command with Starbotians retaining overall responsibility for the operation.

The DDS flagship SS Cicero is included in the ships departing though it will return with the bodies of Ice-Ranger and the other lost Prowlers.

H126 Intrepid (flagship)
H169 Sanger Alpha
M171 Mediterranean Sea
K101X Cicero
A182 Zebra


Molab interested in buying Perimpaz 39As

With 3 having been withdrawn over the last couple of months and the remaining 3 due for withdrawal  before the second half of 2115 the long career of Remedia's Perimpaz 39A/Kalahati Tuul 2 Fleet Combat Ships seems over. However Molab have said they are interested in buying the ships, although the amount they are offering is very little.

Molab say although they are only offering a nominal amount they will save the DDS several tens of millions of zarks in decommissioning costs. A Molabite source says Molab thinks it can restore 4 of the ships to service and get 10-15 years out of them following refurbishment for around 100 million zarks. As the ships have been fully updated over the years and are well proven it would be a cost effective way of getting 4 good warships. Molab already operates a fleet of nearly 20 older generation Kalahati Tuuls.


Fleet News (02/10/14)

  • Alpha 121A NFS X703 Gamma has entered service.
  • Provider 71A transport A120 Voyager has joined the fleet.
  • Isometric 41A M106 Eocene has been fitted with worm drive.
  • Perimpaz 39A H205 Loeuss II of the Remedian flotilla has been withdrawn, slightly prematurely after cracks in a reactor coolent system were found. Repair was considered uneconomic as it was due to be withdrawn by the end of the year in any event. The DDS will provide a ship to cover the Remedians on their patrols for the time being.


Ice-Ranger to be returned to Terra

A DDS ship will bring home the bodies of Ice-Ranger and the 2 other Prowler soldiers killed by the Argon. DDS Commander Firefly has sent his own flagship SS Cicero (which is worm drive equipped) to bring them home though even with worm drive it the round trip to Aldebra will take about over 5 weeks.

Ice-Ranger will be buried in his native Norway, Terra where he is a national hero. Since the news of his death broke Norwegians have been in mourning. To honour him Firefly has decreed that the new training base for ISSF being built on Proxima 7, which includes a suite of training environments for special forces, will be known as Camp Ice-Ranger.


DDS order extra aviation

The Air Division of DDS Terrestrial Forces has placed top-up orders for a number of types. The biggest order is for 20 more Cherrybee CBH-90 helicopters which are used mainly by ISSF for patrols and counter-terrorism.

Ten more K-18D COIN aircraft have also been ordered from the Dinos and 5 more LLAD MQ-14 drones.

In other news the Air Division has also been renamed to DDS Air Corps! The Land Division has also been renamed the Land Corps, this has been done as using "division" was causing some confusion.


Wayne King-Meiouf : The mystery of DDS alerts

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

Rather opportune timing, i was just completing this article on the DDS alerts system when Torus is reported to have raised the alert status to ORANGE, thus confirming a rumour that Firefly is not the only DDS member of staff with the power to do so.

I understand that 5 people have the power (though this includes Windscorpion who is dead, so in reality 4 people, the DDS need to update their policies). Firefly of course, Knobhead, Sea Urchin and Torus are the others. From what i have been told Firefly must confirm the alert status change within 12 hours or it reverts back to what it was before.

The DDS alert status signifies the current astral-political situation the DDS finds itself in. RED is a state of war and then alerts drop down depending on tensions and threat. There is also a PURPLE alert level which i will discuss later.

Currently at time of writing the level is ORANGE, the highest alert state for "peacetime". The different alert statuses each have defined readiness and operational protocols. Under ORANGE all leave is cancelled, personnel must return to their posts, all scheduled maintenance is postponed, ships operate on heightened alert, bases restrict access and so on.

The DDS automatically transmits the current alert level across a number of channels, mostly on data channels in the background, every thirty seconds. There are also a number of human friendly transmission methods, including this website of course!

The DDS revised its alert scheme last year to add PURPLE, a level higher than RED. Much of PURPLE is kept secret but PURPLE would only be raised if the DDS was in serious jeopardy, for example if GHQ was lost. From what i have been told it is hoped that PURPLE will never be raised and unlike the other alert levels once the DDS enters PURPLE then it cannot drop again as we are in a "totally new ball game"*.

Senior DDS personnel across all parts of the DDS (fleet commander, base commander, department head level and above) all hold in their possession a sealed data tablet called the Purple Book. It can only be unlocked by themselves (retina and DNA scan) if a PURPLE alert has been called or the automatic alert transmission cannot be read for an hour. Once the Purple Book is unlocked then it contains operational orders (such as dispersal options for a space flotilla for example) and authorisation for emergency powers. Now these are kept highly classified but it basically means that in a PURPLE alert situation DDS commanders would have the power of life and death over UNP citizens in their area...

* PURPLE alert cannot be reverted as an enemy who possesses GHQ might try and take over the alert system. One note, alert levels must always be written in uppercase.

DDS to send task force to Aldebra

The DDS Poliburo met this morning in an emergency session to discuss the serious situation on Aldebra where Ice-Ranger and 2 other Prowler soldiers were killed by the Argon. The DDS will leave Starbot in charge of protecting Aldebra but is to send a small task force to the planet along with extra troops.

The task force is likely to consist of 1 or 2 Fleet Combat Ships, a Rome equipped for ground attack and a support ship though the DDS may rely on the Starbotian oiler which is now approaching the system. The task force is expected to leave in the next couple of days.


DDS engage Argon on Aldebra, Ice-Ranger among casualties

The DDS has raised its alert status to ORANGE (the highest status for a non-combat situation) following a skirmish between a DDS Prowler unit and Argon soldiers on Aldebra. The Prowler unit was led by the veteran Ice-Ranger and had detected and cornered a cloaked Argon unit. However in the firefight it is thought a second undetected Argon unit ambushed the DDS killing Ice-Ranger and 2 other Prowler soldiers.

ISSF Commander Torus raised the alert status and also instigated a raising of security and alert across the whole DDS. DDS Commander Firefly, returning to GHQ following a visit to Solaris, has called an emergency DDS Politburo meeting for tomorrow.

Speaking on DDS TV Torus said that Ice-Ranger had been a well-liked member of the DDS who had fought alongside so many since the late Clone Wars. His loss would be missed Torus added.


Story #2073

I Am Your God!
The DDS and Argon come to blows.


DDS discuss ways to protect UNP shipping

Despite a few close shaves in the ABBO-Bolitic War no UNP civilian transports were lost to enemy action though the growing commerce and number of ships in service with UNP registered shipping companies means that it is likely that in the next war in DDS/UNP space commercial carriers will be under threat.

To that end the DDS have begun discussions with a consortium of the largest shipping companies which together own about 72% of the entire UNP civilian tonnage. The DDS have offered help and kits to add DDS communications frequencies to civilian ship communication systems to improve warning and the ability to call for assistance. The DDS will also offer advice and expertise on damage control and internal security. The DDS have also considered fitting commercial ships with the required support systems and electric fittings so they can be outfitted with Canister TPM rapidly in a war situation  though commercial carriers have declined this idea as they think this would make them more of a target.


Story #2072

Keep Creating Chances
Has Gibson been caught in the act?


The Historian : The First Dino Space Age

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

Its been some time since i have written for this website. For the last few months i have been on Dino-Land researching the once mythical First Dino Space Age, which thanks to Ronald's mission last year is now somewhat less of a myth...

The First Dino Space Age is the name given to the first technological civilisation on Dino-Land which rose around 6000 years ago. Little trace of this civilisation remains on Dino-Land and much of what is known about them is wrapped in myth. Even what the civilisation called itself is unknown.

These Dinos developed technology and finally reached out to the stars. Their space faring technology was thought to be fairly primitive, possibly using warp drive and not hyperspace technologies meaning that they were limited to around the speed of light. However they managed to set up colonies on planets near to Dino-Land and further afield. These colonies were not an empire due to the difficulties in maintaining communications which was only by ship (FTL communications was unknown to them) and even ship travel took years or even decades. Later on these Dinos managed to discover natural wormholes which allowed them to spread further afield in a limited manner (the Bolitic use these wormholes to this day).

So around 5000 years ago a Dino space faring civilisation was beginning to develop. Unfortunately on Dino-Land itself things were turning sour. An obsession with the occult and black magic had given rise to the Acheron faction who tapped into secret and hidden knowledge from earlier, alien and even less known civilisations. The Acheron began to use genetic engineering to create a "super race", among the improvements being in massively increased psychic powers. These augmented beings were known as the Chosen.

The Chosen sought to take over the planet and enslave the non-augmented mass of the population. War ensured, which soon escalated into a full nuclear onslaught that destroyed the First Dino Space Age and left little trace. Dino-Land was left in ruins, a small number of survivors left in the Dino equivalent of the Stone Age. However these Dinos did eventually form the Dino Republic we know today.

The Dino space colonies were also affected by the war and similarly devastated or left cut off from supplies and also regressed. These colonies sometimes died out but many survived and now form the likes of Sirikwan, the Repicans and the Bolitic Confederacy. In some cases the racial memories of the war have survived in the form of hatred of the mother planet.

The furthest colony managed to avoid the war though they did struggle when cut off, however they did manage to keep their civilisation and technology intact. This is the Malanas Assembly, whom Ronald met last year and helped provide which much of the above information. Because of their largely unbroken technological development over the millennia the Malanas possess technology and a culture far in advance of anything else we know of in the galaxy. So it could have been for all of the Dino colonies perhaps if the Acheron had not risen. However our human history is likely to have been greatly changed too. While it is not thought Dinos from the First Dino Space Age visited Earth it surely would have happened sooner or later and they may have conquered us, fostered us, or even eaten us...

Panthers to undergo Space Combat Upgrade

The Panther 35A fleet is the first to receive Space Combat Upgrades. This will eventually be a Fleet and Medium Combat Ship wide upgrade programme to accommodate the DDS' new "Space Marines". Developed from the Prowlers these will be a growing force of troops specially trained in ship borne combat. One problem is however that few DDS warships have space to accommodate them.

The Panthers will be reorganised internally with one of the storage bays removed (the Panthers have proved to have too much space anyway) and the 2 science labs merged into 1. Accommodation for up to 20 soldiers and their support team will be added as well as 3 extra teleport devices. The medical bay of the Panthers will also be upgraded with enhanced triage and casualty receiving facilities.

While the upgrade is taking place the Panthers will also receive their yearly heavy maintenance and general updating of key systems. The work should be done by the end of the year.


Story #2071

Darker Than Night
Krusty is tasked to bring down Gibson.


Furl sparks concern in Dino Army

Sources in the Dino Army report that the new Bolitic Furl battlecruiser (officially unveiled yesterday though known about for several months) is causing a number of strategic and tactical headaches for the Dinos.

The Furl is a step change from the traditional Bolitic large warship which tended to be heavily armed and protected but lumbering and slow. Thus the Dinos have developed ships and tactics to use speed and agility against the Bolitic. However the Furl is said to be much more agile, though not as much as a Dinomark or even a large DDS ship like the Panther 35A. Its speed and agility however is easily enough to negate a lot of Dino advantage and tactics.

One interesting aspect is that the Dinos think the Furl will be a large strategic headache for the Bolitic too as for the next 8-10 or so years at least it will operate in a fleet that is dominated by much slower and lumbering ships than it. The Bolitic may be forced to hold back on fully deploying the Furl until they have sufficient numbers to form specialist flotillas a Dino strategic is reported to have said.


Dinos fit worm drive to Dinomark RS

The Dinos have finally fitted worm drive to their trio of Dinomark RS battlecruisers. The powerful ships have waited some time for the upgrade though a Dino Army spokesdino said the RS tends to be used as a static defence strong point mostly in peace time so there was not felt urgency to do it until now.

The RS is fitted with an uprated W1B drive (W1BA) to handle the extra mass. Work on the improved drive was shared with the DDS who have developed the W1AA for their large transports. The RS has a rated worm drive speed of 4800ec.
  • Amid an imperial celebration on Castarian (which involved no fewer than 5000 prisoners being executed live on TV) the Bolitic Confederacy have unveiled their latest battlecruiser the BS7500 Furl. Emperor Melson said the first is now in service as his new flagship to be followed by many more. The Furl is said to use Utrek propulsion and weapon technology and is much more nimble than the earlier generations of Bolitic cruiser like the Snarl and Helwin which tended to be lumbering beasts.


Gunfight on Aldebra

There has been a gunfight on Aldebra between the UNP colony's own police and unknown cloaked beings who tripped an alarm near the DDS liaison office. No injuries were reported on the Aldebran side and it is doubtful any of the enemy were hit either.

A DDS Prowler unit moved into support the Aldebrans but the enemy teleported out. Their identity is still undetermined but it is suspected to be Argon special forces.


Dinos to build long-range reconnaissance ship based on AM

The Dinos are to build a long-range patrol and reconnaissance ship based on their forthcoming Dinomark AM platform. This is a separate project from the future cruiser (Project ZWU) which is also based on the AM.

The Dinomark AR will be built from 2116 and a fleet of 12 are expected to be eventually built. It will share a line with the AM which begins production next year.

The other new Dinomark, the XT replacement Project GHT, is expected to be named and unveiled before the end of the year. Production of that is due to begin in 2116.


Civilian Partnership ends

The DDS' big annual humanitarian and disaster relief Civilian Partnership has ended after an intense 2 weeks where a mass pandemic caused by a biological weapon was simulated and the DDS led the relief effort along with the UNP's disaster relief agency UNP-RRT.

DDS Director of Operations Knobhead said the exercise had highlighted some shortcomings in DDS Medical Services ability to handle mass quarantined casualties. More equipment would be ordered and procedures reviewed.


Other Fleet News (15/09/14)

  • The Dinos have built 2 Dinomark PTs (just 1 left is due to be completed) and an Extender EDA oiler.
  • New Arit has received the first 2 Shark SKH-EAs it has on order. With the first Sharks now in service Arit plan to sell its single Pentekonter.
  • Vontapi has received 2 Pentekonter Protector 216-V1s.

UV206 : Windy's Little War

  • Oh Its Magic - Windy's war against the Tarbotians begins.
  • Work Harder - The Tarbotians send an entire fleet to face Windy's pirate armada.
  • The Battle @ Orki 913 - Windy's pirates and the Tarbotians do battle.
  • Everything At Once - Windy's pirate armada gets closer to its goal.
  • They'll Miss Him - Windy's armada prepares for the final battle.
  • Minor Placings - The final battle for Okis 612 has an unexpected twist.
  • Cool Stuff - After the catastrophic war with the pirates the Tarbot Empire licks its wounds.


Story #2067

Cool Stuff
After the catastrophic war with the pirates the Tarbot Empire licks its wounds.


Starbot to send troops to Aldebra

Starbot are to send a battalion of infantry to Aldebra to help guard the planet. The troops, who are expected to arrive in 2 weeks, will work with Aldebra's police (the UNP colony has no armed forces of its own) and a couple of DDS Prowler special forces units.

One of Starbot's Extender 73A oilers will bring the troops and other supplies and stay to support the Starbotian ships which will stay in the Aldebra system until further notice. I-6 is due to arrive tomorrow and will support the 2 ships already there until the oiler arrives.


Clones begin efforts to restore Zoneland

The Clones have begun what will be a long (and potentially expensive though they arn't spending much yet) programme to restore Zoneland to habitability. The planet was devastated by a saturation nuclear attack by the DDS forcing the Zone population to flee, many now living on the Clone planet of Colom in camps.

The most lethal radiation had a very short half-life but the biosphere of the planet was wrecked and little can survive there at the moment. The Clones have established an orbital science base over the planet and will explore various decontamination efforts.

Unknown beings trip security sensors on Aldebra

Unknown beings wearing personal cloaks have tripped a security sensor near to the DDS liaison office on Aldebra. The Aldebran security services were quick to say it was not them and the DDS also say it was not DDS personnel. The fingers points to Argon special forces who are thought to be operating on the planet. Unlike earlier cloak tripping incidents it is not thought this one was intentional.

The DDS is sending a "security backup team" to Aldebra. This will include more cloak detection grids and ISSF security personnel. Although denied officially ISSF Prowler units are thought to be already on the planet. One Aldebran source is saying that a DDS Prowler unit did track a cloaked team but were unable to intercept them before they were beamed off the planet.


Story #2066

Minor Placings
The final battle for Okis 612 has an unexpected twist.

Raegris to invest big in worm drives in 2115, with DDS benefiting

The Raegris have hitherto not fitted the W1A worm drive to any of their ships even though as DDS Tier 1 allies they have access to the technology. That is to change though after the Raegris announced a large multi-billion zark programme starting next year to fit worm drives to all of their front line warships by the end of 2116.

All 5 Quasars, 20 Isometrics and 11 Yel'Temas (plus the 7 new build) in their fleet will be fitted with the drives. The DDS will also fit worm drives to its Quasars next year after working on the calibration together with the Raegris. The forthcoming Mulberry Fleet Combat Ships based on the Yel'Tema will also have worm drive.


Story #2065

They'll Miss Him
Windy's armada prepares for the final battle.

Tarbotians have reduced forces in Kantalda by 60%

The DDS are reporting that the Tarbotians have reduced their forces in their new Kantalda province by about 60%. Around 40 warships have been spotted by long range scans leaving Kantalda and heading back into the Tarbotian Empire. There are also reports that the number of troops on Kantalda has been reduced by a legion.

Why the Tarbotians have reduced forces is unknown, there is now only around 30 warships in the province though extensive static defences have been built up at key points. It may be the Tarbotians have been testing their surge ability to reinforce the province or have some trouble elsewhere that needs reinforcements being sent.


Dinos launch expedition to follow up on Long Shot

The Dinos have launched a 5 ship expedition to follow up on Ronald's epic Long Shot voyage last year. The expedition will officially cover several areas Ronald visited but insiders say the real reason for the mission is to assess the strength and threat of the Terrasaurs whom Ronald ran into towards the end of his voyage.

The Terrasaurs' Saurian allies the Terib-Kan will also be of interest, their technology is said to be on a par with the Dinos but the strength of this new faction is unknown.


Argon ship fires at DDS transport

The tense situation with the Argon faction of the 7 Sa Sao has been notched up another level after an Argon cruiser is reported to have fired warning shots at a DDS transport. The Provider 71A was travelling between Liberation and Vontapi, a DDS customer - it is likely the DDS ship was carrying spares for the ships Vontapi have bought off the DDS, when the incident happened some 7 light years from Aldebra.

The DDS ship left hyperspace and took up a defensive posture, armed with a number of Canister TPMs it was not unprotected. However the Argon ship did not stop and continued its journey, cloaking. Its heading would have taken it to Aldebra. The DDS ship was not damaged and is continuing its journey.

DDS Director of Operations Knobhead has decried the intimidation, the DDS Politburo will meet next week to discuss the Argon situation.


DDS special forces operating on Aldebra?

Although the DDS officially do not have any ships in the Aldebra system a local media outlet is reporting that a DDS ship is in the system but remaining under cloak. They also say that at least 2 Prowler special forces units have within the last few days been deployed to the planet.

With Argon special forces thought to have been on Aldebra already the move could be seen as a response and extra protection for the DDS liaison office on the planet. The DDS are refusing to comment on the matter. How the local media know is unknown though it is speculated that the DDS purposely leaked it to warn the Argon.


FES send ships to help Starbot

The Free Eritran States led by Molab have dispatched a fleet consisting of an Isometric, 2 Pentekonters and an Extender oiler (operated by Sear N7) to Aldebra to assist the Starbotians with the Argon 7 Sa Sao.

However the ships will not arrive for over a week to reinforce the Panther and Isometric from Starbot's fleet that are already there. The Starbotian combat transport I-6 Ixion is due to arrive in the Aldebra system by the end of the weekend and will support operations.

There have been no more sightings since the momentary cloak "failure" (thought to have been intentional) which revealed a fleet of Argon ships nearby. There has been a suspected incursion on Aldebra by unknown beings who may have conducted reconnaissance near the DDS liaison office on the planet. Trace of the beings was found after they had left, it is thought this again was intentional and part of the Argon intimidation.
  • The DDS have ruled out sending any ships to Aldebra for now though have sent 3 extra ships to Malau and will take over 2 patrol circuits usually maintained by Starbot. No more cyber attacks have been reported for the last few days though the DDS are maintaining full data security across DDS South.


Story #2064

Everything At Once
Windy's pirate armada gets closer to its goal.

Civilian Partnership 2114

The DDS' big annual humanitarian and disaster relief exercise will begin in a few days in conjunction with the UNP's disaster relief agency UNP-RRT. The exercise will take place on Liberation again though the theme has changed from a simulated asteroid strike to a major disease outbreak as it was thought an asteroid was too similar to last year's exercise which simulated an orbital bombardment and nuclear power stations going critical.

The exercise will simulate an enemy power unleashing a biological weapon on the planet with containment, communication, liaison and treatment phases of the exercise which is expected to last 2 weeks. The ships to be involved are:

L131 Tethys Ocean (flag)
A901 Florence Nightingale
L151 Oceania
L156 North America
S224 Fuji
H161 Solaris
M133 Firedrake
K109 Sulla (with photo reconnaissance module)
K157 Osprey
K162W Pelican
K167W Puffin
A111 Forwarder
A229 Orinoco
A159 Hexane